CAS: Computer Science: Technical Reports

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Authors. "Title", Technical Report BUCS-YYYY-NNN, Computer Science Department, Boston University, Date. [Available from: URL]

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[2024-001] Wang, Yuanli; Huang, Lei; Wang, Zikun; Kalavri, Vasiliki; Matta, Ibrahim. CAPSys: Contention-aware task placement for data stream processing. September, 2024.


[2021-001] Liagouris, John; Kalavri, Vasiliki; Faisal, Muhammad; Mayank, Varia. Secrecy: Secure collaborative analytics on secret-shared data. February 1, 2021.


[2018-001] Sinha, Soham. Scheduling Policies and System Software Architectures for Mixed-criticality Computing. December 5, 2018.


[2017-003] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim. Multi-Layer Virtual Transport Network Design, January 1, 2017.

[2017-002] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim. Multi-Layer Virtual Transport Network Management, January 1, 2017.

[2017-001] Wang, Yuefeng. Multi-Layered Virtual Transport Network Design and Management (PhD Thesis), January 1, 2017.


[2016-010] Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer. Hyp3rArmor: Reducing Web Application Exposure to Automated Attacks, November 11, 2016.

[2016-009] Ghasemi, Maryam; Matta, Ibrahim; Esposito, Flavio. The Effect of Competition among Brokers on the Quality and Price of Differentiated Internet Services, October 4, 2016.

[2016-008] Lapets, Andrei; Volgushev, Nikolaj; Bestavros, Azer; Jansen, Frederick; Varia, Mayank. Secure Multi-Party Computation for Analytics Deployed as a Lightweight Web Application, July 25, 2016.

[2016-007] Maleki, Hoda; Valizadeh, Mohammad; Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer; van Dijk, Marten van Dijk. Markov Modeling of Moving Target Defense Games, July 25, 2016.

[2016-006] Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer. PROVIDE: Hiding from Automated Network Scans with Proofs of Identity, July 1, 2016.

[2016-005] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Scheduling of Data-Intensive Workloads in a Brokered Virtualized Environment, March 30, 2016.

[2016-004] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Incentive-Compatible Route Coordination of Crowdsourced Resources, March 30, 2016.

[2016-003] Mirzaei, Saber; Kfoury, Assaf. Shortest path and maximum flow problems in planar flow networks with additive gains and losses, March 10, 2016.

[2016-002] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: A Framework for Building Per-Application Library Operating Systems, February 23, 2016.

[2016-001] Mirzaei, Saber. Minimum Average Delay of Routing Trees, January 11, 2016.


[2015-014] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim. A Recursive Approach to Network Management, December 14, 2015.

[2015-013] Akhtar, Nabeel; Matta, Ibrahim; Wang, Yuefeng. Managing NFV using SDN and Control Theory, December 14, 2015.

[2015-012] Kfoury, Assaf; Mirzaei, Saber. Linear Arrangement of Halin Graphs, September 1, 2015.

[2015-011] Volgushev, Nikolaj; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer. Programming Support for an Integrated Multi-Party Computation and MapReduce Infrastructure, September 1, 2015.

[2015-010] Volgushev, Nikolaj; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer. Scather: Programming with Multi-party Computation and MapReduce, August 29, 2015.

[2015-009] Lapets, Andrei; Dunton, Eric; Holzinger, Kyle; Jansen, Frederick; Bestavros, Azer. Web-based Multi-Party Computation with Application to Anonymous Aggregate Compensation Analytics, August 15, 2015.

[2015-008] Kfoury, Assaf; Mirzaei, Saber. Efficient Reassembling of Graphs, Part 1: The Linear Case, August 10, 2015.

[2015-007] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: A Customizable Operating System for Cloud Applications, June 28, 2015.

[2015-006] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: Elastic Building Block Runtime - Overview, May 1, 2015.

[2015-005] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: Elastic Building Block Runtime - Overview, May 1, 2015.

[2015-004] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Incentive Compatible Route Coordination of Crowdsourced Resources and its Application to GeoPresence-as-a-Service , April 14, 2015.

[2015-003] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim; Akhtar, Nabeel. Application-Driven Network Management with ProtoRINA, March 31, 2015.

[2015-002] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Rational Coordination of Crowdsourced Resources for Geo-temporal Request Satisfaction, March 23, 2015.

[2015-001] Machado, Michel; Doucette, Cody; Byers, John. Linux XIA: An Interoperable Meta Network Architecture to Crowdsource the Future Internet, January 30, 2015.


[2014-009] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Network-Constrained Packing of Brokered Workloads in Virtualized Environments, November 10, 2014.

[2014-008] Teixeira, Mario; Bestavros, Azer. End-to-End Informed VM Selection in Compute Clouds, November 10, 2014.

[2014-007] Tazine, Samir; Matta Ibrahim. Improving Distributed Virtual Network Embedding with Offline Optimization, August 22, 2014.

[2014-006] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta Ibrahim. SDN Management Layer: Design Requirements and Future Direction, July 16, 2014.

[2014-005] Wang, Yuefeng; Akhtar, Nabeel; Matta Ibrahim. Programming Routing Policies for Video Traffic, July 16, 2014.

[2014-004] Mirzaei, Saber; Esposito, Flavio. An Alloy Verification Model for Consensus-Based Auction Protocols, July 15, 2014.

[2014-003] Kfoury, Assaf. A Compositional Approach to the Max-Flow Problem, June 9, 2014.

[2014-001] Esposito, Flavio; Di Paola, Donato; Matta, Ibrahim. On Distributed Virtual Network Embedding with Guarantees, January 11, 2014.


[2013-020] Gurari, Danna; Wu, Zheng ; Isenberg, Brett ; Zhang, Chentian; Purwada, Alberto; Wong, Joyce; Betke, Margrit. How to Collect High Quality Segmentations: Use Human or Computer Drawn Object Boundaries?.

[2013-019] Bestavros, Azer; Krieger, Orran. Towards an Open Cloud Marketplace: Vision and First Steps.

[2013-018] Li, Ye; West, Richard; Missimer, Eric. The Quest-V Separation Kernel for Mixed Criticality Systems.

[2013-017] Li, Ye; Missimer, Eric; West, Richard. Predictable Migration and Communication in the Quest-V Multikernel.

[2013-016] West, Richard; Li, Ye; Missimer, Eric. Quest-V: A Virtualized Multikernel for Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems.

[2013-015] Kfoury, Assaf. A Compositional Approach to Network Algorithms.

[2013-014] Wang, Yuefeng; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Day, John. RINA: An Architecture for Policy-Based Dynamic Service Management.

[2013-013] Wang, Yuefeng; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Day, John. Recursive InterNetworking Architecture (RINA) Boston University Prototype Programming Manual (version 1.0).

[2013-012] Esposito, Flavio. A Policy-based Architecture for Virtual Network Embedding.

[2013-011] Riga, Niky. JTP, an Energy-Aware Transport Protocol For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.

[2013-010] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Wang, Yuefeng. VINEA: A Policy-based Virtual Network Embedding Architecture.

[2013-009] Gursun, Gonca. Inferring Hidden Features In The Internet.

[2013-007] Mirzaei, Saber; Bahargam, Sanaz; Skowyra, Richard; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. Using Alloy to Formally Model and Reason About an OpenFlow Network Switch.

[2013-006] Schatzberg, Dan ; Cadden, James ; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. Total Order Broadcast for Fault Tolerant Exascale Systems.

[2013-005] Skowyra, Rick; Bahargam, Sanaz; Bestavros, Azer. Software-Defined IDS for Securing Embedded Mobile Devices.

[2013-004] Sweha, Raymond. Optimizing On-Demand Resource Deployment For Peer-Assisted Content Delivery.

[2013-003] Ishakian, Vatche. Strategic and Operational Services for Workload Management in The Cloud.

[2013-002] Skowyra, Rick; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Reusable Requirements in Automated Verification of Distributed Systems.

[2013-001] Brogle, Kyle; Cooper, Danny; Goldberg, Sharon; Reyzin, Leonid. Impacting IP Prefix Reachability via RPKI Manipulations.


[2012-021] Kfoury, Assaf. A Typing Theory for Flow Networks (Part I).

[2012-020] Skowyra, Rick; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Verifiably-Safe Software-Defined Networks for CPS.

[2012-019] Kfoury, Assaf; Mizraei, Saber. A Different Approach to the Design and Analysis of Network Algorithms.

[2012-018] Schatzberg, Dan ; Cadden, James ; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. MultiLibOS: An OS architecture for Cloud Computing.

[2012-017] Lapets, Andrei; Mizraei, Saber. Towards Lightweight Integration of SMT Solvers.

[2012-016] Lapets, Andrei; Skowyra, Rick; Bassem, Christine; Bahargam, Sanaz ; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Towards Accessible Integrated Formal Reasoning Environments for Protocol Design.

[2012-015] Lapets, Andrei. Accessible Integrated Formal Reasoning Environments in Classroom Instruction of Mathematics.

[2012-014] Esposito, Flavio; Di Paola, Donato; Matta, Ibrahim. A General Distributed Approach to Slice Embedding with Guarantees.

[2012-013] Sweha, Raymond; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Enhancing Tor Performance For Bandwidth-Intensive Applications.

[2012-012] Wang, Chong; Byers, John. Incentivizing Efficient Content Placement in a Global Content Oriented Network.

[2012-011] Hacker, Megan; Crovella, Mark; Reyzin, Leonid. Secure Pairing of Mobile Devices.

[2012-010] Brova, George."Peer and Authority Pressure in Information-Propagation Models.

[2012-009] Appavoo, Jonathan; Schatzberg, Dan. Transistor Scaled HPC Application Performance.

[2012-008] Appavoo, Jonathan; Schatzberg, Dan. Scalable Elastic Systems Architecture.

[2012-007] Waterland, Amos; Appavoo, Jonathan; Schatzberg, Dan. Programmable Smart Machines.

[2012-006] Schatzberg, Dan; Appavoo, Jonathan; Krieger, Orran; VanHensbergen, Eric. Why Elasticity Matters.

[2012-005] Gursun, Gonca; Crovella, Mark. On Traffic Matrix Completion in the Internet.

[2012-004] Kfoury, Assaf. Algebraic Characterizations of Flow-Network Typings.

[2012-003] Kfoury, Assaf. The Syntax and Semantics of a Domain-Specific Language for Flow-Network Design.

[2012-002] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Mechanism Design for Spatio-Temporal Request Satisfaction in Mobile Networks.

[2012-001] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Seamless Composition and Integration: A Perspective on Formal Methods Research.


[2011-031] Reynolds, Mark; Bestavros, Azer. Formal Verification of Cross-Domain Access Control Policies Using Model Checking.

[2011-030] Soule, Nate. Safe Compositional Modeling And Analysis Of Constrained Flow Networks.

[2011-029] Li, Ye; Danish, Matthew; West, Rich. Quest-V: A Virtualized Multikernel for High-Confidence Systems.

[2011-028] Hescott, Ben; Finkelstein, Jeffrey. On Polynomial Time Kernel Reductions.

[2011-027] Homer, Steve; Selman, Alan. Turing and the Development of Computational Complexity.

[2011-026] Sweha, Raymond; Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer. AngelCast: Cloud-based Peer-Assisted Live Streaming Using Optimized Multi-Tree Construction.

[2011-025] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Ishakian, Vatche. Slice Embedding Solutions for Distributed Service Architectures.

[2011-024] Ishakian, Vatche; Sweha, Raymond; Bestavros, Azer; Appavoo, Jonathan. Dynamic Pricing For Efficient Workload Colocation.

