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Volume XVII
No. 4 (July-August 2007)
Blank, Stephen, "Russia Targets Missile Defense"
Angley, Robyn, "Book Review--Georgia Diary: A Chronicle of War and Political Chaos in the Post-Soviet Caucasus"
No. 3 (May-June 2007)
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Russian Military: After Ivanov"
Malik, Zamon, "Karimov's Dilemma"
Goltz, Thomas, "Book Review: The Chechen (book) Problem Solved"
No. 2 (March-April 2007)
Blank, Stephen, "Black Sea Rivalry"
Heathershaw, John, "The Tulip Fades: "Revolution" and repercussions in Kyrgyzstan"
No. 1 (October-November 2006)
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Delusions in US-Russian Relations"
Ra'anan, Uri, "Book Review: Rule of the Siloviki"
Rosenberger, Chandler, "Book Review: Cold War Revisited"
Volume XVI
No. 3 (May 2006)
Blank, Stephen, "China's Energy Crossroads "
Verbitz, Max, "Russian-Chinese Military Cooperation: Can a Bear Trust a Dragon?"
No. 2 (March 2006)
Cavan, Susan, "The 2008 Succession: Fact or Fiction? "
Adami, Fabian, "The Double-Headed Tulip: Kyrgyzstan's Revolution"
No. 1 (October-November 2005)
Blank, Stephen, "Hysteria à la Kyiv"
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Russia's Imperial General Staff"
Rosenberger, Chandler, "Book Review: Sympathy for the Devil"
Volume XV
No. 2 (February-March 2005)
Lynch, Tammy, "Orange Revolution: The Prehistory"
Ruzaliev, Odil, "Elections in Uzbekistan: Neither Orange nor Rose"
No. 1 (October-November 2004)
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Degradation of the Russian Military: General Anatoli Kvashnin"
Khakamada, Irina, "Russia's Democratic Movement: Guilt by Association"
Montgomery, David W., "Dissertation Perspectives: Central Asia"
Volume XIV
No. 4 (June-July 2004)
Abdullaev, Timur, "Uzbekistan Manuevers"
Lyons, Paul J., CDR, "Capsule Review"
Vaillant, Janet, "Revised...Again: The Politics of History"
Verbitz, Max, "Contributor's Clarifications"
No. 3 (March-April 2004)
Staar, Richard, "Siloviki Inside"
Verbitz, Max, "New Russia (In an Old Trap)"
No. 2 (January-February 2004)
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Military Doctrine or Election Manifesto: The Ivanov Doctrine"
Roy, Sergei, "Another View: The Splendor and Misery of the Russian Press"
No. 1 (October-November 2003)
Blank, Stephen, "Benign Hegemony?: Russia's Grand Delusion"
Ponomarev, Lev, "Myths and Reality: The Russian Leadership & Chechnya"
Shapiro, Ariela, "Why not 99% ? :Elections a la Chechnya"
Volume XIII
No. 4 (March-April 2003)
Kwast, Steve, "Russia Pressures Southern Neighbors"
Hall, Michael, "Tajikistan: The Mirage of Stability"
No. 3 (January-February 2003)
Chiharro, Rustam, "More Questions about Terrorism"
Devdariani, Jaba, "Georgia on a Fault Line"
Suleymanov, Elin, "Short-Term vs. Long-term Interests"
No. 2 (November-December 2002)
Blank, Stephen, "Arms Sales, Soviet Style"
Izmailov, Vyacheslav, "The Drama Behind 'Nord-Ost' "
No. 1 (September-October 2002)
Devdariani, Jaba, "Georgia Reacts to Russian Pressure"
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Who Will be Russia's Best Friend?"
Kaliyev, Roustam, "Can 'Power Ministries' Be Reformed?"
Volume XII
No. 4 (March-February 2002)
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Arms Exports & The Russian Military,"
Areshidze, Irakly G., "Helping Georgia?"
