CAS: Computer Science: Technical Reports
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Authors. "Title", Technical Report BUCS-YYYY-NNN, Computer Science Department, Boston University, Date. [Available from: URL]
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[2024-001] Wang, Yuanli; Huang, Lei; Wang, Zikun; Kalavri, Vasiliki; Matta, Ibrahim. CAPSys: Contention-aware task placement for data stream processing. September, 2024.
[2021-001] Liagouris, John; Kalavri, Vasiliki; Faisal, Muhammad; Mayank, Varia. Secrecy: Secure collaborative analytics on secret-shared data. February 1, 2021.
[2018-001] Sinha, Soham. Scheduling Policies and System Software Architectures for Mixed-criticality Computing. December 5, 2018.
[2017-003] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim. Multi-Layer Virtual Transport Network Design, January 1, 2017.
[2017-002] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim. Multi-Layer Virtual Transport Network Management, January 1, 2017.
[2017-001] Wang, Yuefeng. Multi-Layered Virtual Transport Network Design and Management (PhD Thesis), January 1, 2017.
[2016-010] Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer. Hyp3rArmor: Reducing Web Application Exposure to Automated Attacks, November 11, 2016.
[2016-009] Ghasemi, Maryam; Matta, Ibrahim; Esposito, Flavio. The Effect of Competition among Brokers on the Quality and Price of Differentiated Internet Services, October 4, 2016.
[2016-008] Lapets, Andrei; Volgushev, Nikolaj; Bestavros, Azer; Jansen, Frederick; Varia, Mayank. Secure Multi-Party Computation for Analytics Deployed as a Lightweight Web Application, July 25, 2016.
[2016-007] Maleki, Hoda; Valizadeh, Mohammad; Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer; van Dijk, Marten van Dijk. Markov Modeling of Moving Target Defense Games, July 25, 2016.
[2016-006] Koch, William; Bestavros, Azer. PROVIDE: Hiding from Automated Network Scans with Proofs of Identity, July 1, 2016.
[2016-005] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Scheduling of Data-Intensive Workloads in a Brokered Virtualized Environment, March 30, 2016.
[2016-004] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Incentive-Compatible Route Coordination of Crowdsourced Resources, March 30, 2016.
[2016-003] Mirzaei, Saber; Kfoury, Assaf. Shortest path and maximum flow problems in planar flow networks with additive gains and losses, March 10, 2016.
[2016-002] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: A Framework for Building Per-Application Library Operating Systems, February 23, 2016.
[2016-001] Mirzaei, Saber. Minimum Average Delay of Routing Trees, January 11, 2016.
[2015-014] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim. A Recursive Approach to Network Management, December 14, 2015.
[2015-013] Akhtar, Nabeel; Matta, Ibrahim; Wang, Yuefeng. Managing NFV using SDN and Control Theory, December 14, 2015.
[2015-012] Kfoury, Assaf; Mirzaei, Saber. Linear Arrangement of Halin Graphs, September 1, 2015.
[2015-011] Volgushev, Nikolaj; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer. Programming Support for an Integrated Multi-Party Computation and MapReduce Infrastructure, September 1, 2015.
[2015-010] Volgushev, Nikolaj; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer. Scather: Programming with Multi-party Computation and MapReduce, August 29, 2015.
[2015-009] Lapets, Andrei; Dunton, Eric; Holzinger, Kyle; Jansen, Frederick; Bestavros, Azer. Web-based Multi-Party Computation with Application to Anonymous Aggregate Compensation Analytics, August 15, 2015.
[2015-008] Kfoury, Assaf; Mirzaei, Saber. Efficient Reassembling of Graphs, Part 1: The Linear Case, August 10, 2015.
[2015-007] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: A Customizable Operating System for Cloud Applications, June 28, 2015.
[2015-006] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: Elastic Building Block Runtime - Overview, May 1, 2015.
[2015-005] Schatzberg, Dan; Cadden, James; Dong, Han; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. EbbRT: Elastic Building Block Runtime - Overview, May 1, 2015.
[2015-004] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Incentive Compatible Route Coordination of Crowdsourced Resources and its Application to GeoPresence-as-a-Service , April 14, 2015.
[2015-003] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta, Ibrahim; Akhtar, Nabeel. Application-Driven Network Management with ProtoRINA, March 31, 2015.
[2015-002] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Rational Coordination of Crowdsourced Resources for Geo-temporal Request Satisfaction, March 23, 2015.
[2015-001] Machado, Michel; Doucette, Cody; Byers, John. Linux XIA: An Interoperable Meta Network Architecture to Crowdsource the Future Internet, January 30, 2015.
[2014-009] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Network-Constrained Packing of Brokered Workloads in Virtualized Environments, November 10, 2014.
[2014-008] Teixeira, Mario; Bestavros, Azer. End-to-End Informed VM Selection in Compute Clouds, November 10, 2014.
[2014-007] Tazine, Samir; Matta Ibrahim. Improving Distributed Virtual Network Embedding with Offline Optimization, August 22, 2014.
[2014-006] Wang, Yuefeng; Matta Ibrahim. SDN Management Layer: Design Requirements and Future Direction, July 16, 2014.
[2014-005] Wang, Yuefeng; Akhtar, Nabeel; Matta Ibrahim. Programming Routing Policies for Video Traffic, July 16, 2014.
[2014-004] Mirzaei, Saber; Esposito, Flavio. An Alloy Verification Model for Consensus-Based Auction Protocols, July 15, 2014.
[2014-003] Kfoury, Assaf. A Compositional Approach to the Max-Flow Problem, June 9, 2014.
[2014-001] Esposito, Flavio; Di Paola, Donato; Matta, Ibrahim. On Distributed Virtual Network Embedding with Guarantees, January 11, 2014.
[2013-020] Gurari, Danna; Wu, Zheng ; Isenberg, Brett ; Zhang, Chentian; Purwada, Alberto; Wong, Joyce; Betke, Margrit. How to Collect High Quality Segmentations: Use Human or Computer Drawn Object Boundaries?.
[2013-019] Bestavros, Azer; Krieger, Orran. Towards an Open Cloud Marketplace: Vision and First Steps.
[2013-018] Li, Ye; West, Richard; Missimer, Eric. The Quest-V Separation Kernel for Mixed Criticality Systems.
[2013-017] Li, Ye; Missimer, Eric; West, Richard. Predictable Migration and Communication in the Quest-V Multikernel.
[2013-016] West, Richard; Li, Ye; Missimer, Eric. Quest-V: A Virtualized Multikernel for Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems.
[2013-015] Kfoury, Assaf. A Compositional Approach to Network Algorithms.
[2013-014] Wang, Yuefeng; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Day, John. RINA: An Architecture for Policy-Based Dynamic Service Management.
[2013-013] Wang, Yuefeng; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Day, John. Recursive InterNetworking Architecture (RINA) Boston University Prototype Programming Manual (version 1.0).
[2013-012] Esposito, Flavio. A Policy-based Architecture for Virtual Network Embedding.