[2011-023] Goldberg, Sharon; Liu, Zhenming. Technology Diffusion in Communication Networks.

[2011-022] Ishakian, Vatche; Erdos, Dora; Terzi, Evimaria; Bestavros, Azer. A Framework for the Evaluation and Management of Network Centrality.

[2011-021] Kazdagli, Mikhail; Lapets, Andrei. Towards Lightweight Front-end for Isabelle/Isar.

[2011-020] Gill, Phillipa; Schapira, Michael; Goldberg, Sharon. Modeling on Quicksand: Dealing with the Lack of Ground Truth in Interdomain Routing Data.

[2011-019] Soule, Nate; Bestavros, Azer; Ishakian, Vatche; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Use Cases for Compositional Modeling and Analysis of Equation-based Constrained Flow Networks.

[2011-018] Eriksson, Brian; Barford, Paul; Maggs, Bruce; Nowak, Robert. Posit: An Adaptive Framework for Lightweight IP Geolocation.

[2011-017] Kfoury, Assaf. The Denotational and Static Semantics of a Domain-Specific Language for Flow-Network Design.

[2011-016] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. A Domain Specific Language for Incremental and Modular Design of Large-Scale Verifiably-Safe Flow Networks (Preliminary Report).

[2011-015] Skowyra, Richard; Bestavros, Azer; Goldberg, Sharon. The Zenith Attack: Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures.

[2011-014] Soule, Nate; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Safe Compositional Equation-based Modeling of Constrained Flow Networks.

[2011-013] Thangali, Ashwin; Nash, Joan; Sclaroff, Stan; Neidle, Carol. Exploiting Phonological Constraints for Handshape Inference in ASL Video.

[2011-012] Eriksson, Brian; Crovella, Mark. Estimation of Instrinsic Dimension via Clustering.

[2011-011] Kfoury, Assaf. A Domain-Specific Language for the Incremental and Modular Design of Large-Scale Verifiably-Safe Flow Networks.

[2011-010] Ablavsky, Vitaly. Layered Graphical Models for Tracking Partially-Occluded Moving Objects in Video.

[2011-009] Paquette, Isaac; Kwan, Christopher; Betke, Margrit. Menu Controller: Making Existing Software More Accessible for People with Motor Impairments.

[2011-008] Magee, John; Epstein, Samuel; Missimer, Eric; Kwan, Christopher; Betke, Margrit. Adaptive mouse-replacement interface control functions for users with disabilities.

[2011-007] Kwan, Christopher; Betke, Margrit. Camera Canvas: Image Editing Software for People with Disabilities.

[2011-006] Tian, Tai-Peng. Efficient Techniques for Recovering 2D Human Body Poses from Images.

[2011-005] Bestavros, Azer; Erdos, Dora; Ishakian, Vatche; Lapets, Andrei; Terzi, Evimaria. The Filter-Placement Problem and its Application to Content De-Duplication.

[2011-004] Soule, Nate; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Safe Compositional Network Sketches: NetSketch Tool Implementation.

[2011-003] Gill, Phillipa; Schapira, Michael; Goldberg, Sharon. Let the Market Drive Deployment: A Strategy for Transitioning to BGP Security.

[2011-002] Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer. MorphoSys: Efficient Colocation of QoS-Constrained Workloads in the Cloud.

[2011-001] Fuller, Benjamin; Reyzin, Leonid. Computational Entropy and Information Leakage.


[2010-037] Gursun, Gonca; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. Describing and Forecasting Video Access Patterns.

[2010-036] Danish, Matthew; Li, Ye; West, Rich. Virtual-CPU Scheduling in the Quest Operating System.

[2010-035] Ishakian, Vatche; Akinwumi, Joseph; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim. On Supporting Mobility and Multihoming in Recursive Internet Architectures.

[2010-034] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Bera, Debajyoti; Michiardi, Pietro. On the Impact of Seed Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer Networks.

[2010-032] Esposito, Flavio; Vegni, Anna Maria; Matta, Ibrahim; Neri, Alessandro. On Modeling Speed-based Vertical Handovers in Vehicular Networks: "Dad, slow down, I am watching the movie".

[2010-030] Wu, Zheng; Hristov, Nickolay; Swartz, Sharon; Kunz, Thomas; Betke, Margrit. Tracking-Reconstruction or Reconstruction-Tracking?.

[2010-029] Magee, John; Epstein, Samuel; Missimer, Eric; Betke, Margrit. Adaptive mappings for mouse-replacement interfaces.

[2010-028] Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. HAIL.

[2010-027] Theriault, Diane; Wu, Zheng; Hristov, Nickolay; Swartz, Sharon; Breuer, Kenneth; Kunz, Thomas; Betke, Margrit. Reconstruction and analysis of 3D trajectories of Brazilian free-tailed bats in flight.

[2010-025] Ishakian, Vatche; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Formal Verification of SLA Transformations.

[2010-024] Sweha, Raymond; Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer. Angels In the Cloud – A Peer-Assisted Bulk-Synchronous Content Distribution Service.

[2010-023] Missimer, Eric; Epstein, Samuel; Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. Customizable Keyboard.

[2010-022] Albanese, Francesco; Carra, Damiano; Michiardi, Pietro; Bestavros, Azer. Cloud-based Content Distribution on a Budget.

[2010-021] Reynolds, Mark. Using Lightweight Formal Methods for JavaScript Security.

[2010-020] Londono, Jorge. Embedding Games.

[2010-019] Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli; Sclaroff, Stan. Object, Scene and Actions.

[2010-018] Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli; Sclaroff, Stan. Object Recognition and Localization via Spatial Instance Embedding.

[2010-017] Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli; Cinbis, Gokberk; Sclaroff, Stan. Learning Actions From the Web.

[2010-015] West, Rich; Zaroo, Puneet; Waldspurger, Carl; Zhang, Xiao. Online Cache Modeling for Commodity Multicore Processors.

[2010-014] Medina, Alberto; Gursun, Gonca; Basu, Prithwish; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Universal Generation of Mobility Models.

[2010-012] Lapets, Andrei; Lalwani, Prakash; Kfoury, Assaf. Ontology Support for a Lightweight Formal Verification System.

[2010-011] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf. A User-friendly Interface for a Lightweight Verification System.

[2010-010] Lapets, Andrei. User-friendly Support for Common Concepts in a Lightweight Verifier.

[2010-009] Mattar, Karim; Epstein, Samuel; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Detection of Policy Conflicts in Interdomain Routing.

[2010-008] Chiaraviglio, Luca; Matta, Ibrahim. A Green Distributed Cooperation for Network and Content Management.

[2010-007] Tian, Tai-Peng; Sclaroff, Stan. Fast Globally Optimal 2D Human Detection with Loopy Graph Models.

[2010-006] Donnelly, Kevin; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. The Complexity of Restricted Variants of the Stable Paths Problem.

[2010-005] Lapets, Andrei. The complexity of natural extensions of efficiently solvable problems.

[2010-004] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf. The NP-completeness of the Restricted Stable Paths Problem with Three Aggregating Functions.

[2010-003] Ishakian, Vatche; Sweha, Raymond; Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer. Colocation as a Service.

[2010-002] Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. A Type-Theoretic Framework for Efficient and Safe Colocation of Periodic Real-time Systems.

[2010-001] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. Safe Compositional Network Sketches.


[2009-036] Reynolds, Mark. Modeling the Java Bytecode Verifier.

[2009-035] Kfoury, Assaf. Lightweight Formal Methods for the Development of High-Assurance Networking Systems.

[2009-034] Chiaraviglio, Luca; Matta, Ibrahim. GreenCoop: Cooperative Green Routing with Energy-efficient Servers.

[2009-033] Lapets, Andrei; House, David. Efficient Support for Common Relations in Lightweight Formal Reasoning Systems.

[2009-032] Lapets, Andrei. Lightweight Formal Verification in Classroom Instruction of Reasoning about Functional Code.

[2009-031] Byers, John; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Zervas, Georgios. Adaptive Weighing Designs for Keyword Value Computation.

[2009-030] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf. Verification with Natural Contexts: Soundness of Safe Compositional Network Sketches.

[2009-029] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei; Ocean, Michael. Safe Compositional Network Sketches: The Formal Framework.

[2009-028] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei; Ocean, Michael. Safe Compositional Network Sketches: Tool and Use Cases.

[2009-027] Li, Rui. Simultaneous Learning Of Non-Linear Manifold And Dynamical Models For High-Dimensional Time Series.

[2009-026] Sweha, Raymond. Angels: In-Network Support For Minimum Distribution Time in P2P Overlays.

[2009-025] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer; Laoutaris, Nikolaos. Trade and Cap: A Customer-Managed, Market-Based System for Trading Bandwidth Allowances at a Shared Link.

[2009-024] Potamias, Michalis; Bonchi, Francesco; Gionis, Aristides; Kollios, George. Nearest-neighbor Queries in Probabilistic Graphs.

[2009-023] Yuan, Quan; Sclaroff, Stan. Is a Detector Only Good for Detection?

[2009-022] Yuan, Quan. Learning A Family Of Detectors.

[2009-021] Boddapati, Gowtham; Day, John; Matta, Ibrahim; Chitkushev, Lou. Assessing the Security of a Clean-Slate Internet Architecture.

[2009-020] Ishakian, Vatche; Akinwumi, Joseph; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Cost of Supporting Multihoming and Mobility.

[2009-019] Bera, Debajyoti; Homer, Steve. On Finding Sensitivity of Quantum and Classical Gates.

[2009-018] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. CSR: Constrained Selfish Routing in Ad-hoc Networks.

[2009-017] Lo Presti, Liliana; Sclaroff, Stan; La Cascia, Marco. Object matching in distributed video surveillance systems by LDA-based appearance descriptors.

[2009-016] Zatko, Sarah. Using Markets and Spam to Combat Malware.

[2009-015] Lapets, Andrei. Improving the accessibility of lightweight formal verification systems.

[2009-014] Gursun, Gonca; Matta, Ibrahim; Mattar, Karim. On the Performance and Robustness of Managing Reliable Transport Connections.

[2009-013] Epstein, Sam; Mattar, Karim; Matta, Ibrahim. Principles of Safe Policy Routing Dynamics.

[2009-012] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim. PreDA: Predicate Routing for DTN Architectures over MANET.

[2009-011] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Michiardi, Pietro; Mitsutake, Michiardi; Carra, Daminano. Seed Scheduling for Peer-to-Peer Networks.

[2009-010] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Preferential Field Coverage Through Detour-Based Mobility Coordination.

[2009-009] Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. An alignment based similarity measure for hand detection in cluttered sign language video.

[2009-008] Deshpande, Smita; Betke, Margrit. RefLink: An Interface that Enables People with Motion Impairments to Analyze Web Content and Dynamically Link to References.

[2009-007] Mullally, William; Sclaroff, Stan; Betke, Margrit. Example-Based Image Registration via Boosted Classifiers.

[2009-006] Epstein, Samuel; Betke, Margrit. Active Hidden Models for Tracking with Kernel Projections.

[2009-005] Wu, Zheng; Hristov, Nickolay; Hedrick, Tyson; Kunz, Thomas; Betke, Margrit. Tracking a Large Number of Objects from Multiple Views.

[2009-004] Potamias, Michalis; Bonchi, Francesco; Castillo, Carlos; Gionis, Aristides. Fast shortest path distance estimation in large networks.

[2009-003] Sweha, Raymond; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Angels -- In-Network Support for Minimum Distribution Time in P2P Overlays.

[2009-002] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer; Teng, Shang-Hua. Collocation Games And Their Application to Distributed Resource Management.