Lynch, Tammy M., "Post-election Ukraine: What Next?"
No. 3 (January-February 2002)
Blank, Stephen, "Should NATO Invite the Baltic States?"
Naletova, Inna, "Religion, the State and Civil Society,"
No. 2 (November-December 2001)
Staar, Richard F., "Russia's New Politburo?"
Hall, Michael A., "Central Asia Takes Center Stage"
Roshchin, Mikhail, "Rhetoric Clouds 'War on Terrorism'"
No. 1 (September-October 2001)
Berman, Ilan, "Slouching Toward Eurasia?"
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Russia's Secret Operations"
Kaliyev, Roustam, "Chechen Reality: GRU vs. FSB"
Kaliyev, Roustam, "The Particulars of a 'Cleansing'"
Volume XI
No. 4 (March-April 2001)
Lynch, Tammy, "Kuchmagate's Collateral Damage"
Pain, Dr. Emil, "Republics Resist Centralization"
No. 3 (January-February 2001)
Goltz, Thomas, "Georgia on the Brink"
Rubenstein, Joshua, "Behind the Gestures: Anti-Semitic Acts Ignored"
Staar, Richard F., "Toward a Police State?"
No. 2 (November-December 2000)
Izmailov, Vyacheslav, "The Babitsky Trial: Rule of Law?"
Kakachia, Kornely K., "Will GUUAM & EEC Bury the CIS?"
Miller, Sarah K. and Miller, Richard, "Strategic Arms Control: Russia Takes the Offensive"
No. 1 (September-October 2000)
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Tragedy Keeps Paranoia Afloat"
Kovalev, Sergei, "After Kosovo and Chechnya"
Roshchin, Mikhail, "Dagestan & the War Next Door"
Volume X
No. 4 (March-April 2000)
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Chechnya: Russia's Forces Unreconstructed"
Pustintsev, Boris, "Russia's Media: Back to the USSR?"
Staar, Richard,"KGB & Other Buddies in Putin Apparat"
No. 3 (January-February 2000)
Martin-Bittman, Lawrence M., "Disinforming the Public"
Sadchikov,Aleksandr, "Alliances, Russian-style"
Waller, Michael, "Portrait of Putin's Past"
No. 2 (November-December 1999)
Lanskoy, Miriam, "Can OSCE Cope with the Caucasus"
Rotar, Igor, "Chechen Spark - Caucasian Powderkeg"
Sedov, Leonid, "Gauging the Media's Influence"
No. 1 (September-October 1999)
Sadchikov, Alexander, "Perks and Privileges for Russian MPs"
Staar, Richard F., "Funding Russia's Rearmament"
Volume IX
No. 4 (March-April 1999)
Afanas'ev, Yuri, "Russian Imperial Policy: Tsars — Bolsheviks — Primakov"
Drummond, Fred, "Russian Navy Listing, but Afloat"
Pustintsev, Boris, "Kafka's World: FSB and 'Law'"
Rosenberger, Chandler, "Russia's 'Little Slav Brother'?"