[2013-011] Riga, Niky. JTP, an Energy-Aware Transport Protocol For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
[2013-010] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Wang, Yuefeng. VINEA: A Policy-based Virtual Network Embedding Architecture.
[2013-009] Gursun, Gonca. Inferring Hidden Features In The Internet.
[2013-007] Mirzaei, Saber; Bahargam, Sanaz; Skowyra, Richard; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. Using Alloy to Formally Model and Reason About an OpenFlow Network Switch.
[2013-006] Schatzberg, Dan ; Cadden, James ; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. Total Order Broadcast for Fault Tolerant Exascale Systems.
[2013-005] Skowyra, Rick; Bahargam, Sanaz; Bestavros, Azer. Software-Defined IDS for Securing Embedded Mobile Devices.
[2013-004] Sweha, Raymond. Optimizing On-Demand Resource Deployment For Peer-Assisted Content Delivery.
[2013-003] Ishakian, Vatche. Strategic and Operational Services for Workload Management in The Cloud.
[2013-002] Skowyra, Rick; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Reusable Requirements in Automated Verification of Distributed Systems.
[2013-001] Brogle, Kyle; Cooper, Danny; Goldberg, Sharon; Reyzin, Leonid. Impacting IP Prefix Reachability via RPKI Manipulations.
[2012-021] Kfoury, Assaf. A Typing Theory for Flow Networks (Part I).
[2012-020] Skowyra, Rick; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Verifiably-Safe Software-Defined Networks for CPS.
[2012-019] Kfoury, Assaf; Mizraei, Saber. A Different Approach to the Design and Analysis of Network Algorithms.
[2012-018] Schatzberg, Dan ; Cadden, James ; Krieger, Orran; Appavoo, Jonathan. MultiLibOS: An OS architecture for Cloud Computing.
[2012-017] Lapets, Andrei; Mizraei, Saber. Towards Lightweight Integration of SMT Solvers.
[2012-016] Lapets, Andrei; Skowyra, Rick; Bassem, Christine; Bahargam, Sanaz ; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Towards Accessible Integrated Formal Reasoning Environments for Protocol Design.
[2012-015] Lapets, Andrei. Accessible Integrated Formal Reasoning Environments in Classroom Instruction of Mathematics.
[2012-014] Esposito, Flavio; Di Paola, Donato; Matta, Ibrahim. A General Distributed Approach to Slice Embedding with Guarantees.
[2012-013] Sweha, Raymond; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Enhancing Tor Performance For Bandwidth-Intensive Applications.
[2012-012] Wang, Chong; Byers, John. Incentivizing Efficient Content Placement in a Global Content Oriented Network.
[2012-011] Hacker, Megan; Crovella, Mark; Reyzin, Leonid. Secure Pairing of Mobile Devices.
[2012-010] Brova, George."Peer and Authority Pressure in Information-Propagation Models.
[2012-009] Appavoo, Jonathan; Schatzberg, Dan. Transistor Scaled HPC Application Performance.
[2012-008] Appavoo, Jonathan; Schatzberg, Dan. Scalable Elastic Systems Architecture.
[2012-007] Waterland, Amos; Appavoo, Jonathan; Schatzberg, Dan. Programmable Smart Machines.
[2012-006] Schatzberg, Dan; Appavoo, Jonathan; Krieger, Orran; VanHensbergen, Eric. Why Elasticity Matters.
[2012-005] Gursun, Gonca; Crovella, Mark. On Traffic Matrix Completion in the Internet.
[2012-004] Kfoury, Assaf. Algebraic Characterizations of Flow-Network Typings.
[2012-003] Kfoury, Assaf. The Syntax and Semantics of a Domain-Specific Language for Flow-Network Design.
[2012-002] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. Mechanism Design for Spatio-Temporal Request Satisfaction in Mobile Networks.
[2012-001] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Seamless Composition and Integration: A Perspective on Formal Methods Research.
[2011-031] Reynolds, Mark; Bestavros, Azer. Formal Verification of Cross-Domain Access Control Policies Using Model Checking.
[2011-030] Soule, Nate. Safe Compositional Modeling And Analysis Of Constrained Flow Networks.
[2011-029] Li, Ye; Danish, Matthew; West, Rich. Quest-V: A Virtualized Multikernel for High-Confidence Systems.
[2011-028] Hescott, Ben; Finkelstein, Jeffrey. On Polynomial Time Kernel Reductions.
[2011-027] Homer, Steve; Selman, Alan. Turing and the Development of Computational Complexity.
[2011-026] Sweha, Raymond; Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer. AngelCast: Cloud-based Peer-Assisted Live Streaming Using Optimized Multi-Tree Construction.
[2011-025] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Ishakian, Vatche. Slice Embedding Solutions for Distributed Service Architectures.
[2011-024] Ishakian, Vatche; Sweha, Raymond; Bestavros, Azer; Appavoo, Jonathan. Dynamic Pricing For Efficient Workload Colocation.
[2011-023] Goldberg, Sharon; Liu, Zhenming. Technology Diffusion in Communication Networks.
[2011-022] Ishakian, Vatche; Erdos, Dora; Terzi, Evimaria; Bestavros, Azer. A Framework for the Evaluation and Management of Network Centrality.
[2011-021] Kazdagli, Mikhail; Lapets, Andrei. Towards Lightweight Front-end for Isabelle/Isar.
[2011-020] Gill, Phillipa; Schapira, Michael; Goldberg, Sharon. Modeling on Quicksand: Dealing with the Lack of Ground Truth in Interdomain Routing Data.
[2011-019] Soule, Nate; Bestavros, Azer; Ishakian, Vatche; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Use Cases for Compositional Modeling and Analysis of Equation-based Constrained Flow Networks.
[2011-018] Eriksson, Brian; Barford, Paul; Maggs, Bruce; Nowak, Robert. Posit: An Adaptive Framework for Lightweight IP Geolocation.
[2011-017] Kfoury, Assaf. The Denotational and Static Semantics of a Domain-Specific Language for Flow-Network Design.
[2011-016] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. A Domain Specific Language for Incremental and Modular Design of Large-Scale Verifiably-Safe Flow Networks (Preliminary Report).
[2011-015] Skowyra, Richard; Bestavros, Azer; Goldberg, Sharon. The Zenith Attack: Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures.
[2011-014] Soule, Nate; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Safe Compositional Equation-based Modeling of Constrained Flow Networks.
[2011-013] Thangali, Ashwin; Nash, Joan; Sclaroff, Stan; Neidle, Carol. Exploiting Phonological Constraints for Handshape Inference in ASL Video.
[2011-012] Eriksson, Brian; Crovella, Mark. Estimation of Instrinsic Dimension via Clustering.
[2011-011] Kfoury, Assaf. A Domain-Specific Language for the Incremental and Modular Design of Large-Scale Verifiably-Safe Flow Networks.
[2011-010] Ablavsky, Vitaly. Layered Graphical Models for Tracking Partially-Occluded Moving Objects in Video.
[2011-009] Paquette, Isaac; Kwan, Christopher; Betke, Margrit. Menu Controller: Making Existing Software More Accessible for People with Motor Impairments.