[2009-001] Mattar, Karim; Epstein, Sam; Matta, Ibrahim. Foundational Theory for Understanding Policy Routing Dynamics.


[2008-031] Reynolds, Mark C. Lightweight Modeling of Java Virtual Machine Security Constraints using Alloy.

[2008-030] Erramilli, Vijay. Forwarding in Mobile Opportunistic Networks.

[2008-029] Potamias, Michalis. Indexing Distances In Large Graphs And Applications In Search Tasks.

[2008-028] Duarte, Fernando; Mattos, Bernardo; Almeida, Jussara; Almeida, Virgilio; Curiel, Mariela; Bestavros, Azer. Hierarchical Characterization and Generation of Blogosphere Workloads.

[2008-027] Papapetrou, Panagiotis; Benson, Gary; Kollios, George. Generalized Methods for Discovering Frequent Poly-Regions in DNA.

[2008-026] Lapets, Andrei; Levin, Alex; Parkes, David. A Typed Language for Truthful One-Dimensional Mechanism Design.

[2008-025] Betke, Margrit. Camera-based Interfaces and Assistive Software for People with Severe Motion Impairments.

[2008-024] Morcos, Hany. Service Provisioning In Mobile Networks Through Distributed Coordinated Resource Management.

[2008-023] Kanukurthi, Bhavana. An Improved Robust Fuzzy Extractor.

[2008-022] Smaragdakis, Georgios. Overlay Network Creation And Maintenance With Selfish Users.

[2008-021] Vasconcelos, Marisa. Extracting location from Contact Traces.

[2008-020] Ocean, Michael. The Sensor Network Workbench: Towards Functional Specification, Verification And Deployment Of Constrained Distributed Systems.

[2008-019] Day, John; Matta, Ibrahim; Mattar, Karim. "Networking is IPC": A Guiding Principle to a Better Internet.

[2008-018] Stefan, Alexandra. Indexing Methods For Efficient Multiclass Recognition.

[2008-017] Epstein, Samuel; Matta, Ibrahim; Mattar, Karim. An Online Distributed Algorithm for Inferring Policy Routing Configurations.

[2008-016] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Lekakis, Vassilis; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. The EGOIST Overlay Routing System.

[2008-015] Bera, Debajyoti. A New Lower Bound Technique for Quantum Circuits without Ancillae.

[2008-014] Mattar, Karim; Matta, Ibrahim; Day, John; Ishakian, Vatche; Gursun, Gonca. Declarative Transport: No more transport protocols to design, only policies to specify.

[2008-013] Aggradi, Gabriele; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim. Supporting Predicate Routing in DTN over MANET.

[2008-012] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer. A Two-Tiered On-Line Server-Side Bandwidth Reservation Framework for the Real-Time Delivery of Multiple Video Streams.

[2008-011] Ocean, Michael; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. A Type System For Safe SN Resource Allocation.

[2008-010] Kim, Won-Beom; Kwan, Christopher; Fedyuk, Igor; Betke, Margrit. Camera Canvas: Image Editor for People with Severe Disabilities.

[2008-009] Yuan, Quan; Thangali, Ashwin; Ablavsky, Vitaly; Sclaroff, Stan. Multiplicative Kernels: Object Detection, Segmentation and Pose Estimation.

[2008-008] Ablavsky, Vitaly; Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. Layered graphical models for tracking partially-occluded objects.

[2008-007] Buhrman, Harry; Hescott, Benjamin; Homer, Steve; Torrenvliet, Lane. Non-Uniform Reductions.

[2008-006] Hescott, Benjamin; Koulomzin, Daniel. On Clustering Images Using Compression.

[2008-005] Bera, Debajyoti; Fenner, Stephen; Green, Fred; Homer, Steve. Universal Quantum Circuits.

[2008-004] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Detour-Based Mobility Coordination in DTNs.

[2008-003] Morcos, Hany; Atia, George; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. An Information Theoretic Framework for Field Monitoring Using Autonomously Mobile Sensors.

[2008-002] Ocean, Michael; Bestavros, Azer. Wireless and Physical Security via Embedded Sensor Networks.

[2008-001] Donnelly, Kevin; Kfoury, Assaf. On the Stable Paths Problem and a Restricted Variant.


[2007-017] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf. Examples of Network Flow Verification Using TRAFFIC(X).

[2007-016] Mattar, Karim. TCP over CDMA2000 Networks: A Cross-Layer Measurement Study.

[2007-015] Donnelly, Kevin. System F with Constraint Types.

[2007-014] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Medina, Alberto; Redi, Jason. An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Multi-hop Wireless Networks.

[2007-013] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. EGOIST: Overlay Routing using Selfish Neighbor Selection.

[2007-012] Hallett, Joseph. Hidden Type Variables and Conditional Extension for More Expressive Generic Programs.

[2007-011] Reyzin, Leonid. Entropy Loss is Maximal for Uniform Inputs.

[2007-010] Li, Rui; Tian, Tai-Peng; Sclaroff, Stan. Simultaneous Learning of Nonlinear Manifold and Dynamical Models for High-dimensional Time Series.

[2007-009] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Michiardi, Pietro; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. Swarming on optimized graphs for n-way broadcast.

[2007-008] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Amorphous Placement and Informed Diffusion for Timely Field Monitoring by Autonomous, Resource-Constrained Mobile Sensors.

[2007-007] Bera, Debajyoti; Green, Frederic; Homer, Steve. Small Depth Quantum Circuits.

[2007-006] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. Improving the Performance of Overlay Routing and P2P File Sharing using Selfish Neighbor Selection.

[2007-005] Erramilli, Vijay; Chaintreau, Augustin; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Diversity of Forwarding Paths in Pocket Switched Networks.

[2007-004] Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Multi-scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences.

[2007-003] Yuan, Quan; Thangali, Ashwin Thangali; Ablavsky, Vitaly; Sclaroff, Stan. Parameter Sensitive Detectors.

[2007-002] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. A Geometric Approach to Slot Alignment in Wireless Sensor Networks.

[2007-001] Wang, Chong; Byers, John. Generating Representative ISP Topologies From First-Principles.


[2006-034] Panagiotis Papapetrou. Constraint-based Mining of Frequent Arrangements of Temporal Intervals.

[2006-033] Duarte, Fernando; Mattos, Bernardo; Bestavros, Azer; Almeida, Virgilio; Almeida, Jussara. Traffic Characteristics and Communication Patterns in Blogosphere.

[2006-032] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer. netEmbed: A Network Resource Mapping Service for Distributed Applications.

[2006-031] Gabay, Yarom; Kfoury, Assaf. Towards Formalizing Java's Weak References.

[2006-030] Mattar, Karim; Sridharan, Ashwin; Zang, Hui; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. TCP over CDMA2000 Networks: A Cross-Layer Measurement Study.

[2006-029] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf. Safe Compositional Specification of Network Systems With Polymorphic, Constrained Types.

[2006-028] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Query Processing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks.

[2006-027] Papapetrou, Panagiotis; Benson, Gary; Kollios, George. Discovering Frequent Poly-Regions of DNA Sequences.

[2006-026] Wang, Jingbin; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan; Betke, Margrit. Object Detection at the Optimal Scale with Hidden State Shape Models.

[2006-025] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Medina, Alberto; Redi, Jason; Partridge, Craig. JTP: An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.

[2006-024] Alon, Jonathan. Spatiotemporal Gesture Segmentation.

[2006-023] Smaragdakis, Georgios. Notes on the Effect of Different Access Patterns on the Intensity of Mistreatment in Distributed Caching Groups.

[2006-022] Erramilli, Vijay; Crovella, Mark; Taft, Nina. An Independent-Connection Model for Traffic Matrices.

[2006-020] Parmer, Gabriel; West, Richard; Fry, Gerald. Scalable Overlay Multicast Tree Construction for QoS-Constrained Media Streaming.

[2006-019] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Implications of Selfish Neighbor Selection in Overlay Networks.

[2006-018] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Oikonomou, Konstantinos; Stavrakakis, Ioannis; Bestavros, Azer. Distributed Placement of Service Facilities in Large-Scale Networks.

[2006-017] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Zervas, Georgos; Bestavros, Azer; Kollios, George. The Cache Inference Problem and its Application to Content and Request Routing.

[2006-016] Ocean, Michael; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. Integrating Sensor-Network Research and Development into a Software Engineering Curriculum.

[2006-015] Burke, Dustin; Cecere, Dave; Freiberg, Ben. Extending snBench to Support a Video-Based Intrusion Detection and Alerting System with a Centralized Hash Table.

[2006-014] Chang, Ching; Sweha, Raymond; Papapetrou, Panagiotis. Extending snBench to Support a Graphical Programming Interface for a Sensor Network Tasking Language (STEP).

[2006-013] Londono, Jorge; Manjanatha, Sowmya; Han, Zhinan. Extending snBench to Provide Concurrency Support in the Sensorium Execution Environment (SXE).

[2006-012] Parmer, Gabriel; Zervas, Georgios; Bagchi, Angshuman. Extending snBench to Support Hierarchical and Configurable Scheduling.

[2006-011] Li, Feifei; Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Kollios, George; Reyzin, Leonid. Authenticated Index Sturctures for Aggregation Queries in Outsourced Databases.

[2006-010] Athitsos, Vassilis. Learning Embeddings for Indexing, Retrieval, and Classification, with Applications to Object and Shape Recognition in Image Databases.

[2006-009] Mattar, Karim; Sridharan, Ashwin; Zang, Hui; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. On the Interaction between TCP and the Wireless Channel in CDMA2000 Networks.

[2006-008] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. An Adaptive Management Approach to Resolving Policy Conflicts.

[2006-007] Waber, Benjamin; Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. Web Mediators for Accessible Browsing.

[2006-006] Akram, Wajeeha; Tiberii, Laura; Betke, Margrit. A customizable camera-based human computer interaction system allowing people with disabilities autonomous hands free navigation of multiple computing tasks.

[2006-005] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Amorphous Placement and Retrieval of Sensory Data in Sparse Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.

[2006-004] Li, Feifei; Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Kollios, George; Reyzin, Leonid. Authenticated Index Structures for Outsourced Database Systems.

[2006-003] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim; Stavrakakis, Ioannis. Distributed Selfish Caching.

[2006-002] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Impact of Low-Rate Attacks.

[2006-001] Gabay, Yarom; Ocean, Michael; Kfoury, Assaf; Liu, Likai. Computational Properties of SNAFU.


[2005-035] Bakewell, Adam; Carlier, Sebastien; Kfoury, Assaf; Wells, J. B. Inferring Intersection Typings that Are Equivalent to Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value Evaluations.

[2005-034] Gabay, Yarom; Kfoury, Assaf; Liu, Likai; Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Matta, Ibrahim. Type Systems for a Network Specification Language With Multiple-Choice Let.

[2005-033] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer; Gabay, Yarom; Bradley, Adam; Matta, Ibrahim. Safe Compositional Specification of Networking Systems: A Compositional Analysis Approach.

[2005-032] Gorman, Mikhail; Betke, Margrit; Saltzman, Elliot; Lahav, Amir. MusicMaker -- A Camera-based Music Making Tool for Physical Rehabilitation.

[2005-031] Hallett, Joseph; Kfoury, Assaf. A Formal Semantics for Weak References.

[2005-030] Donnelly, Kevin; Kfoury, Assaf. Some Considerations on a Calculus with Weak References.

[2005-029] Tian, Tai-Peng; Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Tracking Human Body Pose on a Learned Smooth Space.

[2005-028] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. An Adaptive Policy Management Approach to BGP Convergence.

