Progress Notes: BUMC Parkinson’s Disease Center

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Progress Notes was a newsletter published by the BU Medical Center’s Parkinson’s Disease Center.

Issues published between 1989-1996, retained by the Alumni Medical Library Archives, have been digitized and are now available in this collection.


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Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
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    Progress Notes: January 1994
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1994-01) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Saint-Hilaire, Marie; Turpin, Denyse; McCarthy, Jeanne; Perry, Linda
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    Progress Notes: June 1993
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1993-06) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Price, Michael J.; Perry, Linda
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    Progress Notes: July 1991
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1991-07) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Saint-Hilaire, Marie; McCarthy, Jeanne
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    Progress Notes: March 1996
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1996-03) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Myers, Richard H.
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    Progress Notes: August 1992
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1992-08) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Perry, Linda; McCarthy, Jeanne; Saint-Hilaire, Marie
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    Progress Notes: October 1990
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1990-10) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Auerbach, Sanford; Perry, Linda; Murphy, Jeanne
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    Progress Notes: February 1990
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1990-02) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Saint-Hilaire, Marie; Perry, Linda; Murphy, Jeanne
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    Progress Notes: July 1989
    (Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center, 1989-07) Parkinson's Disease Center at Boston University Medical Center; Thomas, Cathi; Saint-Hilaire, Marie; Murphy, Jeanne; Mosbach, Peter