[2011-008] Magee, John; Epstein, Samuel; Missimer, Eric; Kwan, Christopher; Betke, Margrit. Adaptive mouse-replacement interface control functions for users with disabilities.
[2011-007] Kwan, Christopher; Betke, Margrit. Camera Canvas: Image Editing Software for People with Disabilities.
[2011-006] Tian, Tai-Peng. Efficient Techniques for Recovering 2D Human Body Poses from Images.
[2011-005] Bestavros, Azer; Erdos, Dora; Ishakian, Vatche; Lapets, Andrei; Terzi, Evimaria. The Filter-Placement Problem and its Application to Content De-Duplication.
[2011-004] Soule, Nate; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. Safe Compositional Network Sketches: NetSketch Tool Implementation.
[2011-003] Gill, Phillipa; Schapira, Michael; Goldberg, Sharon. Let the Market Drive Deployment: A Strategy for Transitioning to BGP Security.
[2011-002] Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer. MorphoSys: Efficient Colocation of QoS-Constrained Workloads in the Cloud.
[2011-001] Fuller, Benjamin; Reyzin, Leonid. Computational Entropy and Information Leakage.
[2010-037] Gursun, Gonca; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. Describing and Forecasting Video Access Patterns.
[2010-036] Danish, Matthew; Li, Ye; West, Rich. Virtual-CPU Scheduling in the Quest Operating System.
[2010-035] Ishakian, Vatche; Akinwumi, Joseph; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim. On Supporting Mobility and Multihoming in Recursive Internet Architectures.
[2010-034] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Bera, Debajyoti; Michiardi, Pietro. On the Impact of Seed Scheduling in Peer-to-Peer Networks.
[2010-032] Esposito, Flavio; Vegni, Anna Maria; Matta, Ibrahim; Neri, Alessandro. On Modeling Speed-based Vertical Handovers in Vehicular Networks: "Dad, slow down, I am watching the movie".
[2010-030] Wu, Zheng; Hristov, Nickolay; Swartz, Sharon; Kunz, Thomas; Betke, Margrit. Tracking-Reconstruction or Reconstruction-Tracking?.
[2010-029] Magee, John; Epstein, Samuel; Missimer, Eric; Betke, Margrit. Adaptive mappings for mouse-replacement interfaces.
[2010-028] Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. HAIL.
[2010-027] Theriault, Diane; Wu, Zheng; Hristov, Nickolay; Swartz, Sharon; Breuer, Kenneth; Kunz, Thomas; Betke, Margrit. Reconstruction and analysis of 3D trajectories of Brazilian free-tailed bats in flight.
[2010-025] Ishakian, Vatche; Lapets, Andrei; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Formal Verification of SLA Transformations.
[2010-024] Sweha, Raymond; Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer. Angels In the Cloud – A Peer-Assisted Bulk-Synchronous Content Distribution Service.
[2010-023] Missimer, Eric; Epstein, Samuel; Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. Customizable Keyboard.
[2010-022] Albanese, Francesco; Carra, Damiano; Michiardi, Pietro; Bestavros, Azer. Cloud-based Content Distribution on a Budget.
[2010-021] Reynolds, Mark. Using Lightweight Formal Methods for JavaScript Security.
[2010-020] Londono, Jorge. Embedding Games.
[2010-019] Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli; Sclaroff, Stan. Object, Scene and Actions.
[2010-018] Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli; Sclaroff, Stan. Object Recognition and Localization via Spatial Instance Embedding.
[2010-017] Ikizler-Cinbis, Nazli; Cinbis, Gokberk; Sclaroff, Stan. Learning Actions From the Web.
[2010-015] West, Rich; Zaroo, Puneet; Waldspurger, Carl; Zhang, Xiao. Online Cache Modeling for Commodity Multicore Processors.
[2010-014] Medina, Alberto; Gursun, Gonca; Basu, Prithwish; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Universal Generation of Mobility Models.
[2010-012] Lapets, Andrei; Lalwani, Prakash; Kfoury, Assaf. Ontology Support for a Lightweight Formal Verification System.
[2010-011] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf. A User-friendly Interface for a Lightweight Verification System.
[2010-010] Lapets, Andrei. User-friendly Support for Common Concepts in a Lightweight Verifier.
[2010-009] Mattar, Karim; Epstein, Samuel; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Detection of Policy Conflicts in Interdomain Routing.
[2010-008] Chiaraviglio, Luca; Matta, Ibrahim. A Green Distributed Cooperation for Network and Content Management.
[2010-007] Tian, Tai-Peng; Sclaroff, Stan. Fast Globally Optimal 2D Human Detection with Loopy Graph Models.
[2010-006] Donnelly, Kevin; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei. The Complexity of Restricted Variants of the Stable Paths Problem.
[2010-005] Lapets, Andrei. The complexity of natural extensions of efficiently solvable problems.
[2010-004] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf. The NP-completeness of the Restricted Stable Paths Problem with Three Aggregating Functions.
[2010-003] Ishakian, Vatche; Sweha, Raymond; Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer. Colocation as a Service.
[2010-002] Ishakian, Vatche; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. A Type-Theoretic Framework for Efficient and Safe Colocation of Periodic Real-time Systems.
[2010-001] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. Safe Compositional Network Sketches.
[2009-036] Reynolds, Mark. Modeling the Java Bytecode Verifier.
[2009-035] Kfoury, Assaf. Lightweight Formal Methods for the Development of High-Assurance Networking Systems.
[2009-034] Chiaraviglio, Luca; Matta, Ibrahim. GreenCoop: Cooperative Green Routing with Energy-efficient Servers.
[2009-033] Lapets, Andrei; House, David. Efficient Support for Common Relations in Lightweight Formal Reasoning Systems.
[2009-032] Lapets, Andrei. Lightweight Formal Verification in Classroom Instruction of Reasoning about Functional Code.
[2009-031] Byers, John; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Zervas, Georgios. Adaptive Weighing Designs for Keyword Value Computation.
[2009-030] Lapets, Andrei; Kfoury, Assaf. Verification with Natural Contexts: Soundness of Safe Compositional Network Sketches.
[2009-029] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei; Ocean, Michael. Safe Compositional Network Sketches: The Formal Framework.
[2009-028] Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf; Lapets, Andrei; Ocean, Michael. Safe Compositional Network Sketches: Tool and Use Cases.
[2009-027] Li, Rui. Simultaneous Learning Of Non-Linear Manifold And Dynamical Models For High-Dimensional Time Series.
[2009-026] Sweha, Raymond. Angels: In-Network Support For Minimum Distribution Time in P2P Overlays.
[2009-025] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer; Laoutaris, Nikolaos. Trade and Cap: A Customer-Managed, Market-Based System for Trading Bandwidth Allowances at a Shared Link.
[2009-024] Potamias, Michalis; Bonchi, Francesco; Gionis, Aristides; Kollios, George. Nearest-neighbor Queries in Probabilistic Graphs.
[2009-023] Yuan, Quan; Sclaroff, Stan. Is a Detector Only Good for Detection?