Letters to the Editor
No. 3 (January-February 1999)
Knight, Amy, "US POWs and Russian Archives"
Lanskoy, Miriam, "Power, Policy & Political Parties: Interview with Boris Nemtsov"
Proshechkin, Yevgeni, "Fascism Gets Boost from Communists"
No. 2 (November-December 1998)
Staar, Richard F., "Russia's Military: Corruption in the Higher Ranks"
Tolz, Vera, "'Creating' a Russian Nation"
"Bullets Silence Voice of Reason," An Appreciation of Galina Starovoitova
"From The Database," Interview with Mikhail Poltoranin
No. 1 (September-October 1998)
Alibek, Ken, "Behind the Mask: Biological Warfare"
Rumyantsev, Oleg G.," 'Impeachment': Russian Style"
Thurman, Michael DeMar, "Regions Carp as Center Flounders"
Volume VIII
No. 4 (March-April 1998)
Khutsishvili, George, "Georgia: A Country Between Assaults"
Magomedkhanov, Magomedkhan, "Dagestan: Rents in the Fabric of Government"
Varfolomeyev, Oleg, "Ukraine: Forging a New Path"
No. 3 (January-February 1998)
Staar, Richard F., "Russia's National Security Concept"
Zhukov, Yuri N., "Russia's Archives: Opportunities & Restrictions"
No. 2 (November-December 1997)
Rosenberger, Chandler, "Moscow's Multipolar Mission"
Rotar, Igor, "State of Disunion"
From the Database: Oil in the Caucasus
No.1 (September-October 1997)
Korotich, Vitaly, "The High Cost of a 'Free' Press"
Sossinsky, Sergei, "First Steps Toward a Multiparty State"
Waller, J. Michael, "Russia's Security Services: A Checklist for Reform"
Volume VII
No. 4 (March-April 1997)
Kovalev, Sergei, "The Anti-NATO Coterie"
Staar, Richard F., "Russia Expands Its Military R & D"
From the Database: Zatulin and Migranyan on the CIS
No. 3 (January-February 1997)
Lanskoy, Miriam, "Georgia: 'A Far-off Country ...' ?"
Shepherd, Monika, "Intervention in Central Asia"
Waller, J. Michael, "Primakov's Imperial Line"
No. 2 (November-December 1996)
Lohman, Diederik, "The Nikitin Case: Rule of Law?"
Peters, Rita P., "The Baltic Search for Security"
No. 1 (September-October 1996)
Afanasyev, Yuri, "Reclaiming Russian History"
Altshuler, Boris, "Human Rights and State Secrecy"
Lunev, Stanislav, "Lebed' and Rodionov: Views on Russia's Security"
Volume VI
No. 4 (March-April 1996)
Rotar, Igor, "Yel'tsin's Plan & Chechnya's Peace"
Velekhov, Leonid, "Russia-Cuba Relations: The Primacy of 'Ideology'"
Yanov, Alexander, "Behind Zyuganov's Smile"
No. 3 (January-February 1996)
Albats, Yevgenia, "The Fate of Russian Democracy"
Sedov, Leonid, "Russia's Post-Electoral Landscape"
Yemelyanenko, Vladimir, "The Crossroads of Russian Federalism"
No. 2 (November-December 1995)
Grigoriev, Sergei, "The China Card & Russian Roulette"
Kasianov, Heorhii, "Russia-Ukraine: The Imperial Syndrome"
Markov, Sergei, "In Defense of Moscow's Anti-Western Tilt"
No. 1 (September-October 1995)
Rumyantsev, Oleg, "Constitution Hinders Legislative Process"
Tselms, Georgy, "Elections Without a Party System"
Volume V
No. 4 (March-April 1995)
Grigoriev, Sergei, "Iron Fist versus Democrats"
Loshak, Viktor, "An Island Called the Press"
Maneva, Tatiana, "From Anarchy to Totalitarianism?"
No. 3 (January-February 1995)
Crow, Suzanne, "Yel'tsin's Chechnya"
Starovoitova, Galina, "What Future for Democracy"
Waller, J. Michael, "Who Is Making Foreign Policy?"
No. 2 (November-December 1994)
Lorenz, Peter, "Punctual Pullout: An Overture?"
Teague, Elizabeth, "Overhauling the Administration: Federalization a la Carte"
Tolz, Vera, "Short-term Stability: At What Cost?"
No. 1 (September-October 1994)
Cavan, Susan J., "Presidential Apparatus: Constant Change"
Felgenhauer, Pavel, "Russia's Arms Sales Lobbies"
Korotich, Vitaly, "Russian Media: Victors or Victims?"
