Amharic Ajami Manuscripts of Ethiopia
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Fieldwork Team: Gabeyehu Adugna (Principal Investigator), Rachel Dwyer (Principle Investigator) Ahmed Tayib (Local Project Manager), Muhammed Jawad (Boston Facilitator). Technical Team: Prof. Fallou Ngom (Project Director and the Former Director of African Studies Center), Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries), and Ethan Key (Intern, BU Libraries). The fieldwork team would like to thank the following individuals and institutions who provided vital assistance in facilitation and consultation during fieldwork: Dr. Endris Mohammed, Professor, Addis Ababa University Linguistics Department, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Hussein Kassim Mohammedsani, PhD candidate. Addis Ababa University Linguistics Department, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Council, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Additional thanks to to the staff of the Rahnile Hotel in Bahir Dar.
These collections of Amharic Ajami manuscripts are copied as part of the African Studies Center’s Ajami Library. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright. All rights reserved to the author. For use, distribution or reproduction contact Professor Fallou Ngom ( Required Citation: Materials in this web edition may be cited as: Adugna, G., Dwyer,R., Ngom, F., and Castro, E. (2021). African Ajami Library: Amharic Ajami Manuscripts. Boston: Boston University Libraries: For Inquiries: Please contact Professor Fallou Ngom (