[2009-022] Yuan, Quan. Learning A Family Of Detectors.
[2009-021] Boddapati, Gowtham; Day, John; Matta, Ibrahim; Chitkushev, Lou. Assessing the Security of a Clean-Slate Internet Architecture.
[2009-020] Ishakian, Vatche; Akinwumi, Joseph; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Cost of Supporting Multihoming and Mobility.
[2009-019] Bera, Debajyoti; Homer, Steve. On Finding Sensitivity of Quantum and Classical Gates.
[2009-018] Bassem, Christine; Bestavros, Azer. CSR: Constrained Selfish Routing in Ad-hoc Networks.
[2009-017] Lo Presti, Liliana; Sclaroff, Stan; La Cascia, Marco. Object matching in distributed video surveillance systems by LDA-based appearance descriptors.
[2009-016] Zatko, Sarah. Using Markets and Spam to Combat Malware.
[2009-015] Lapets, Andrei. Improving the accessibility of lightweight formal verification systems.
[2009-014] Gursun, Gonca; Matta, Ibrahim; Mattar, Karim. On the Performance and Robustness of Managing Reliable Transport Connections.
[2009-013] Epstein, Sam; Mattar, Karim; Matta, Ibrahim. Principles of Safe Policy Routing Dynamics.
[2009-012] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim. PreDA: Predicate Routing for DTN Architectures over MANET.
[2009-011] Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim; Michiardi, Pietro; Mitsutake, Michiardi; Carra, Daminano. Seed Scheduling for Peer-to-Peer Networks.
[2009-010] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Preferential Field Coverage Through Detour-Based Mobility Coordination.
[2009-009] Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. An alignment based similarity measure for hand detection in cluttered sign language video.
[2009-008] Deshpande, Smita; Betke, Margrit. RefLink: An Interface that Enables People with Motion Impairments to Analyze Web Content and Dynamically Link to References.
[2009-007] Mullally, William; Sclaroff, Stan; Betke, Margrit. Example-Based Image Registration via Boosted Classifiers.
[2009-006] Epstein, Samuel; Betke, Margrit. Active Hidden Models for Tracking with Kernel Projections.
[2009-005] Wu, Zheng; Hristov, Nickolay; Hedrick, Tyson; Kunz, Thomas; Betke, Margrit. Tracking a Large Number of Objects from Multiple Views.
[2009-004] Potamias, Michalis; Bonchi, Francesco; Castillo, Carlos; Gionis, Aristides. Fast shortest path distance estimation in large networks.
[2009-003] Sweha, Raymond; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Angels -- In-Network Support for Minimum Distribution Time in P2P Overlays.
[2009-002] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer; Teng, Shang-Hua. Collocation Games And Their Application to Distributed Resource Management.
[2009-001] Mattar, Karim; Epstein, Sam; Matta, Ibrahim. Foundational Theory for Understanding Policy Routing Dynamics.
[2008-031] Reynolds, Mark C. Lightweight Modeling of Java Virtual Machine Security Constraints using Alloy.
[2008-030] Erramilli, Vijay. Forwarding in Mobile Opportunistic Networks.
[2008-029] Potamias, Michalis. Indexing Distances In Large Graphs And Applications In Search Tasks.
[2008-028] Duarte, Fernando; Mattos, Bernardo; Almeida, Jussara; Almeida, Virgilio; Curiel, Mariela; Bestavros, Azer. Hierarchical Characterization and Generation of Blogosphere Workloads.
[2008-027] Papapetrou, Panagiotis; Benson, Gary; Kollios, George. Generalized Methods for Discovering Frequent Poly-Regions in DNA.
[2008-026] Lapets, Andrei; Levin, Alex; Parkes, David. A Typed Language for Truthful One-Dimensional Mechanism Design.
[2008-025] Betke, Margrit. Camera-based Interfaces and Assistive Software for People with Severe Motion Impairments.
[2008-024] Morcos, Hany. Service Provisioning In Mobile Networks Through Distributed Coordinated Resource Management.
[2008-023] Kanukurthi, Bhavana. An Improved Robust Fuzzy Extractor.
[2008-022] Smaragdakis, Georgios. Overlay Network Creation And Maintenance With Selfish Users.
[2008-021] Vasconcelos, Marisa. Extracting location from Contact Traces.
[2008-020] Ocean, Michael. The Sensor Network Workbench: Towards Functional Specification, Verification And Deployment Of Constrained Distributed Systems.
[2008-019] Day, John; Matta, Ibrahim; Mattar, Karim. "Networking is IPC": A Guiding Principle to a Better Internet.
[2008-018] Stefan, Alexandra. Indexing Methods For Efficient Multiclass Recognition.
[2008-017] Epstein, Samuel; Matta, Ibrahim; Mattar, Karim. An Online Distributed Algorithm for Inferring Policy Routing Configurations.
[2008-016] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Lekakis, Vassilis; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. The EGOIST Overlay Routing System.
[2008-015] Bera, Debajyoti. A New Lower Bound Technique for Quantum Circuits without Ancillae.
[2008-014] Mattar, Karim; Matta, Ibrahim; Day, John; Ishakian, Vatche; Gursun, Gonca. Declarative Transport: No more transport protocols to design, only policies to specify.
[2008-013] Aggradi, Gabriele; Esposito, Flavio; Matta, Ibrahim. Supporting Predicate Routing in DTN over MANET.
[2008-012] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer. A Two-Tiered On-Line Server-Side Bandwidth Reservation Framework for the Real-Time Delivery of Multiple Video Streams.
[2008-011] Ocean, Michael; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. A Type System For Safe SN Resource Allocation.
[2008-010] Kim, Won-Beom; Kwan, Christopher; Fedyuk, Igor; Betke, Margrit. Camera Canvas: Image Editor for People with Severe Disabilities.
[2008-009] Yuan, Quan; Thangali, Ashwin; Ablavsky, Vitaly; Sclaroff, Stan. Multiplicative Kernels: Object Detection, Segmentation and Pose Estimation.
[2008-008] Ablavsky, Vitaly; Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. Layered graphical models for tracking partially-occluded objects.
[2008-007] Buhrman, Harry; Hescott, Benjamin; Homer, Steve; Torrenvliet, Lane. Non-Uniform Reductions.
[2008-006] Hescott, Benjamin; Koulomzin, Daniel. On Clustering Images Using Compression.
[2008-005] Bera, Debajyoti; Fenner, Stephen; Green, Fred; Homer, Steve. Universal Quantum Circuits.
[2008-004] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Detour-Based Mobility Coordination in DTNs.
[2008-003] Morcos, Hany; Atia, George; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. An Information Theoretic Framework for Field Monitoring Using Autonomously Mobile Sensors.
[2008-002] Ocean, Michael; Bestavros, Azer. Wireless and Physical Security via Embedded Sensor Networks.
[2008-001] Donnelly, Kevin; Kfoury, Assaf. On the Stable Paths Problem and a Restricted Variant.
[2007-017] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf. Examples of Network Flow Verification Using TRAFFIC(X).
[2007-016] Mattar, Karim. TCP over CDMA2000 Networks: A Cross-Layer Measurement Study.