[2005-027] Rodeski, Vladimir; Mullally, William; Bellardine, Carissa; Lutchen, Kenneth; Betke, Margrit. Computing a Uniform Scaling Parameter for 3D Registration of Lung Surfaces.

[2005-026] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Bestavros, Azer; Stavrakakis, Ioannis. Mistreatment in Distributed Caching Groups: Causes and Implications.

[2005-025] Tian, Tai-Peng; Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Articulated Pose Estimation in a Learned Smooth Space of Feasible Solutions.

[2005-024] Castelli, Thomas; Betke, Margrit; Neidle, Carol. Facial Feature Tracking and Occlusion Recovery in American Sign Language.

[2005-023] Waber, Benjamin; Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. Fast Head Tilt Detection for Human-Computer Interaction.

[2005-022] Yuan, Quan; Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. Face identification by a cascade of rejection classifiers.

[2005-021] Athitsos, Vassilis; Wang, Jingbin; Sclaroff, Stan; Betke, Margrit. Detecting Instances of Shape Classes That Exhibit Variable Structure.

[2005-020] Alon, Jonathan; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Fast and Accurate Gesture Spotting using Subgesture Reasoning and Pruning of Unlikely Dynamic Programming Paths.

[2005-019] Alon, Jonathan; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Online and Offline Character Recognition Using Alignment to Prototypes.

[2005-018] Law, Kevin; Sclaroff, Stan. Foreground Object Segmentation from Binocular Stereo Video.

[2005-017] Nunziati, Walter; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan; Del Bimbo, Alberto. View registration using interesting segments of planar trajectories.

[2005-016] Nunziati, Walter; Sclaroff, Stan; Del Bimbo, Alberto. An Invariant Representation for Matching Trajectories across uncalibrated video streams.

[2005-015] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Gabay, Yarom; Matta, Ibrahim. Safe Compositional Specification of Networking Systems: TRAFFIC The Language and Its Type Checking.

[2005-014] Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Kfoury, Assaf; Matta, Ibrahim. Typed Abstraction of Complex Network Compositions. [2005-013] Nunziati, Walter; Sclaroff, Stan; Del Bimbo, Alberto. An Invariant Representation for Matching Trajectories across Uncalibrated Video Streams. REPLACED BY


[2005-012] Chau, Michael; Betke, Margrit. Real Time Eye Tracking and Blink Detection with USB Cameras.

[2005-011] Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Byers, John; Kollios, George. Robust Sketching and Aggregation of Distributed Data Streams.

[2005-010] Athitsos, Vassilis; Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Kollios, George; Sclaroff, Stan. Query-Sensitive Embeddings.

[2005-009] Athitsos, Vassilis; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan. Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classification Using a Cascade of Approximate Similarity Measures.

[2005-008] Wang, Jingbin; Gu, Erdan; Betke, Margrit. MosaicShape: Stochastic Region Grouping with Shape Prior.

[2005-007] Betke, Margrit; Gusyatin, Oleg; Urinson, Mikhail. SymbolDesign: A User-centered Method to Design Pen-based Interfaces and Extend the Functionality of Pointer Input Devices.

[2005-006] West, Richard; Wong, Gary. Cuckoo: a Language for Implementing Memory- and Thread-safe System Services.

[2005-005] West, Richard; Gloudon, Jason; Qi, Xin; Parmer, Gabriel. An Efficient User-Level Shared Memory Mechanism for Application-Specific Extensions.

[2005-004] West, Richard; Fry, Gerald; Wong, Gary. Comparison of k-ary n-cube and de Bruijn Overlays in QoS-constrained Multicast Applications.

[2005-003] Xi, Hongwei; Zhu, Dengping; Li, Yanka. Applied Type System with Stateful Views.

[2005-002] Lakhina, Anukool; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Mining Anomalies Using Traffic Distributions.

[2005-001] Sharma, Manish; Byers, John. Scalable Coordination Techniques for Distributed Network Monitoring.


[2004-036] Tian, Tai-Peng; Sclaroff, Stan. Handsignals Recognition From Video Using 3D Motion Capture Data.

[2004-035] Yuan, Quan; Sclaroff, Stan; Athitsos, Vassilis. Automatic 2D Hand Tracking in Video Sequences.

[2004-034] Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Multi-scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences.

[2004-033] Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. Periodic Motion Detection and Estimation via Space-Time Sampling.

[2004-032] Reyzin, Leonid. A Note On the Statistical Difference of Small Direct Products.

[2004-031] Bash, Boulat; Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey. Approximately Uniform Random Sampling in Sensor Networks.

[2004-030] Zhang, Yuting; Bestavros, Azer; Guirguis, Mina; Matta, Ibrahim; West, Richard. Friendly Virtual Machine: Leveraging a Feedback-Control Model for Application Adaptation.

[2004-029] Morcos, Hany; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. M2RC: Multiplicative-increase/additive-decrease Multipath Routing Control for Wireless Sensor Networks.

[2004-028] Chang, Ching; Li, Feifei Li; Bestavros, Azer; Kollios, George. GreedyDual-Join: Locality-Aware Buffer Management for Approximate Join Processing Over Data Streams.

[2004-027] Li, Feifei Li; Dihan, Cheng. On Trip Planning Queries in Spatial Databases.

[2004-026] Sharma, Abhishek; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. dPAM: A Distributed Prefetching Protocol for Scalable Asynchronous Multicast in P2P Systems.

[2004-025] Fonseca, Nahur; Crovella, Mark. Bayesian Packet Loss Detection for TCP.

[2004-024] Erramilli, Vijay; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. On the Interaction between Data Aggregation and Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks.

[2004-023] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. DIP: Density Inference Protocol for wireless sensor networks and its application to density-unbiased statistics.

[2004-022] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. SEP: A Stable Election Protocol for clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor networks.

[2004-021] Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Kfoury, Assaf; Matta, Ibrahim. Safe Compositional Specification of Networking Systems.

[2004-020] Lakhina, Anukool; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Characterization of Network-Wide Anomalies in Traffic Flows.

[2004-019] Itkis, Gene; Maiss, Arwa. Interactive Password Schemes.

[2004-018] Hamandi, Hani; Itkis, Gene. Group Key Manager on a Smart Card.

[2004-017] Buzan, Dan; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George. Extraction and Clustering of Motion Trajectories in Video.

[2004-016] Buzan, Dan. Robust Tracking of Human Motion.

[2004-015] Erdem, Murat; Sclaroff, Stan. Automated Camera Layout to Satisfy Task-Specific and Floorplan-Specific Coverage Requirements.

[2004-014] Athitsos, Vassilis; Alon, Joni; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George. Learning Euclidean Embeddings for Indexing and Classification.

[2004-013] Zhang, Yuting; West, Richard; Qi, Xin. A Virtual Deadline Scheduler for Window-Constrained Service Guarantees.

[2004-012] Alon, Jonathan; Athitsos, Vassilis; Yuan, Quan; Sclaroff, Stan. Simultaneous Localization and Recognition of Dynamic Hand Gestures.

[2004-011] Medina, Alberto; Salamatian, Kave; Taft, Nina; Matta, Ibrahim; Diot, Christophe. A Two-step Statistical Approach for Inferring Network Traffic Demands (Revises Technical Report BUCS-TR-2003-003).

[2004-010] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. A Randomized Solution to BGP Divergence.

[2004-009] Qi, Xin; Parmer, Gabriel; West, Richard; Gloudon, Jason; Hernandez, Luis. Efficient End-Host Architecture for High Performance Communication Using User-level Sandboxing.

[2004-008] Lakhina, Anukool; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Diagnosing Network-Wide Traffic Anomalies.

[2004-007] Bradley, Adam; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. StaXML: Static Typing of XML Document Fragments for Imperative Web Scripting Languages.

[2004-006] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Boosting Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for Multiclass Recognition.

[2004-005] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Exploiting the Transients of Adaptation for RoQ Attacks on Internet Resources.

[2004-004] Hallett, Joseph; Kfoury, Assaf. Programming Examples Needing Polymorphic Recursion.

[2004-003] Fenner, S.; Green, F.; Homer, S.; Zhang, Y. Bounds on the Power of Constant-Depth Quantum Circuits.

[2004-002] Fang, M.; Fenner, S.; Green, F.; Homer, S.; Zhang, Y. Quantum Lower Bounds for Fanout.

[2004-001] Betke, Margrit; Wang, Jingbin; Ko, Jane. Integrated Chest Image Analysis System "BU-MIA".


[2003-032] Diamant, Gali; Veytser, Leonid; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer; Guirguis, Mina; Guo, Liang; Zhang, Yuting; Chen, Sean. itmBench: Generalized API for Internet Traffic Managers.

[2003-031] Murat, Ugur; Sclaroff, Stan. Automated Placement of Cameras in a Floorplan to Satisfy Task-Specific Constraints.

[2003-030] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim. A Bayesian Approach for TCP to Distinguish Congestion from Wireless Losses.

[2003-029] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim; Altman, Eitan; Azouzi, Rachid. TCP Optimization through FEC, ARQ and Transmission Power Tradeoffs.

[2003-028] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim; Riga, Niky; Diamant, Gali; Zhang, Yuting. Providing Soft Bandwidth Guarantees Using Elastic TCP-based Tunnels.

[2003-027] Wang, Tao; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. Efficiently and Fairly Allocating Bandwidth at a Highly Congested Link.

[2003-026] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Exogenous-Loss Awareness in Queue Management: Toward Global Fairness.

[2003-025] Isodoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Contour Generator Points for Threshold Selection and a Novel Photo-Consistency Measure for Space Carving.

[2003-024] Considine, Jeffrey; Walfish, Michael; Andersen, David G. A Pragmatic Approach to DHT Adoption.

[2003-023] Athitsos, Vassilis; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George. BoostMap: A Method for Efficient Approximate Similarity Rankings.

[2003-022] Lakhina, Anukool; Papagiannaki, Konstantina; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe; Kolaczyk, Eric; Taft, Nina. Data Logs for Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Flows.

[2003-021] Lakhina, Anukool; Papagiannaki, Konstantina; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe; Kolaczyk, Eric; Taft, Nina. Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Flows.

[2003-020] Fry, Gerald; West, Richard. Adaptive Routing of QoS-constrained Media Streams over Scalable Overlay Topologies.

[2003-019] West, Richard; Schwan, Karsten; Poellabauer, Christian. Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling for Real-Time Media Streaming.

[2003-018] Zhong, Jing; Sclaroff, Stan. Segmenting Foreground Objects from a Dynamic Textured Background via a Robust Kalman Filter.

[2003-017] Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Stochastic Refinement of the Visual Hull to Satisfy Photometric and Silhouette Consistency Constraints.

[2003-016] Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Stochastic Mesh-Based Multiview Reconstruction.

[2003-015] Kwon, Gu-In; Byers, John. ROMA: Reliable Overlay Multicast with Loosely Coupled TCP Connections.

[2003-014] West, Richard; Gloudon, Jason. User-Level Sandboxing: a Safe and Efficient Mechanism for Extensibility.

[2003-013] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Efficiency and Fairness of Transmission Control Loops: A Case for Exogenous Losses.

[2003-012] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Systematic Verification of Safety Properties of Arbitrary Network Protocol Compositions Using CHAIN.

[2003-011] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim. How well can TCP infer network state.

[2003-010] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Database Indexing Methods for 3D Hand Pose Estimation.

[2003-009] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimating 3D Hand Pose from a Cluttered Image.

[2003-008] Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George; Pavlovic, Vladimir. Discovering Clusters in Motion Time-Series Data.

[2003-007] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. The Specialized Mappings Architecture.

[2003-006] Sigal, Leonid; Sclaroff, Stan. Skin Color-Based Video Segmentation under Time-Varying Illumination.

