Ibrahima Camara Manuscript Collection

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    Image of interview with Imam Ibrahima Camara
    (2018-07-18) Ngom, Ibrahima
    Image taken during interview with manuscript owner Imam Ibrahima Camara (right) with Ibrahima Yaffa (left) in Tanaff, Kolda, Senegal, for the manuscript digitization work done in July 2018.
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    Suukuwoolu, Kawando, aniŋ, Tabirilaŋoolu: Poems, Sermon, and Utensils
    Camara, Imam Ibrahima; Bayo, Sidiya; Manafa, Kutuboo
    Contains a collection of: two short poems, a sermon delivered in 2003 by Imam Ibrahima Camara at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and a list of utensils. The first document is a copy of the popular Mandinka Ajami poem called Teeroo I Tuloo Loo (My Friend, Listen). The second poem is copied from the original by Moustapha Manafa, a student of Imam Ibrahima Camara. Moustapha copied the two poems from his father's (Kutuboo Manafa) collection. The sermon is a bilingual Arabic-Mandinka text in which Arabic phrases are rendered in Mandinka Ajami. The sermon reminds people about the meaning of fasting during the month of Ramadan and their obligations (including the obligatory Islamic charity known as Zakāt). The list of utensils in Mandinka Ajami is a record of the gifts that the daughter of Imam Camara's friend received on the day of her wedding. In case of divorce, the list will help to identify her own belongings.