[2007-015] Donnelly, Kevin. System F with Constraint Types.
[2007-014] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Medina, Alberto; Redi, Jason. An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Multi-hop Wireless Networks.
[2007-013] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. EGOIST: Overlay Routing using Selfish Neighbor Selection.
[2007-012] Hallett, Joseph. Hidden Type Variables and Conditional Extension for More Expressive Generic Programs.
[2007-011] Reyzin, Leonid. Entropy Loss is Maximal for Uniform Inputs.
[2007-010] Li, Rui; Tian, Tai-Peng; Sclaroff, Stan. Simultaneous Learning of Nonlinear Manifold and Dynamical Models for High-dimensional Time Series.
[2007-009] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Michiardi, Pietro; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. Swarming on optimized graphs for n-way broadcast.
[2007-008] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Amorphous Placement and Informed Diffusion for Timely Field Monitoring by Autonomous, Resource-Constrained Mobile Sensors.
[2007-007] Bera, Debajyoti; Green, Frederic; Homer, Steve. Small Depth Quantum Circuits.
[2007-006] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Roussopoulos, Mema. Improving the Performance of Overlay Routing and P2P File Sharing using Selfish Neighbor Selection.
[2007-005] Erramilli, Vijay; Chaintreau, Augustin; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Diversity of Forwarding Paths in Pocket Switched Networks.
[2007-004] Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Multi-scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences.
[2007-003] Yuan, Quan; Thangali, Ashwin Thangali; Ablavsky, Vitaly; Sclaroff, Stan. Parameter Sensitive Detectors.
[2007-002] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. A Geometric Approach to Slot Alignment in Wireless Sensor Networks.
[2007-001] Wang, Chong; Byers, John. Generating Representative ISP Topologies From First-Principles.
[2006-034] Panagiotis Papapetrou. Constraint-based Mining of Frequent Arrangements of Temporal Intervals.
[2006-033] Duarte, Fernando; Mattos, Bernardo; Bestavros, Azer; Almeida, Virgilio; Almeida, Jussara. Traffic Characteristics and Communication Patterns in Blogosphere.
[2006-032] Londono, Jorge; Bestavros, Azer. netEmbed: A Network Resource Mapping Service for Distributed Applications.
[2006-031] Gabay, Yarom; Kfoury, Assaf. Towards Formalizing Java's Weak References.
[2006-030] Mattar, Karim; Sridharan, Ashwin; Zang, Hui; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. TCP over CDMA2000 Networks: A Cross-Layer Measurement Study.
[2006-029] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf. Safe Compositional Specification of Network Systems With Polymorphic, Constrained Types.
[2006-028] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Query Processing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks.
[2006-027] Papapetrou, Panagiotis; Benson, Gary; Kollios, George. Discovering Frequent Poly-Regions of DNA Sequences.
[2006-026] Wang, Jingbin; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan; Betke, Margrit. Object Detection at the Optimal Scale with Hidden State Shape Models.
[2006-025] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Medina, Alberto; Redi, Jason; Partridge, Craig. JTP: An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
[2006-024] Alon, Jonathan. Spatiotemporal Gesture Segmentation.
[2006-023] Smaragdakis, Georgios. Notes on the Effect of Different Access Patterns on the Intensity of Mistreatment in Distributed Caching Groups.
[2006-022] Erramilli, Vijay; Crovella, Mark; Taft, Nina. An Independent-Connection Model for Traffic Matrices.
[2006-020] Parmer, Gabriel; West, Richard; Fry, Gerald. Scalable Overlay Multicast Tree Construction for QoS-Constrained Media Streaming.
[2006-019] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Implications of Selfish Neighbor Selection in Overlay Networks.
[2006-018] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Oikonomou, Konstantinos; Stavrakakis, Ioannis; Bestavros, Azer. Distributed Placement of Service Facilities in Large-Scale Networks.
[2006-017] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Zervas, Georgos; Bestavros, Azer; Kollios, George. The Cache Inference Problem and its Application to Content and Request Routing.
[2006-016] Ocean, Michael; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. Integrating Sensor-Network Research and Development into a Software Engineering Curriculum.
[2006-015] Burke, Dustin; Cecere, Dave; Freiberg, Ben. Extending snBench to Support a Video-Based Intrusion Detection and Alerting System with a Centralized Hash Table.
[2006-014] Chang, Ching; Sweha, Raymond; Papapetrou, Panagiotis. Extending snBench to Support a Graphical Programming Interface for a Sensor Network Tasking Language (STEP).
[2006-013] Londono, Jorge; Manjanatha, Sowmya; Han, Zhinan. Extending snBench to Provide Concurrency Support in the Sensorium Execution Environment (SXE).
[2006-012] Parmer, Gabriel; Zervas, Georgios; Bagchi, Angshuman. Extending snBench to Support Hierarchical and Configurable Scheduling.
[2006-011] Li, Feifei; Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Kollios, George; Reyzin, Leonid. Authenticated Index Sturctures for Aggregation Queries in Outsourced Databases.
[2006-010] Athitsos, Vassilis. Learning Embeddings for Indexing, Retrieval, and Classification, with Applications to Object and Shape Recognition in Image Databases.
[2006-009] Mattar, Karim; Sridharan, Ashwin; Zang, Hui; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. On the Interaction between TCP and the Wireless Channel in CDMA2000 Networks.
[2006-008] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. An Adaptive Management Approach to Resolving Policy Conflicts.
[2006-007] Waber, Benjamin; Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. Web Mediators for Accessible Browsing.
[2006-006] Akram, Wajeeha; Tiberii, Laura; Betke, Margrit. A customizable camera-based human computer interaction system allowing people with disabilities autonomous hands free navigation of multiple computing tasks.
[2006-005] Morcos, Hany; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Amorphous Placement and Retrieval of Sensory Data in Sparse Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.
[2006-004] Li, Feifei; Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Kollios, George; Reyzin, Leonid. Authenticated Index Structures for Outsourced Database Systems.
[2006-003] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim; Stavrakakis, Ioannis. Distributed Selfish Caching.
[2006-002] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Impact of Low-Rate Attacks.
[2006-001] Gabay, Yarom; Ocean, Michael; Kfoury, Assaf; Liu, Likai. Computational Properties of SNAFU.
[2005-035] Bakewell, Adam; Carlier, Sebastien; Kfoury, Assaf; Wells, J. B. Inferring Intersection Typings that Are Equivalent to Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value Evaluations.
[2005-034] Gabay, Yarom; Kfoury, Assaf; Liu, Likai; Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Matta, Ibrahim. Type Systems for a Network Specification Language With Multiple-Choice Let.
[2005-033] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer; Gabay, Yarom; Bradley, Adam; Matta, Ibrahim. Safe Compositional Specification of Networking Systems: A Compositional Analysis Approach.
[2005-032] Gorman, Mikhail; Betke, Margrit; Saltzman, Elliot; Lahav, Amir. MusicMaker -- A Camera-based Music Making Tool for Physical Rehabilitation.