[2003-005] Fayed, Marwan; Krapivsky, Paul; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Finkel, David; Redner, Sid. On the Emergence of Highly Variable Distributions in the Autonomous System Topology.

[2003-004] Itkis, Gene. Cryptographic Tamper Evidence.

[2003-003] Medina, Alberto; Salamatian, Kave; Taft, Nina; Matta, Ibrahim; Tsang, Yolanda; Diot, Christophe. On the Convergence of Statistical Techniques for Inferring Network Traffic Demands.

[2003-002] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Geometric Generalizations of the Power of Two Choices.

[2003-001] Fayed, Marwan; Krapivsky, Paul; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Finkel, David; Redner, Sid. On the Size Distribution of Autonomous Systems.


[2002-031] Considine, Jeffrey. Cluster-based Optimizations for Distributed Hash Tables.

[2002-030] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Validating Arbitrarily Large Network Protocol Compositions with Finite Computation.

[2002-029] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Simple Load Balancing for Distributed Hash Tables.

[2002-028] Fortnow, Lance; Homer, Steven. A Short History of Computational Complexity.

[2002-027] Jin, Shudong; Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. A Spectrum of TCP-friendly Window-based Congestion Control Algorithms.

[2002-026] Considine, Jeffrey; Florio, Thomas. Scalable Peer-to-Peer Indexing with Constant State.

[2002-025] Kwon, Gu-In; Byers, John. Smooth Multirate Multicast Congestion Control.

[2002-024] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Cache-and-Relay Streaming Media Delivery for Asynchronous Clients.

[2002-023] Lombardi, Jonathan; Betke, Margrit. A Self-initializing Eyebrow Tracker for Binary Switch Emulation.

[2002-022] Fonseca, Rodrigo; Almeida, Virgilio; Crovella, Mark; Abrahao, Bruno. On the Intrinsic Locality Properties of Web Reference Streams.

[2002-021] Lakhina, Anukool; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Xie, Peng. Sampling Biases in IP Topology Measurements.

[2002-020] Crovella, Mark; Kolaczyk, Eric. Graph Wavelets for Spatial Traffic Analysis.

[2002-019] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Fast Approximate Reconciliation of Set Differences.

[2002-018] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. Unicast Routing: Cost-Performance Tradeoffs.

[2002-017] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Safe Composition of Web Communication Protocols for Extensible Edge Services.

[2002-016] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim. Effectiveness of Loss Labeling in Improving TCP Performance in Wired/Wireless Networks.

[2002-015] Lakhina, Anukool; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Geographic Location of Internet Resources.

[2002-014] Veloso, Eveline; Almeida, Virgilio; Meira, Wagner; Bestavros, Azer; Jin, Shudong. A Hierarchical Characterization of a Live Streaming Media Workload.

[2002-013] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS and IP Routing.

[2002-012] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. Differentiated Control of Web Traffic: A Numerical Analysis.

[2002-011] Erdem, Ugur Murat; Sclaroff, Stan. Automatic Detection of Relevant Head Gestures in American Sign Language Communication.

[2002-010] Siddiqui, Matheen; Sclaroff, Stan. Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views using Rational B-Splines and Knot Insertion.

[2002-009] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. Scheduling Flows with Unknown Sizes: Approximate Analysis.

[2002-008] Liu, Jun; Matta, Ibrahim; Crovella, Mark. End-to-End Inference of Loss Nature in a Hybrid Wired/Wireless Environment.

[2002-007] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Rost, Stanislav. Informed Content Delivery Across Adaptive Overlay Networks.

[2002-005] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. PeriScope: An Active Internet Probing and Measurement API.

[2002-004] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Small-World Internet Topologies: Possible Causes and Implications on Scalability of End-System Multicast.

[2002-003] Martin, David; Schulman, Andrew. Deanonymizing Users of the SafeWeb Anonymizing Service.

[2002-002] Byers, John; Cheng, Mei Chin; Considine, Jeffrey; Itkis, Gene; Yeung, Alex. Securing Bulk Content Almost for Free.

[2002-001] Rosales, Romer. Specialized Mappings Architecture with Applications to Vision-Based Estimation of Articulated Body Pose.


[2001-026] Guo, Liang; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. How does TCP generate Pseudo-self-similarity? (ERRATA).

[2001-025] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Scalability of Multicast Delivery for Non-sequential Streaming Access.

[2001-024] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer. Basis Token Consistency: A Practical Mechanism for Strong Web Cache Consistency.

[2001-023] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer; Iyengar, Arun. Accelerating Internet Streaming Media Delivery using Network-Aware Partial Caching.

[2001-022] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. An Appearance-Based Framework for 3D Hand Shape Classification and Camera Viewpoint Estimation.

[2001-021] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Finding Appearance-Based Matches in a Large Database of Training Views.

[2001-020] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. GISMO: A Generator of Internet Streaming Media Objects and Workloads.

[2001-019] Considine, Jeffrey. Generating Good Degree Distributions for Sparse Parity Check Codes using Oracles.

[2001-018] Byers, John; Kwon, Gu-In. STAIR: Practical AIMD Multirate Multicast Congestion Control.

[2001-017] Bestavros, Azer; Rabinovich, Michael. Proceedings of the Sixth International Web Content Caching and Distribution Workshop (WCW'01).

[2001-016] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Measuring Bottleneck Bandwidth of Targeted Path Segments.

[2001-015] Jin, Shudong; Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. A Spectrum of TCP-friendly Window-based Congestion Control Algorithms.

[2001-014] Guo, Liang; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. How does TCP generate Pseudo-self-similarity.

[2001-013] Tsaoussidis, Vassilis; Matta, Ibrahim. Open Issues on TCP for Mobile Computing.

[2001-012] Bestavros, Azer; Mehrotra, Sumit. DNS-based Internet Client Clustering and Characterization.

[2001-011] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. On Class-based Isolation of UDP, Short-lived and Long-lived TCP Flows.

[2001-010] Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Harfoush, Khaled. Inference and Labeling of Metric-Induced Network Topologies.

[2001-009] Siddiqui, Matheen; Sclaroff, Stan. Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views using Rational B-Splines.

[2001-008] Rosales, Romer; Siddiqui, Matheen; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimating 3D Body Pose using Uncalibrated Cameras.

[2001-007] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Retrieval by Shape Population: An Index Tree Approach.

[2001-006] Jin, Shudong; Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. TCP-friendly SIMD Congestion Control and Its Convergence Behavior.

[2001-005] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. The War Between Mice and Elephants.

[2001-004] Betke, Margrit; Hong, Harrison; Ko, Jane. Automatic 3D Registration of Lung Surfaces in Computed Tomography Scans.

[2001-003] Medina, Alberto; Lakhina, Anukool; Matta, Ibrahim; Byers, John. BRITE: Universal Topology Generation from a User's Perspective.

[2001-002] Dimock, Allyn; Westmacott, Ian; Muller, Robert; Turbak, Franklyn; Wells, J.B.; Considine, Jeffrey. Program representation size in an intermediate language with intersection and union types.

[2001-001] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Robust Identification of Shared Losses Using End-to-End Unicast Probes (ERRATA).


[2000-028] Gschwendter, Thomas. TCP Control Groups: Aggregated Congestion Control for TCP.

[2000-027] Duvos, Enrique; Bestavros, Azer. An Infrastructure for the Dynamic Distribution of Web Applications and Services.

[2000-026] Byers, John; Luby, Michael; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Fine-Grained Layered Multicast.

[2000-025] Rost, Stan; Byers, John; Bestavros, Azer. The Cyclone Server Architecture: Streamlining Delivery of Popular Content.

[2000-024] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Region Segmentation via Deformable Model-Guided Split and Merge.

[2000-023] Alon, Joni; Sclaroff, Stan. An Integrated Approach for Segmentation and Estimation of Planar Structures.

[2000-022] Rosales, Romer; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. 3D Hand Pose Reconstruction Using Specialized Mappings.

[2000-021] Amtoft, Torben Amtoft; Kfoury, Assaf; Pericas-Geertsen, Santiago. What are polymorphically-typed ambients.

[2000-020] Bugliesi, Michele; Pericas-Geertsen, Santiago M. Type Inference for Variant Object Types.

[2000-019] Zhang, Xiaohui. Cachability of Web Objects.

[2000-018] Barford, Paul; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark. On the Marginal Utility of Deploying Measurement Infrastructure.

[2000-017] Guo, Liang; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. TCP Congestion Control and Heavy Tails.

[2000-016] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Unicast-based Characterization of Network Loss Topologies.

[2000-015] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimating Human Body Pose from a Single Image via the Specialized Mappings Architecture.

[2000-014] Byers, John; Nasser, Gabriel. Utility-Based Decision-Making in Wireless Sensor Networks.

[2000-013] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Robust Identification of Shared Losses Using End-to-End Unicast Probes.

[2000-012] Matta, Ibrahim; Guo, Liang. Differentiated Predictive Fair Service for TCP Flows.

[2000-011] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. GreedyDual* Web Caching Algorithm: Exploiting the Two Sources of Temporal Locality in Web Request Streams.

[2000-010] Considine, Jeffrey. Deciding Isomorphisms of Simple Types in Polynomial Time.

[2000-009] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Index trees for efficient deformable shape-based retrieval.

[2000-008] Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. QoS Controllers for the Internet.

[2000-007] Kfoury, Assaf; Pericas-Geertsen, Santiago M. Type Inference For Recursive Definitions.

[2000-006] Considine, Jeffrey. Efficient Hash-Consing of Recursive Types.

[2000-005] Medina, Alberto; Matta, Ibrahim; Byers, John. BRITE: A Flexible Generator of Internet Topologies.

[2000-004] Medina, Alberto; Matta, Ibrahim; Byers, John. On the Origin of Power Laws in Internet Topologies.

[2000-003] Green, Frederic; Homer, Steven; Pollett, Christopher. On the Complexity of Quantum ACC.

[2000-002] Fenner, Stephen; Green, Frederic; Homer, Steven; Pruim, Randall. Determining Acceptance Possibility for a Quantum Computation is Hard for the Polynomial Hierarchy.

[2000-001] Amtoft, Torben; Turbak, Franklyn. Faithful Translations between Polyvariant Flows and Polymorphic Types.


[1999-019] Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Barford, Paul; Matta, Ibrahim; Mitzenmacher, Michael. BU/NSF Workshop on Internet Measurement Instrumentation and Characterization.

[1999-018] Yoon, Jaehee; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. SomeCast: A Paradigm for Real-Time Adaptive Reliable Multicast.

[1999-017] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Inferring Body Pose without Tracking Body Parts.

[1999-016] Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan. Recursive Estimation of Motion and Planar Structure.

[1999-015] Sigal, Leonid; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimation and Prediction of Evolving Color Distributions for Skin Segmentation Under Varying Illumination.

[1999-014] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Temporal Locality in Web Request Streams: Sources, Characteristics, and Caching Implications.

[1999-013] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. Search Space Reduction in QoS Routing.

[1999-012] Yoon, Jaehee; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Adaptive Reliable Multicast.

[1999-011] Bradley, Adam. Boston University, Computer Science 1998 Proxy Trace.

[1999-010] Ratnam, Karunaharan; Matta, Ibrahim; Rangarajan, Sampath. A Fully Distributed Location Management Scheme for Large PCS.

[1999-009] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Popularity-Aware GreedyDual-Size Web Proxy Caching Algorithms.

[1999-008] Basu, Prithwish; Narayanan, Ashok; Ke, Wang; Little, Tom; Bestavros, Azer. Optimal Scheduling of Secondary Content for Aggregation in Video-on-Demand Systems.