Volume IV
No. 4 (April-May 1994)
Mirzayanov, Vil S. "Chemical Weapons: An Expose"
Ponomarev, Lev, A. "Multiparty Politics in Russia"
Waller, J. Michael, "State Within a State: The KGB & Its 'Successors'"
No. 3 (February-March 1994)
Afanasyev, Yuri, "'A New Russian Imperialism'"
Khutsishvili, George, "Intervention in Transcaucasus"
Peters, Rita, "Russia Pressures the Baltic States"
No. 2 (December 1993)
Armes, Keith, "Russia's New Military Doctrine"
Armes, Keith, "'Present at the Creation': Genesis of a Multi-Party System"
Gibbs, Joseph, "Secrets of Russian Journalism"
No. 1 (September-October 1993)
Lyubarsky, Kronid, "Russian Parties & Law"
Ra'anan, Uri, "A Problematic Electoral System"
Volume III
No. 4 (April-May 1993)
From the Database: Archival Revelations
Ra'anan, Uri, "'Bosnias' on Russia's Borders?"
Zhavoronkov, Gennadi, "Behind Closed Doors: A New Military Doctrine?"
No. 3 (January-February 1993)
From the Database: Principal Parliamentary Groupings
Ponomarev, Lev A., "Tasks for Russian Democrats"
Ra'anan, Uri, "Russia: Portents?"
No. 2 (November 1992)
From the Database: Transcript of Politburo Meeting
Korotich, Vitaly, "Economy Endangering Free Media"
Yakunin, Gleb, "More Challenges to RF Democrats"
No. 1 (September 1992)
"Highlights of RF Law: The Status of Judges in Russia,"
Shikhanovich, Yuri, "Human Rights in Russia: Then & Now"
Zolotukhin, Boris, "First Steps to Judicial Reform"
Volume II
No. 5 (May-June 1992)
Hamm, Manfred R., "Soviet Withdrawal from Germany"
Ponomarev, L.A., "Has Reform Hit Security Organs?"
Volkogonov, D.I., "Russia's Military Policy"
No. 4 (March 1992)
Godek, Lisa, "Press in Russia: Precarious Freedom"
Jensen, Linda B., "Russian Television's Slow Progress: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back"
Karasik, Theodore, "Post-USSR: The Apparatchiki"
No. 3 (January 1992)
Cavan, Susan, J., "Transfer of Government from the Union: Russian Federation Takes Over"
Chernichenko, Yuri, "Land, Capital & Power in Russia"
Mandelstam Balzer, Marjorie, "Turmoil in Russia's Mini-Empire"
No. 2 (November 1991)
Armes, Keith, "After the Coup: The Armed Forces"
Kassler, Ann Marie, "The Making of a Multiparty System"
Khinchuk, Ksenya, "The Soviet Environment: New Approaches to Old Problems"
No. 1 (September 1991)
Korotich, Vitaly, "What Cripples Democracy in Russia?"
Ra'anan, Uri, "The Soviet Ethnic Mosaic"
Waller, J. Michael, "KGB: The Perils of Arbitrary Power"
Volume I
No. 4 (April 1991)
Fishel, Gene, "Radicalization of Independence in Ukraine"
Margueritte, Bernard, "Central Europe & the USSR"
Wettig, Gerhard, "The Soviet Union and German Unification"
No. 3 (February 1991)
Hampel, Adolf, "New Soviet Policy on Religion"
Nekrich, Aleksandr, '"A Wise Design'"
Thom, Francoise, "The Red Army: A New Role?"
No. 2 (December 1990)
Armes, Keith, "An Interview with Igor Birman"
Karasik, Theodore, "The Defense Council & Soviet Presidency"
Ra'anan, Uri, "INF, CFE & Gorbachev: Unanswered Questions"
No. 1 (October 1990)
Hahn, Gordon, "Gorbachev Versus the Apparat"
Nove, Alec, "The Soviet Crisis: Causes & Meaning"
Smirnov, Konstantin, '"Fog Ahead': The New Soviet Union Treaty"