[2005-031] Hallett, Joseph; Kfoury, Assaf. A Formal Semantics for Weak References.
[2005-030] Donnelly, Kevin; Kfoury, Assaf. Some Considerations on a Calculus with Weak References.
[2005-029] Tian, Tai-Peng; Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Tracking Human Body Pose on a Learned Smooth Space.
[2005-028] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. An Adaptive Policy Management Approach to BGP Convergence.
[2005-027] Rodeski, Vladimir; Mullally, William; Bellardine, Carissa; Lutchen, Kenneth; Betke, Margrit. Computing a Uniform Scaling Parameter for 3D Registration of Lung Surfaces.
[2005-026] Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Bestavros, Azer; Stavrakakis, Ioannis. Mistreatment in Distributed Caching Groups: Causes and Implications.
[2005-025] Tian, Tai-Peng; Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Articulated Pose Estimation in a Learned Smooth Space of Feasible Solutions.
[2005-024] Castelli, Thomas; Betke, Margrit; Neidle, Carol. Facial Feature Tracking and Occlusion Recovery in American Sign Language.
[2005-023] Waber, Benjamin; Magee, John; Betke, Margrit. Fast Head Tilt Detection for Human-Computer Interaction.
[2005-022] Yuan, Quan; Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. Face identification by a cascade of rejection classifiers.
[2005-021] Athitsos, Vassilis; Wang, Jingbin; Sclaroff, Stan; Betke, Margrit. Detecting Instances of Shape Classes That Exhibit Variable Structure.
[2005-020] Alon, Jonathan; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Fast and Accurate Gesture Spotting using Subgesture Reasoning and Pruning of Unlikely Dynamic Programming Paths.
[2005-019] Alon, Jonathan; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Online and Offline Character Recognition Using Alignment to Prototypes.
[2005-018] Law, Kevin; Sclaroff, Stan. Foreground Object Segmentation from Binocular Stereo Video.
[2005-017] Nunziati, Walter; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan; Del Bimbo, Alberto. View registration using interesting segments of planar trajectories.
[2005-016] Nunziati, Walter; Sclaroff, Stan; Del Bimbo, Alberto. An Invariant Representation for Matching Trajectories across uncalibrated video streams.
[2005-015] Liu, Likai; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Gabay, Yarom; Matta, Ibrahim. Safe Compositional Specification of Networking Systems: TRAFFIC The Language and Its Type Checking.
[2005-014] Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Kfoury, Assaf; Matta, Ibrahim. Typed Abstraction of Complex Network Compositions.
[2005-013] Nunziati, Walter; Sclaroff, Stan; Del Bimbo, Alberto. An Invariant Representation for Matching Trajectories across Uncalibrated Video Streams. REPLACED BY
[2005-012] Chau, Michael; Betke, Margrit. Real Time Eye Tracking and Blink Detection with USB Cameras.
[2005-011] Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Byers, John; Kollios, George. Robust Sketching and Aggregation of Distributed Data Streams.
[2005-010] Athitsos, Vassilis; Hadjieleftheriou, Marios; Kollios, George; Sclaroff, Stan. Query-Sensitive Embeddings.
[2005-009] Athitsos, Vassilis; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan. Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classification Using a Cascade of Approximate Similarity Measures.
[2005-008] Wang, Jingbin; Gu, Erdan; Betke, Margrit. MosaicShape: Stochastic Region Grouping with Shape Prior.
[2005-007] Betke, Margrit; Gusyatin, Oleg; Urinson, Mikhail. SymbolDesign: A User-centered Method to Design Pen-based Interfaces and Extend the Functionality of Pointer Input Devices.
[2005-006] West, Richard; Wong, Gary. Cuckoo: a Language for Implementing Memory- and Thread-safe System Services.
[2005-005] West, Richard; Gloudon, Jason; Qi, Xin; Parmer, Gabriel. An Efficient User-Level Shared Memory Mechanism for Application-Specific Extensions.
[2005-004] West, Richard; Fry, Gerald; Wong, Gary. Comparison of k-ary n-cube and de Bruijn Overlays in QoS-constrained Multicast Applications.
[2005-003] Xi, Hongwei; Zhu, Dengping; Li, Yanka. Applied Type System with Stateful Views.
[2005-002] Lakhina, Anukool; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Mining Anomalies Using Traffic Distributions.
[2005-001] Sharma, Manish; Byers, John. Scalable Coordination Techniques for Distributed Network Monitoring.
[2004-036] Tian, Tai-Peng; Sclaroff, Stan. Handsignals Recognition From Video Using 3D Motion Capture Data.
[2004-035] Yuan, Quan; Sclaroff, Stan; Athitsos, Vassilis. Automatic 2D Hand Tracking in Video Sequences.
[2004-034] Li, Rui; Sclaroff, Stan. Multi-scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences.
[2004-033] Thangali, Ashwin; Sclaroff, Stan. Periodic Motion Detection and Estimation via Space-Time Sampling.
[2004-032] Reyzin, Leonid. A Note On the Statistical Difference of Small Direct Products.
[2004-031] Bash, Boulat; Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey. Approximately Uniform Random Sampling in Sensor Networks.
[2004-030] Zhang, Yuting; Bestavros, Azer; Guirguis, Mina; Matta, Ibrahim; West, Richard. Friendly Virtual Machine: Leveraging a Feedback-Control Model for Application Adaptation.
[2004-029] Morcos, Hany; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. M2RC: Multiplicative-increase/additive-decrease Multipath Routing Control for Wireless Sensor Networks.
[2004-028] Chang, Ching; Li, Feifei Li; Bestavros, Azer; Kollios, George. GreedyDual-Join: Locality-Aware Buffer Management for Approximate Join Processing Over Data Streams.
[2004-027] Li, Feifei Li; Dihan, Cheng. On Trip Planning Queries in Spatial Databases.
[2004-026] Sharma, Abhishek; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. dPAM: A Distributed Prefetching Protocol for Scalable Asynchronous Multicast in P2P Systems.
[2004-025] Fonseca, Nahur; Crovella, Mark. Bayesian Packet Loss Detection for TCP.
[2004-024] Erramilli, Vijay; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. On the Interaction between Data Aggregation and Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks.
[2004-023] Riga, Niky; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. DIP: Density Inference Protocol for wireless sensor networks and its application to density-unbiased statistics.
[2004-022] Smaragdakis, Georgios; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. SEP: A Stable Election Protocol for clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor networks.
[2004-021] Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Kfoury, Assaf; Matta, Ibrahim. Safe Compositional Specification of Networking Systems.
[2004-020] Lakhina, Anukool; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Characterization of Network-Wide Anomalies in Traffic Flows.
[2004-019] Itkis, Gene; Maiss, Arwa. Interactive Password Schemes.
[2004-018] Hamandi, Hani; Itkis, Gene. Group Key Manager on a Smart Card.
[2004-017] Buzan, Dan; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George. Extraction and Clustering of Motion Trajectories in Video.
[2004-016] Buzan, Dan. Robust Tracking of Human Motion.