[1999-007] Sethi, Saratendu; Sclaroff, Stan. Combinations of Deformable Shape Prototypes.

[1999-006] Sclaroff, Stan; Alon, Jonathan. Non-Rigid Shape from Image Streams.

[1999-005] La Cascia, Marco; Sclaroff, Stan; Athitsos, Vassilis. Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination: An Approach Based on Registration of Texture-Mapped 3D Models.

[1999-004] Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Measuring Web Performance in the Wide Area.

[1999-003] Crovella, Mark; Frangioso, Robert; Harchol-Balter, Mor. Connection Scheduling in Web Servers.

[1999-002] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Trajectory Guided Tracking and Recognition of Actions.

[1999-001] Aversa, Luis; Bestavros, Azer. Load Balancing a Cluster of Web Servers using Distributed Packet Rewriting.


[1998-023] Barford, Paul; Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Crovella, Mark. Changes in Web Client Access Patterns: Characteristics and Caching Implications.

[1998-020] Rosales, Romer. Recognition of Human Action Using Moment-Based Features.

[1998-019] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. 3D Trajectory Recovery for Tracking Multiple Objects and Trajectory Guided Recognition of Actions.

[1998-018] La Cascia, Marco; Sclaroff, Stan. Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination.

[1998-017] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping.

[1998-016] Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. A Performance Evaluation of Hyper Text Transfer Protocols.

[1998-015] Kfoury, Assaf J.; Wells, Joe B. Principality and Decidable Type Inference for Finite-Rank Intersection Types.

[1998-014] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. An Omniscient Scheduling Oracle for Systems with Harmonic Periods.

[1998-013] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Design and Implementation of SRMS in Kurt Linux.

[1998-012] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. The Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling Workbench.

[1998-011] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Multiplexing VBR Traffic Flows with Guaranteed Application-level QoS Using Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling.

[1998-010] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling.

[1998-009] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Slack Stealing Job Admission Control Scheduling.

[1998-008] Fenner, Stephen; Green, Frederic; Homer, Steven; Pruim, Randall. Determining Acceptance Possibility for a Quantum Computation is Hard for PH.

[1998-007] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Improved Tracking of Multiple Humans with Trajectory Prediction and Occlusion Modeling.

[1998-006] Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Active Voodoo Dolls: A Vision Based Input Device for Non-rigid Control.

[1998-005] Kim, Gitae; Bestavros, Azer. Preserving Bandwidth Through A Lazy Packet Discard Policy in ATM Networks.

[1998-004] La Cascia, Marco; Sethi, Sarathendu; Sclaroff, Stan. Combining Textual and Visual Cues for Content-based Image Retrieval on the World Wide Web.

[1998-003] Bestavros, Azer; Crovella, Mark; Liu, Jun; Martin, David. Distributed Packet Rewriting and its Application to Scalable Server Architectures.

[1998-002] Gacs, Peter. Reliable Cellular Automata with Self-Organization.

[1998-001] Bestavros, Azer; Hartmann, Olivier. Aggregating Congestion Information Over Sequences of TCP Connections.


[1997-022] Martin, David M. A Framework for Local Anonymity in the Internet.

[1997-021] Bestavros, Azer. Proceedings of the 18th Real-Time Systems Symposium WIP Session.

[1997-020] La Cascia, Marco; Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Head Tracking via Robust Registration in Texture Map Images.

[1997-019] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Color Region Grouping and Shape Recognition with Deformable Models.

[1997-018] Crovella, Mark; Harchol-Balter, Mor; Murta, Cristina. Task Assignment in a Distributed System: Improving Performance by Unbalancing Load.

[1997-017] Harchol-Balter, Mor; Crovella, Mark; Murta, Cristina. To queue or not to queue?: When FCFS is better than PS in a distributed system.

[1997-016] Bestavros, Azer. Discovering Spatial Locality in WWW Access Patterns using Data Mining of Document Clusters in Server Logs.

[1997-015] Bestavros, Azer; Katagai, Naomi; Londono, Jorge. Admission Control and Scheduling for High Performance WWW Servers.

[1997-014] Taycher, Leonid; La Cascia, Marco; Sclaroff, Stan. Image Digestion and Relevance Feedback in the ImageRover WWW Search Engine.

[1997-013] Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. Evaluation of a Load Profiling Approach to Routing Guaranteed Bandwidth Flows.

[1997-012] Yates, David J.; Almeida, Virgilio; Almeida, Jussara M. On the Interaction Between an Operating System and Web Server.

[1997-011] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Helal, Abdelsalam. Reliability, Availability, Dependability and Performability: A User-centered View.

[1997-010] Nagy, Sue; Bestavros, Azer. Concurrency Admission Control Management in ACCORD.

[1997-009] Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Load Profiling for Efficient Route Selection in Multi-Class Networks.

[1997-008] Sclaroff, Stan; Isidoro, John. Active Blobs.

[1997-007] Baruah, Sanjoy; Bestavros, Azer. Real-Time Mutable Broadcast Disks.

[1997-006] Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Generating Representative Web Workloads for Network and Server Performance Evaluation.

[1997-005] Sclaroff, Stan; Taycher, Leonid; LaCascia, Marco. ImageRover: A Content-Based Image Browser for the World Wide Web.

[1997-004] Cunha, Carlos R.; Jaccoud, Carlos F.B. Determining WWW User's Next Access and Its Application to Pre-fetching.

[1997-003] LoConte, Loredana; Smith, Temple F. Visible Volume: A Robust Measure for Protein Structure Characterization.

[1997-002] Crovella, Mark; Barford, Paul. The Network Effects of Prefetching.

[1997-001] Bestavros, Azer; Kim, Gitae. Exploiting Redundancy for Timeliness in TCP Boston.


[1996-027] Bestavros, Azer. Proceedings of the 17th Real-Time Systems Symposium WIP Session.

[1996-026] Martin, David M.; Rajagopalan, Sivaramakrishnan; Rubin, Aviel D. Blocking Java Applets at the Firewall.

[1996-025] Almeida, Jussara; Almeida, Virgilio; Yates, David. Measuring the Behavior of a World-Wide Web Server.

[1996-024] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Mirdad, Sulaiman. WebWave: Globally Load Balanced Fully Distributed Caching of Hot Published Documents.

[1996-023] Baruah, Sanjoy; Bestavros, Azer. Pinwheel Scheduling for Fault-tolerant Broadcast Disks in Real-time Database Systems.

[1996-022] Wells, J.B. Typability is Undecidable for F+Eta.

[1996-021] Kfoury, A.J. A Linearization of the Lambda Calculus and Consequences.

[1996-020] Kfoury, A.J.; Stolboushkin, A.P. An Infinite Pebble Game and Applications.

[1996-019] Kfoury, A.J. Beta-Reduction as Unification.

[1996-018] Almeida, Virgilio; Almeida, Jussara; Murta, Cristina. Performance Analysis of a WWW Server.

[1996-017] Bestavros, Azer. Load Profiling in Distributed Real-Time Systems.

[1996-016] Park, Kihong; Kim, Gitae; Crovella, Mark. On the relationship between file sizes, transport protocols, and self-similar network traffic.

[1996-015] Park, Kihong. Ergodicity and mixing rate of one-dimensional cellular automata.

[1996-014] Bestavros, Azer; Kim, Gitae. TCP Boston: A Fragmentation-tolerant TCP Protocol for ATM Networks.

[1996-013] Bestavros, Azer; Lin, Kwei-Jay; Son, Sang. Real-Time Databases: Issues and Applications (RTDB'96 Workshop Report).

[1996-012] Fahmy, Amr; Heddaya, Abdelsalam. Management of Communicable Memory and Lazy Barriers for Bulk Synchronous Parallelism in BSPk.

[1996-011] Almeida, Virgilio; Bestavros, Azer; Crovella, Mark; deOliveira, Adriana. Characterizing Reference Locality in the WWW.

[1996-010] Panagos, Euthimios. Client-Based Logging: A New Paradigm For Distributed Transaction Management.

[1996-009] Hicks, David; Haake, Anja; Durand, David; Vitali, Fabio. Proceedings of the ECSCW'95: Workshop on the Role of Version Control in CSCW Applications.

[1996-008] Bestavros, Azer; Chen, Marina; Crovella, Mark; Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Sclaroff, Stan; Cowie, James. Responsive Web Computing: Resource Management, Protocol Techniques, and Applications (A research statement).

[1996-007] Carter, Robert; Crovella, Mark. Dynamic Server Selection using Bandwidth Probing in Wide-Area Networks.

[1996-006] Carter, Robert; Crovella, Mark. Measuring Bottleneck Link Speed in Packet-Switched Networks.

[1996-005] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Sinha, Himanshu. Distributed Parallel Computing in Mermera: Mixing Noncoherent Shared Memories.

[1996-004] Almeida, Virgilio; Oliveira, Adriana. On the Fractal Nature of WWW and Its Application to Cache Modeling.

[1996-003] Bestavros, Azer. Advances in Real-Time Database Systems Research: Special Section on RTDBS of ACM SIGMOD Record 25(1).

[1996-002] Bestavros, Azer; Nagy, Sue. An Admission Control Paradigm for Real-Time Databases.

[1996-001] Bestavros, Azer. AIDA-based Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Broadcast Disks.


[1995-019] Wells, J.B. Title: The Undecidability of Mitchell's Subtyping Relationship.

[1995-018] Gacs, Peter. Deterministic Computations Whose History is Independent of the Order of Updating.

[1995-017] Sclaroff, Stan. Deformable Prototypes for Encoding Shape Categories in Image Databases.

[1995-016] Sclaroff, Stan. World Wide Web Image Search Engines.

[1995-015] Crovella, Mark; Bestavros, Azer. Explaining World Wide Web Traffic Self-Similarity.

[1995-014] Crovella, Mark; Carter, Robert. Dynamic Server Selection in the Internet.

[1995-013] Bestavros, Azer; Liu, Yueh-Lin. Simulation of Hardware Dynamic Scheduling on the DLX Architecture.

[1995-012] Cai, Patrick; Bestavros, Azer. Object-Oriented Animation on the World Wide Web.

[1995-011] Bestavros, Azer; Cunha, Carlos. A Prefetching Protocol Using Client Speculation for the WWW.

[1995-010] Cunha, Carlos; Bestavros, Azer; Crovella, Mark. Characteristics of WWW Client-based Traces.

[1995-009] Gacs, Peter. A New Version of Toom's Proof.

[1995-008] Sclaroff, S.; Pentland, A.P. Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition.

[1995-007] Kfoury, A.J.; Wells, J.B. Addendum to "New Notions of Reduction and Non-Semantic Proofs of Beta Strong Normalization in Typed Lambda Calculi".

[1995-006] Bestavros, Azer. Using Speculation to Reduce Server Load and Service Time on the WWW.

[1995-005] Bestavros, Azer; Braoudakis, Spyridon. Speculative Concurrency Control with Deferred Commitment for Real-Time Databases.

[1995-004] Tiuryn, Jerzy. Equational Axiomatization of Bicoercibility for Polymorphic Types.

[1995-003] Bestavros, Azer. Demand-based Document Dissemination for the World-Wide Web.

[1995-002] Bestavros, Azer; Carter, Robert; Crovella, Mark; Cunha, Carlos; Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Mirdad, Sulaiman. Application-Level Document Caching in the Internet.

[1995-001] Durand, David; Haake, Anja; Hicks, David; Vitali, Fabio. Proceedings of the Workshop on Versioning in Hypertext Systems.


[1994-016] Sclaroff, S.; Pentland, A.P. Physically-Based Combinations of Views: Representing Rigid and Nonrigid Motion.

