Ibrahima Bayo Manuscript Collection

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    Images of Ibrahima Bayo and Tanaff Arrondissement
    (2018-07-03) Ngom, Ibrahima
    Images taken at the home of the manuscript owner, Ibrahima Bayo in Tanaff, Sedhiou, Senegal, for the manuscript digitization work done in July 2018. The first image is of the manuscript owner being interviewed by Ibrahima Yaffa at his home.
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    Mandinkakaŋ Suukuwo: Mandinka Devotional Poetry (Sabuuri Yaa Sabuuri)
    Dabo, Youssouph; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    An ephemeral Mandinka Ajami text, which is a copy from the original song written by Youssouph Dabo and popularized by the famous Senegambian Mandinka religious singer, Landing Kintibaa. The song celebrates God and calls for unity and peace. It pays tribute to Prophet Muḥammad, enjoins the faithful to follow God's injunctions, and advises them to seek useful knowledge so that they can understand better their obligations as human beings and Muslims.
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    Sunkari Sali Kutubo: ʻĪd al-Fiṭr Sermon
    Unknown; Bayo Bilama, Makili (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy from the Arabic original with comments in Mandinka Ajami. It is a sermon delivered by an Imam on the day of ʻĪd al-Fiṭr celebrated at the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It reminds the faithful of the importance of Ramadan in Islam, its benefits, and the diffrerent ways to give the obligatory Islamic charity (Arabic: Zakāt).
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    Lasili Kitaabo aniŋ Banna Sali Kutubo: Rituals and ʻĪd al-ʾaḍḥā Sermon
    Unknown; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    Contains a collection of three small manuscripts, including a three-page religious poem with glosses in Mandinka Ajami, a three-page document dealing with Islamic rituals with glosses in Mandinka Ajami, and an Imam's sermon on 'īd al-ʾaḍḥā (Mandinka: Bannaa) with glosses in Mandinka Ajami. The sermon deals with various themes, including the Abrahamic origin of the holiday, the meaning of sacrificing a sheep on the day, and how the meat should be used
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    Kitāb al-'Ilm: Book of Knowledge
    Al-Ghazālī; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy from an Arabic original written by Imam al-Ghazali with recent glosses in Mandinka Ajami, which was made thirty two years ago. It discusses the importance of knowledge. It highlights how the benefits dwarf the difficulties that one necessarily encounters in the quest for knowledge.
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    Tawḥid: Oneness of God
    Unknown; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of the Arabic original. It deals with the unique attributes of God. It contains new added glosses in Mandinka Ajami, as the blue ink made by a modern pen indicates.
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    Aqīda: Teaching Islamic Creed
    Bayo, Ablaye; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy from the original Arabic document with glosses in Mandinka Ajami made by Ablaye Bayo in 1983. The document is for students at the elementary level in the Mandinka Islamic curriculum.
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    Kitaaboo Foloota: The Book Began
    Unknown; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The manuscript is a Mandinka Ajami poem titled Kitaaboo Foloota (English: The Book Began), which alludes to the beginning of the Quran. The poem praises God and Prophet Muḥammad and teaches tawḥid (English: oneness of God). The poem is very popular among Mandinka scholars and has been found in several collections.
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    Kaŋ Kalifa Jaabi la Araabukaŋ Kuloolu Karandiro: Arabic Grammar Lessons by Kang Kalifa Diaby
    Diaby, Kang Kalifa; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The document is a copy from the original written by the famous Mandinka scholar and teacher, Kang Kalifa Diaby. The document is designed to teach Arabic grammar to Mandinka learners. The document is bilingual. Mandinka Ajami glosses are used to explain Arabic grammatical concepts, especially verbs and their derivations. The manuscript was copied from the original in 1983.
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    Kuukoy la Maasibo: Kukoi's Failed Coup
    Toure, El-hadji Seckou; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of the original Mandinka Ajami poem written by El-hadji Seckou Toure from Jarra in The Gambia. The poem deals with the dangerous atmosphere that prevailed in The Gambia during Kukoi Samba Sanyang's failed coup attempt in 1981. As an eyewitness, the poet describes the collective confusion and fear that Kukoi created and the movements of Gambian and Senegalese troops to foil the coup. The poet talks about the weapons that the troops used to face Kukoi and his men, and how he fled to Guinea Bissau. He presents Kukoi as a coward and a cursed person who was bent on bringing chaos to his own native land. The poem is written in Mandinka Ajami in order to help Mandinka people understand and remember the sad episode of Kukoi's failed coup attempt in The Gambia.
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    Sitookoto Daabo la Suukuwo: A Poem by Sitokoto Dabo (Yaa Allah, Yaa Rahman, Yaa Rahim)
    Dabo, Sitokoto; Bayo, Ablaye (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of the original written in Mandinka Ajami by Sitokoto Dabo, one of the most famous Mandinka Ajami poets of Senegambia. The poem combines praises of God for His protection and mercy with prayers for peace, health, long life, and protection from Satan, among other things.
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    Sitookoto Daabo la Suukuwo: A Poem by Sitokoto Dabo (Arfang Bajinka: Open your ears!)
    Dabo, Sitokoto; Bayo, Kabirou (scribe)
    The document is a copy of a Mandinka Ajami poem written by the famous Mandinka poet, Aboubacar Dabo, who is popularly known as Sitokoto Dabo. The poem deals with Islamic inheritance rules, explains the notion of inheritance (Mandinka: Keetaala) and discusses the rights and shares of each heir. The poem is meant to be chanted and recited for wider dissemination of its content.
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    Kaŋ Kalifa Jaabi la Suukuwo: A Poem by Kang Kalifa Diaby
    Diaby, Kang Kalifa; Bayo, Ibrahima (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy of a poem written by the renowned Mandinka scholar, Kang Kalifa Diaby. The poem is dedicated to the Tunisian scholar, Ibn Zayd al-Qayrawānī, who lived in the 4th century (AH). The manuscript is written in Arabic with extensive glosses in Mandinka Ajami.
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    Ramuloo II: Divination II
    Unknown; Bayo, Kabirou (scribe)
    The manuscript was translated in Mandinka Ajami from the original Arabic version. According to the owner, this copy was made from the Mandinka Ajami translation. It deals with divination techniques (including astrological signs and names of important Islamic religious figures) used to identify people's problems and to find appropriate solutions. The techniques in the document are also used to predict people's future, anticipate the challenges they might face, and the ways to thwart or overcome them.
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    Ramuloo I: Divination I
    Unknown; Bayo, Makili Bilama (scribe)
    The manuscript is a copy from the original document written in Mandinka Ajami by Makili Bayo Bilama. It was a gift given in 1980 to Al-hadji Aboubacar Seydi who was living in Dakar. The manuscript deals with divination techniques (including astrological signs) used to identify people's problems and to find appropriate solutions. The techniques in the document are also used to predict people's future, anticipate the challenges they might face, and the ways to thwart or overcome them. This form of divination is part of Khatt al-Raml in Arabic, which is very old and popular in Mandinka communities. The popularity of this genre in Mandinka communities is reflected in the numbers of copies and manuscripts dealing with divination and astrology found in several collections.