[2004-015] Erdem, Murat; Sclaroff, Stan. Automated Camera Layout to Satisfy Task-Specific and Floorplan-Specific Coverage Requirements.
[2004-014] Athitsos, Vassilis; Alon, Joni; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George. Learning Euclidean Embeddings for Indexing and Classification.
[2004-013] Zhang, Yuting; West, Richard; Qi, Xin. A Virtual Deadline Scheduler for Window-Constrained Service Guarantees.
[2004-012] Alon, Jonathan; Athitsos, Vassilis; Yuan, Quan; Sclaroff, Stan. Simultaneous Localization and Recognition of Dynamic Hand Gestures.
[2004-011] Medina, Alberto; Salamatian, Kave; Taft, Nina; Matta, Ibrahim; Diot, Christophe. A Two-step Statistical Approach for Inferring Network Traffic Demands (Revises Technical Report BUCS-TR-2003-003).
[2004-010] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. A Randomized Solution to BGP Divergence.
[2004-009] Qi, Xin; Parmer, Gabriel; West, Richard; Gloudon, Jason; Hernandez, Luis. Efficient End-Host Architecture for High Performance Communication Using User-level Sandboxing.
[2004-008] Lakhina, Anukool; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe. Diagnosing Network-Wide Traffic Anomalies.
[2004-007] Bradley, Adam; Kfoury, Assaf; Bestavros, Azer. StaXML: Static Typing of XML Document Fragments for Imperative Web Scripting Languages.
[2004-006] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Boosting Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for Multiclass Recognition.
[2004-005] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Exploiting the Transients of Adaptation for RoQ Attacks on Internet Resources.
[2004-004] Hallett, Joseph; Kfoury, Assaf. Programming Examples Needing Polymorphic Recursion.
[2004-003] Fenner, S.; Green, F.; Homer, S.; Zhang, Y. Bounds on the Power of Constant-Depth Quantum Circuits.
[2004-002] Fang, M.; Fenner, S.; Green, F.; Homer, S.; Zhang, Y. Quantum Lower Bounds for Fanout.
[2004-001] Betke, Margrit; Wang, Jingbin; Ko, Jane. Integrated Chest Image Analysis System "BU-MIA".
[2003-032] Diamant, Gali; Veytser, Leonid; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer; Guirguis, Mina; Guo, Liang; Zhang, Yuting; Chen, Sean. itmBench: Generalized API for Internet Traffic Managers.
[2003-031] Murat, Ugur; Sclaroff, Stan. Automated Placement of Cameras in a Floorplan to Satisfy Task-Specific Constraints.
[2003-030] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim. A Bayesian Approach for TCP to Distinguish Congestion from Wireless Losses.
[2003-029] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim; Altman, Eitan; Azouzi, Rachid. TCP Optimization through FEC, ARQ and Transmission Power Tradeoffs.
[2003-028] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim; Riga, Niky; Diamant, Gali; Zhang, Yuting. Providing Soft Bandwidth Guarantees Using Elastic TCP-based Tunnels.
[2003-027] Wang, Tao; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. Efficiently and Fairly Allocating Bandwidth at a Highly Congested Link.
[2003-026] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Exogenous-Loss Awareness in Queue Management: Toward Global Fairness.
[2003-025] Isodoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Contour Generator Points for Threshold Selection and a Novel Photo-Consistency Measure for Space Carving.
[2003-024] Considine, Jeffrey; Walfish, Michael; Andersen, David G. A Pragmatic Approach to DHT Adoption.
[2003-023] Athitsos, Vassilis; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George. BoostMap: A Method for Efficient Approximate Similarity Rankings.
[2003-022] Lakhina, Anukool; Papagiannaki, Konstantina; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe; Kolaczyk, Eric; Taft, Nina. Data Logs for Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Flows.
[2003-021] Lakhina, Anukool; Papagiannaki, Konstantina; Crovella, Mark; Diot, Christophe; Kolaczyk, Eric; Taft, Nina. Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Flows.
[2003-020] Fry, Gerald; West, Richard. Adaptive Routing of QoS-constrained Media Streams over Scalable Overlay Topologies.
[2003-019] West, Richard; Schwan, Karsten; Poellabauer, Christian. Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling for Real-Time Media Streaming.
[2003-018] Zhong, Jing; Sclaroff, Stan. Segmenting Foreground Objects from a Dynamic Textured Background via a Robust Kalman Filter.
[2003-017] Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Stochastic Refinement of the Visual Hull to Satisfy Photometric and Silhouette Consistency Constraints.
[2003-016] Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Stochastic Mesh-Based Multiview Reconstruction.
[2003-015] Kwon, Gu-In; Byers, John. ROMA: Reliable Overlay Multicast with Loosely Coupled TCP Connections.
[2003-014] West, Richard; Gloudon, Jason. User-Level Sandboxing: a Safe and Efficient Mechanism for Extensibility.
[2003-013] Guirguis, Mina; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Efficiency and Fairness of Transmission Control Loops: A Case for Exogenous Losses.
[2003-012] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Systematic Verification of Safety Properties of Arbitrary Network Protocol Compositions Using CHAIN.
[2003-011] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim. How well can TCP infer network state.
[2003-010] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Database Indexing Methods for 3D Hand Pose Estimation.
[2003-009] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimating 3D Hand Pose from a Cluttered Image.
[2003-008] Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan; Kollios, George; Pavlovic, Vladimir. Discovering Clusters in Motion Time-Series Data.
[2003-007] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. The Specialized Mappings Architecture.
[2003-006] Sigal, Leonid; Sclaroff, Stan. Skin Color-Based Video Segmentation under Time-Varying Illumination.
[2003-005] Fayed, Marwan; Krapivsky, Paul; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Finkel, David; Redner, Sid. On the Emergence of Highly Variable Distributions in the Autonomous System Topology.
[2003-004] Itkis, Gene. Cryptographic Tamper Evidence.
[2003-003] Medina, Alberto; Salamatian, Kave; Taft, Nina; Matta, Ibrahim; Tsang, Yolanda; Diot, Christophe. On the Convergence of Statistical Techniques for Inferring Network Traffic Demands.
[2003-002] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Geometric Generalizations of the Power of Two Choices.
[2003-001] Fayed, Marwan; Krapivsky, Paul; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Finkel, David; Redner, Sid. On the Size Distribution of Autonomous Systems.
[2002-031] Considine, Jeffrey. Cluster-based Optimizations for Distributed Hash Tables.
[2002-030] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Validating Arbitrarily Large Network Protocol Compositions with Finite Computation.
[2002-029] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Simple Load Balancing for Distributed Hash Tables.
[2002-028] Fortnow, Lance; Homer, Steven. A Short History of Computational Complexity.
[2002-027] Jin, Shudong; Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. A Spectrum of TCP-friendly Window-based Congestion Control Algorithms.
[2002-026] Considine, Jeffrey; Florio, Thomas. Scalable Peer-to-Peer Indexing with Constant State.
[2002-025] Kwon, Gu-In; Byers, John. Smooth Multirate Multicast Congestion Control.
[2002-024] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Cache-and-Relay Streaming Media Delivery for Asynchronous Clients.