[1994-015] Sclaroff, S.; Pentland, A.P. Search by Shape Examples: Modeling Nonrigid Deformation.

[1994-014] Kfoury, A.J.; Wells, J.B. New Notions of Reduction and Non-Semantic Proofs of Beta-Strong Normalization in Typed Lambda-Calculi.

[1994-013] Oliart, Alberto. An Algorithm for Inferring Quasi-Static Types.

[1994-012] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Fahmy, Amr. OS Support for Portable Bulk Synchronous Parallel Programs.

[1994-011] Braoudakis, Spyridon. Concurrency Control Protocols for Real-Time Databases. (forthcoming)

[1994-010] Carter, Robert; Park, Kihong. On the effectiveness of genetic search in combinatorial optimization.

[1994-009] Park, Kihong. A lower-bound result on the power of a genetic algorithm.

[1994-008] Bestavros, Azer. An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure: Towards Physically-Correct Specifications of Embedded Real-Time Systems.

[1994-007] Bestavros, Azer; Braoudakis, Spyridon. Timeliness via Speculation for Real-Time Databases.

[1994-006] Kfoury, A.J.; Wells, J.B. Adding Polymorphic Abstraction to ML (Detailed Abstract).

[1994-005] Shaban, Marwan. Structure Sharing and Parallelization in a GB Parser.

[1994-004] Shaban, Marwan. A Hybrid GLR Algorithm for Parsing with Epsilon Grammars.

[1994-003] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Park, Kihong. Mapping parallel iterative algorithms onto workstation networks.

[1994-002] Chen, Zhixiang; Homer, Steven. On Learning Counting Functions With Queries.

[1994-001] Homer, Steve; Peinado, Marcus. On the Performance of Polynomial-time CLIQUE Algorithms on Very Large Graphs.


[1993-020] Bestavros, Azer; Makarechian, Mohammad. AIDA-based Distributed File System.

[1993-019] Jahama, Said. Type Reconstruction in the Presence of Polymorphic Recursion and Recursive Types.

[1993-018] Jahama, Said; Kfoury, A.J. A General Theory of Semi-Unification.

[1993-017] Wells, Joe. A Direct Algorithm for Type Inference in the Rank 2 Fragment of the Second-Order Lambda-Calculus.

[1993-016] Kfoury, A.J.; Wymann-Boeni, M. An Algebraic Characterization of First-Order Definability.

[1993-015] Carter, Robert; Park, Kihong. How good are genetic algorithms at finding large cliques: an experimental.

[1993-014] Bestavros, Azer; Wang, Biao. Multi-version Speculative Concurrency Control with Delayed Commit.

[1993-013] Shaban, Marwan. A Minimal GB Parser.

[1993-012] Bestavros, Azer. Building Responsive Systems from Physically-correct Specifications.

[1993-011] Wells, J.B. Typability and Type Checking in the Second-Order Lambda-Calculus Are Equivalent and Undecidable.

[1993-010] Chen, Zhixiang; Homer, Steve. Learning Unions of Rectangles with Queries.

[1993-009] Kfoury, A.J.; Wymann-Boeni, M. A Characterization of First-Order Definable Subsets on Classes of Finite Total Orders.

[1993-008] Kfoury, A.J.; Wymann-Boeni, M. Fixed Point vs. First-Order Logic on Finite Ordered Structures with Unary Relations.

[1993-007] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Park, Kihong; Sinha, Himanshu. Using Warp to Control Network Contention in Mermera.

[1993-006] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Sinha, Himanshu. An Implementation of Mermera: A Shared Memory System that Mixes Coherence with Non-coherence.

[1993-005] Sinha, Himanshu. Mermera: Non-coherent Distributed Shared Memory for Parallel Computing.

[1993-004] Snyder, Wayne. Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Unification.

[1993-003] Shaban, Marwan. Quadsim Student Manual.

[1993-002] Bestavros, Azer. Speculative Concurrency Control for Real-Time Databases.

