Arfang Wandifa Toure Manuscript Collection

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    Haadamadiŋoolu aniŋ Daafeŋoolu Dadaañaa Kitaabo: Book of Creation
    The manuscript is a copy of an Arabic document dealing with the Islamic story of the creation of humanity, animals, earth and sky, and heaven and hell. It highlights the importance of animals and the environment in people’s lives. It talks about the conducts that Muslims ought to have towards animals and their environment, and enjoins them to cultivate moral behavior and knowledge for a better understanding and improvement of their lives on earth.
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    Images of Imam Arfang Wandifa Toure and the community of Sakar
    (2018-10-05) Ngom, Ibrahima
    Images of manuscript owner Imam Arfang Wandifa Toure and the community of Sakar, Sedhiou, Senegal, for the manuscript digitization work done in October 2018.