[1993-001] Bestavros, Azer; Braoudakis, Spyridon; Panagos, Euthimios. Performance Evaluation of Two-Shadow Speculative Concurrency Control.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 587
  • Item
    CAPSys: Contention-aware task placement for data stream processing
    (2024-09) Wang, Yuanli; Huang, Lei; Wang, Zikun; Kalavri, Vasiliki; Matta, Ibrahim
    In the context of streaming dataflow queries, the task placement problem aims to identify a mapping of operator tasks to physical resources in a distributed cluster. We show that task placement not only significantly affects query performance but also the convergence and accuracy of auto-scaling controllers. We propose CAPSys, an adaptive resource controller for dataflow stream processors, that considers auto-scaling and task placement in concert. CAPSys relies on Contention-Aware Placement Search (CAPS), a new placement strategy that ensures compute-intensive, I/O-intensive, and network-intensive tasks are balanced across available resources. We integrate CAPSys with Apache Flink and show that it consistently achieves higher throughput and lower backpressure than Flink’s strategies, while it also improves the convergence of the DS2 auto-scaling controller under variable workloads. When compared with the state-of-the-art ODRP placement strategy, CAPSys computes the task placement in orders of magnitude lower time and achieves up to 6× higher throughput.
  • Item
    Secrecy: Secure collaborative analytics on secret-shared data
    (Department of Computer Science, Boston University) Liagouris, John; Kalavri, Vasiliki; Faisal, Muhammad; Varia, Mayank
    We study the problem of composing and optimizing relational query plans under secure multi-party computation (MPC). MPC enables mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute arbitrary functions over private data, while preserving data privacy from each other and from external entities. In this paper, we propose a relational MPC framework based on replicated secret sharing. We define a set of oblivious operators, explain the secure primitives they rely on, and provide an analysis of their costs in terms of operations and inter-party communication. We show how these operators can be composed to form end-to-end oblivious queries, and we introduce logical and physical optimizations that dramatically reduce the space and communication requirements during query execution, in some cases from quadratic to linear with respect to the cardinality of the input. We provide an efficient implementation of our framework, called Secrecy, and evaluate it using real queries from several MPC application areas. Our results demonstrate that the optimizations we propose can result in up to 1000× lower execution times compared to baseline approaches, enabling Secrecy to outperform state-of-the-art frameworks and compute MPC queries on millions of input rows with a single thread per party.
  • Item
    Scheduling policies and system software architectures for mixed-criticality computing
    (Department of Computer Science, Boston University, 2018-12-05) Sinha, Soham
    Mixed-criticality model of computation is being increasingly adopted in timing-sensitive systems. The model not only ensures that the most critical tasks in a system never fails, but also aims for better systems resource utilization in normal condition. In this report, we describe the widely used mixed-criticality task model and fixed-priority scheduling algorithms for the model in uniprocessors. Because of the necessity by the mixed-criticality task model and scheduling policies, isolation, both temporal and spatial, among tasks is one of the main requirements from the system design point of view. Different virtualization techniques have been used to design system software architecture with the goal of isolation. We discuss such a few system software architectures which are being and can be used for mixed-criticality model of computation.
  • Item
    Incentive-compatible route coordination of crowdsourced resources
    (2016) Bassem, C.; Bestavros, Azer
    With the recent trend in crowdsourcing, i.e., using the power of crowds to assist in satisfying demand, the pool of resources suitable for GeoPresen-ce-capable systems has expanded to include already roaming devices, such as mobile phones, and moving vehicles. We envision an environment, in which the motion of these crowdsourced mobile resources is coordinated, according to their preexisting schedules to satisfy geo-temporal demand on a mobility field. In this paper, we propose an incentive compatible route coordination mechanism for crowdsourced resources, in which participating mobile agents satisfy geo-temporal requests in return for monetary rewards. We define the Flexible Route Coordination (FRC) problem, in which an agent’s flexibility is exploited to maximize the coverage of a mobility field, with an objective to maximize the revenue collected from satisfied paying requests. Given that the FRC problem is NP-hard, we define an optimal algorithm to plan the route of a single agent on a graph with evolving labels, then we use that algorithm to define a 1-approximation algorithm to solve the 2 problem in its general model, with multiple agents. Moreover, we define an incentive compatible, rational, and cash-positive payment mechanism, which guarantees that an agent’s truthfulness about its flexibility is an ex-post Nash equilibrium strategy. Finally, we analyze the proposed mechanisms theoretically, and evaluate their performance experimentally using real mobility traces from urban environments.
  • Item
    Hyp3rArmor: reducing web application exposure to automated attacks
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-11-11) Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer
    Web applications (webapps) are subjected constantly to automated, opportunistic attacks from autonomous robots (bots) engaged in reconnaissance to discover victims that may be vulnerable to specific exploits. This is a typical behavior found in botnet recruitment, worm propagation, largescale fingerprinting and vulnerability scanners. Most anti-bot techniques are deployed at the application layer, thus leaving the network stack of the webapp’s server exposed. In this paper we present a mechanism called Hyp3rArmor, that addresses this vulnerability by minimizing the webapp’s attack surface exposed to automated opportunistic attackers, for JavaScriptenabled web browser clients. Our solution uses port knocking to eliminate the webapp’s visible network footprint. Clients of the webapp are directed to a visible static web server to obtain JavaScript that authenticates the client to the webapp server (using port knocking) before making any requests to the webapp. Our implementation of Hyp3rArmor, which is compatible with all webapp architectures, has been deployed and used to defend single and multi-page websites on the Internet for 114 days. During this time period the static web server observed 964 attempted attacks that were deflected from the webapp, which was only accessed by authenticated clients. Our evaluation shows that in most cases client-side overheads were negligible and that server-side overheads were minimal. Hyp3rArmor is ideal for critical systems and legacy applications that must be accessible on the Internet. Additionally Hyp3rArmor is composable with other security tools, adding an additional layer to a defense in depth approach.
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    The effect of competition among brokers on the quality and price of differentiated internet services
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-10-04) Ghasemi, Maryam; Matta, Ibrahim; Esposito, Flavio
    Price war, as an important factor in undercutting competitors and attracting customers, has spurred considerable work that analyzes such conflict situation. However, in most of these studies, quality of service (QoS), as an important decision-making criterion, has been neglected. Furthermore, with the rise of service-oriented architectures, where players may offer different levels of QoS for different prices, more studies are needed to examine the interaction among players within the service hierarchy. In this paper, we present a new approach to modeling price competition in (virtualized) service-oriented architectures, where there are multiple service levels. In our model, brokers, as the intermediaries between end-users and service providers, offer different QoS by adapting the service that they obtain from lower-level providers so as to match the demands of their clients to the services of providers. To maximize profit, players, i.e. providers and brokers, at each level compete in a Bertrand game while they offer different QoS. To maintain an oligopoly market, we then describe underlying dynamics which lead to a Bertrand game with price constraints at the providers' level. Numerical simulations demonstrate the behavior of brokers and providers and the effect of price competition on their market shares.
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    Markov modeling of moving target defense games
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-07-25) Maleki, Hoda; Valizadeh, Mohammad; Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer; van Dijk, Marten van Dijk
    We introduce a Markov-model-based framework for Moving Target Defense (MTD) analysis. The framework allows modeling of broad range of MTD strategies, provides general theorems about how the probability of a successful adversary defeating an MTD strategy is related to the amount of time/cost spent by the adversary, and shows how a multi-level composition of MTD strategies can be analyzed by a straightforward combination of the analysis for each one of these strategies. Within the proposed framework we define the concept of security capacity which measures the strength or effectiveness of an MTD strategy: the security capacity depends on MTD specific parameters and more general system parameters. We apply our framework to two concrete MTD strategies.
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    Secure multi-party computation for analytics deployed as a lightweight web application
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-07-25) Lapets, Andrei; Volgushev, Nikolaj; Bestavros, Azer; Jansen, Frederick; Varia, Mayank
    We describe the definition, design, implementation, and deployment of a secure multi-party computation protocol and web application. The protocol and application allow groups of cooperating parties with minimal expertise and no specialized resources to compute basic statistical analytics on their collective data sets without revealing the contributions of individual participants. The application was developed specifically to support a Boston Women’s Workforce Council (BWWC) study of wage disparities within employer organizations in the Greater Boston Area. The application has been deployed successfully to support two data collection sessions (in 2015 and in 2016) to obtain data pertaining to compensation levels across genders and demographics. Our experience provides insights into the particular security and usability requirements (and tradeoffs) a successful “MPC-as-a-service” platform design and implementation must negotiate.
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    PROVIDE: hiding from automated network scans with proofs of identity
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-07-01) Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer
    Network scanners are a valuable tool for researchers and administrators, however they are also used by malicious actors to identify vulnerable hosts on a network. Upon the disclosure of a security vulnerability, scans are launched within hours. These opportunistic attackers enumerate blocks of IP addresses in hope of discovering an exploitable host. Fortunately, defensive measures such as port knocking protocols (PKPs) allow a service to remain stealth to unauthorized IP addresses. The service is revealed only when a client includes a special authentication token (AT) in the IP/TCP header. However this AT is generated from a secret shared between the clients/servers and distributed manually to each endpoint. As a result, these defense measures have failed to be widely adopted by other protocols such as HTTP/S due to challenges in distributing the shared secrets. In this paper we propose a scalable solution to this problem for services accessed by domain name. We make the following observation: automated network scanners access servers by IP address, while legitimate clients access the server by name. Therefore a service should only reveal itself to clients who know its name. Based on this principal, we have created a proof of the verifier’s identity (a.k.a. PROVIDE) protocol that allows a prover (legitimate user) to convince a verifier (service) that it is knowledgeable of the verifier’s identity. We present a PROVIDE implementation using a PKP and DNS (PKP+DNS) that uses DNS TXT records to distribute identification tokens (IDT) while DNS PTR records for the service’s domain name are prohibited to prevent reverse DNS lookups. Clients are modified to make an additional DNS TXT query to obtain the IDT which is used by the PKP to generate an AT. The inclusion of an AT in the packet header, generated from the DNS TXT query, is proof the client knows the service’s identity. We analyze the effectiveness of this mechanism with respect to brute force attempts for various strength ATs and discuss practical considerations.
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    Scheduling of data-intensive workloads in a brokered virtualized environment
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-03-30) Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer
    Providing performance predictability guarantees is increasingly important in cloud platforms, especially for data-intensive applications, for which performance depends greatly on the available rates of data transfer between the various computing/storage hosts underlying the virtualized resources assigned to the application. With the increased prevalence of brokerage services in cloud platforms, there is a need for resource management solutions that consider the brokered nature of these workloads, as well as the special demands of their intra-dependent components. In this paper, we present an offline mechanism for scheduling batches of brokered data-intensive workloads, which can be extended to an online setting. The objective of the mechanism is to decide on a packing of the workloads in a batch that minimizes the broker's incurred costs, Moreover, considering the brokered nature of such workloads, we define a payment model that provides incentives to these workloads to be scheduled as part of a batch, which we analyze theoretically. Finally, we evaluate the proposed scheduling algorithm, and exemplify the fairness of the payment model in practical settings via trace-based experiments.
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    What’s in it for me? Incentive-compatible route coordination of crowdsourced resources
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-03-30) Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer
    With the recent trend in crowdsourcing, i.e., using the power of crowds to assist in satisfying demand, the pool of resources suitable for GeoPresence-capable systems has expanded to include already roaming devices, such as mobile phones, and moving vehicles. We envision an environment, in which the motion of these crowdsourced mobile resources is coordinated, according to their preexisting schedules to satisfy geo-temporal demand on a mobility field. In this paper, we propose an incentive compatible route coordination mechanism for crowdsourced resources, in which participating mobile agents satisfy geo-temporal requests in return for monetary rewards. We define the Flexible Route Coordination (FRC) problem, in which an agent’s flexibility is exploited to maximize the coverage of a mobility field, with an objective to maximize the revenue collected from satisfied paying requests. Given that the FRC problem is NP-hard, we define an optimal algorithm to plan the route of a single agent on a graph with evolving labels, then we use that algorithm to define a 1/2-approximation algorithm to solve the problem in its general model, with multiple agents. Moreover, we define an incentive compatible, rational, and cash-positive payment mechanism, which guarantees that an agent’s truthfulness about its flexibility is an ex-post Nash equilibrium strategy. Finally, we analyze the proposed mechanisms theoretically, and evaluate their performance experimentally using real mobility traces from urban environments.
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    Shortest path and maximum flow problems in planar flow networks with additive gains and losses
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-03-29) Mirzaei, Saber; Kfoury, Assaf
    In contrast to traditional flow networks, in additive flow networks, to every edge e is assigned a gain factor g(e) which represents the loss or gain of the flow while using edge e. Hence, if a flow f(e) enters the edge e and f(e) is less than the designated capacity of e, then f(e) + g(e) = 0 units of flow reach the end point of e, provided e is used, i.e., provided f(e) != 0. In this report we study the maximum flow problem in additive flow networks, which we prove to be NP-hard even when the underlying graphs of additive flow networks are planar. We also investigate the shortest path problem, when to every edge e is assigned a cost value for every unit flow entering edge e, which we show to be NP-hard in the strong sense even when the additive flow networks are planar.
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    EbbRT: a framework for building per-application library operating systems
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-02-23) Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan
    Efficient use of high speed hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application work- load. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present EbbRT, a framework for constructing per-application library operating systems for cloud applications. The primary objective of EbbRT is to enable high-performance in a tractable and maintainable fashion. This paper describes the design and implementation of EbbRT, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the EbbRT prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux.
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    Minimum average delay of routing trees
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2016-01-11) Mirzaei, Saber
    The general communication tree embedding problem is the problem of mapping a set of communicating terminals, represented by a graph G, into the set of vertices of some physical network represented by a tree T. In the case where the vertices of G are mapped into the leaves of the host tree T the underlying tree is called a routing tree and if the internal vertices of T are forced to have degree 3, the host tree is known as layout tree. Different optimization problems have been studied in the class of communication tree problems such as well-known minimum edge dilation and minimum edge congestion problems. In this report we study the less investigate measure i.e. tree length, which is a representative for average edge dilation (communication delay) measure and also for average edge congestion measure. We show that finding a routing tree T for an arbitrary graph G with minimum tree length is an NP-Hard problem.
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    A recursive approach to network management
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2015-12-14) Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim
    Nowadays there is an increasing need for a general management paradigm which can simplify network management and further enable network innovations. In this paper, in response to limitations of current Software Defined Networking (SDN) management solutions, we propose a recursive approach to enterprise network management, where network management is done through managing various Virtual Transport Networks (VTNs). Different from the traditional virtual network model which mainly focuses on routing/tunneling, our VTN provides communication service with explicit Quality-of-Service (QoS) support for applications via transport flows, and it involves all mechanisms (e:g:, routing, addressing, error and flow control, resource allocation) needed to support such transport flows. Based on this approach, we design and implement a management layer, which recurses the same VTN-based management mechanism for enterprise network management. Comparing with an SDN-based management approach, our experimental results show that our management layer achieves better network performance.
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    Managing NFV using SDN and control theory
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2015-12-14) Akhtar, Nabeel; Matta, Ibrahim; Wang, Yuefeng
    Control theory and SDN (Software Defined Networking) are key components for NFV (Network Function Virtualization) deployment. However little has been done to use a control-theoretic approach for SDN and NFV management. In this paper, we describe a use case for NFV management using control theory and SDN. We use the management architecture of RINA (a clean-slate Recursive InterNetwork Architecture) to manage Virtual Network Function (VNF) instances over the GENI testbed. We deploy Snort, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) as the VNF. Our network topology has source and destination hosts, multiple IDSes, an Open vSwitch (OVS) and an OpenFlow controller. A distributed management application running on RINA measures the state of the VNF instances and communicates this information to a Proportional Integral (PI) controller, which then provides load balancing information to the OpenFlow controller. The latter controller in turn updates traffic flow forwarding rules on the OVS switch, thus balancing load across the VNF instances. This paper demonstrates the benefits of using such a control-theoretic load balancing approach and the RINA management architecture in virtualized environments for NFV management. It also illustrates that GENI can easily support a wide range of SDN and NFV related experiments.
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    Linear arrangement of Halin graphs
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2015-09-01) Kfoury, Assaf; Mirzaei, Saber
    We study the Optimal Linear Arrangement (OLA) problem of Halin graphs, one of the simplest classes of non-outerplanar graphs. We present several properties of OLA of general Halin graphs. We prove a lower bound on the cost of OLA of any Halin graph, and define classes of Halin graphs for which the cost of OLA matches this lower bound. We show for these classes of Halin graphs, OLA can be computed in nlog n, where n is the number of vertices.
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    Programming support for an integrated multi-party computation and MapReduce infrastructure
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2015-09-01) Volgushev, Nikolaj; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer
    We describe and present a prototype of a distributed computational infrastructure and associated high-level programming language that allow multiple parties to leverage their own computational resources capable of supporting MapReduce [1] operations in combination with multi-party computation (MPC). Our architecture allows a programmer to author and compile a protocol using a uniform collection of standard constructs, even when that protocol involves computations that take place locally within each participant’s MapReduce cluster as well as across all the participants using an MPC protocol. The highlevel programming language provided to the user is accompanied by static analysis algorithms that allow the programmer to reason about the efficiency of the protocol before compiling and running it. We present two example applications demonstrating how such an infrastructure can be employed.
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    Scather: programming with multi-party computation and MapReduce
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2015-08-29) Volgushev, Nikolaj; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer
    We present a prototype of a distributed computational infrastructure, an associated high level programming language, and an underlying formal framework that allow multiple parties to leverage their own cloud-based computational resources (capable of supporting MapReduce [27] operations) in concert with multi-party computation (MPC) to execute statistical analysis algorithms that have privacy-preserving properties. Our architecture allows a data analyst unfamiliar with MPC to: (1) author an analysis algorithm that is agnostic with regard to data privacy policies, (2) to use an automated process to derive algorithm implementation variants that have different privacy and performance properties, and (3) to compile those implementation variants so that they can be deployed on an infrastructures that allows computations to take place locally within each participant’s MapReduce cluster as well as across all the participants’ clusters using an MPC protocol. We describe implementation details of the architecture, discuss and demonstrate how the formal framework enables the exploration of tradeoffs between the efficiency and privacy properties of an analysis algorithm, and present two example applications that illustrate how such an infrastructure can be utilized in practice.
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    Web-based multi-party computation with application to anonymous aggregate compensation analytics
    (Computer Science Department, Boston University, 2015-08-15) Lapets, Andrei; Dunton, Eric; Holzinger, Kyle; Jansen, Frederick; Bestavros, Azer
    We describe the definition, design, implementation, and deployment of a multi-party computation protocol and supporting web-based infrastructure. The protocol and infrastructure constitute a software application that allows groups of cooperating parties, such as companies or other organizations, to collect aggregate data for statistical analysis without revealing the data of individual participants. The application was developed specifically to support a Boston Women's Workforce Council (BWWC) study of the gender wage gap among employers within the Greater Boston Area. The application was deployed successfully to collect aggregate statistical data pertaining to compensation levels across genders and demographics at a number of participating organizations.