[2002-023] Lombardi, Jonathan; Betke, Margrit. A Self-initializing Eyebrow Tracker for Binary Switch Emulation.
[2002-022] Fonseca, Rodrigo; Almeida, Virgilio; Crovella, Mark; Abrahao, Bruno. On the Intrinsic Locality Properties of Web Reference Streams.
[2002-021] Lakhina, Anukool; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Xie, Peng. Sampling Biases in IP Topology Measurements.
[2002-020] Crovella, Mark; Kolaczyk, Eric. Graph Wavelets for Spatial Traffic Analysis.
[2002-019] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Fast Approximate Reconciliation of Set Differences.
[2002-018] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. Unicast Routing: Cost-Performance Tradeoffs.
[2002-017] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer; Kfoury, Assaf. Safe Composition of Web Communication Protocols for Extensible Edge Services.
[2002-016] Barman, Dhiman; Matta, Ibrahim. Effectiveness of Loss Labeling in Improving TCP Performance in Wired/Wireless Networks.
[2002-015] Lakhina, Anukool; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Geographic Location of Internet Resources.
[2002-014] Veloso, Eveline; Almeida, Virgilio; Meira, Wagner; Bestavros, Azer; Jin, Shudong. A Hierarchical Characterization of a Live Streaming Media Workload.
[2002-013] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. On the Scalability-Performance Tradeoffs in MPLS and IP Routing.
[2002-012] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. Differentiated Control of Web Traffic: A Numerical Analysis.
[2002-011] Erdem, Ugur Murat; Sclaroff, Stan. Automatic Detection of Relevant Head Gestures in American Sign Language Communication.
[2002-010] Siddiqui, Matheen; Sclaroff, Stan. Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views using Rational B-Splines and Knot Insertion.
[2002-009] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. Scheduling Flows with Unknown Sizes: Approximate Analysis.
[2002-008] Liu, Jun; Matta, Ibrahim; Crovella, Mark. End-to-End Inference of Loss Nature in a Hybrid Wired/Wireless Environment.
[2002-007] Byers, John; Considine, Jeffrey; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Rost, Stanislav. Informed Content Delivery Across Adaptive Overlay Networks.
[2002-005] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. PeriScope: An Active Internet Probing and Measurement API.
[2002-004] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Small-World Internet Topologies: Possible Causes and Implications on Scalability of End-System Multicast.
[2002-003] Martin, David; Schulman, Andrew. Deanonymizing Users of the SafeWeb Anonymizing Service.
[2002-002] Byers, John; Cheng, Mei Chin; Considine, Jeffrey; Itkis, Gene; Yeung, Alex. Securing Bulk Content Almost for Free.
[2002-001] Rosales, Romer. Specialized Mappings Architecture with Applications to Vision-Based Estimation of Articulated Body Pose.
[2001-026] Guo, Liang; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. How does TCP generate Pseudo-self-similarity? (ERRATA).
[2001-025] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Scalability of Multicast Delivery for Non-sequential Streaming Access.
[2001-024] Bradley, Adam; Bestavros, Azer. Basis Token Consistency: A Practical Mechanism for Strong Web Cache Consistency.
[2001-023] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer; Iyengar, Arun. Accelerating Internet Streaming Media Delivery using Network-Aware Partial Caching.
[2001-022] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. An Appearance-Based Framework for 3D Hand Shape Classification and Camera Viewpoint Estimation.
[2001-021] Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Finding Appearance-Based Matches in a Large Database of Training Views.
[2001-020] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. GISMO: A Generator of Internet Streaming Media Objects and Workloads.
[2001-019] Considine, Jeffrey. Generating Good Degree Distributions for Sparse Parity Check Codes using Oracles.
[2001-018] Byers, John; Kwon, Gu-In. STAIR: Practical AIMD Multirate Multicast Congestion Control.
[2001-017] Bestavros, Azer; Rabinovich, Michael. Proceedings of the Sixth International Web Content Caching and Distribution Workshop (WCW'01).
[2001-016] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Measuring Bottleneck Bandwidth of Targeted Path Segments.
[2001-015] Jin, Shudong; Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. A Spectrum of TCP-friendly Window-based Congestion Control Algorithms.
[2001-014] Guo, Liang; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. How does TCP generate Pseudo-self-similarity.
[2001-013] Tsaoussidis, Vassilis; Matta, Ibrahim. Open Issues on TCP for Mobile Computing.
[2001-012] Bestavros, Azer; Mehrotra, Sumit. DNS-based Internet Client Clustering and Characterization.
[2001-011] Yilmaz, Selma; Matta, Ibrahim. On Class-based Isolation of UDP, Short-lived and Long-lived TCP Flows.
[2001-010] Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Harfoush, Khaled. Inference and Labeling of Metric-Induced Network Topologies.
[2001-009] Siddiqui, Matheen; Sclaroff, Stan. Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views using Rational B-Splines.
[2001-008] Rosales, Romer; Siddiqui, Matheen; Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimating 3D Body Pose using Uncalibrated Cameras.
[2001-007] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Retrieval by Shape Population: An Index Tree Approach.
[2001-006] Jin, Shudong; Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. TCP-friendly SIMD Congestion Control and Its Convergence Behavior.
[2001-005] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. The War Between Mice and Elephants.
[2001-004] Betke, Margrit; Hong, Harrison; Ko, Jane. Automatic 3D Registration of Lung Surfaces in Computed Tomography Scans.
[2001-003] Medina, Alberto; Lakhina, Anukool; Matta, Ibrahim; Byers, John. BRITE: Universal Topology Generation from a User's Perspective.
[2001-002] Dimock, Allyn; Westmacott, Ian; Muller, Robert; Turbak, Franklyn; Wells, J.B.; Considine, Jeffrey. Program representation size in an intermediate language with intersection and union types.
[2001-001] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Robust Identification of Shared Losses Using End-to-End Unicast Probes (ERRATA).
[2000-028] Gschwendter, Thomas. TCP Control Groups: Aggregated Congestion Control for TCP.
[2000-027] Duvos, Enrique; Bestavros, Azer. An Infrastructure for the Dynamic Distribution of Web Applications and Services.
[2000-026] Byers, John; Luby, Michael; Mitzenmacher, Michael. Fine-Grained Layered Multicast.
[2000-025] Rost, Stan; Byers, John; Bestavros, Azer. The Cyclone Server Architecture: Streamlining Delivery of Popular Content.
[2000-024] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Region Segmentation via Deformable Model-Guided Split and Merge.
[2000-023] Alon, Joni; Sclaroff, Stan. An Integrated Approach for Segmentation and Estimation of Planar Structures.
[2000-022] Rosales, Romer; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan. 3D Hand Pose Reconstruction Using Specialized Mappings.
[2000-021] Amtoft, Torben Amtoft; Kfoury, Assaf; Pericas-Geertsen, Santiago. What are polymorphically-typed ambients.
[2000-020] Bugliesi, Michele; Pericas-Geertsen, Santiago M. Type Inference for Variant Object Types.
[2000-019] Zhang, Xiaohui. Cachability of Web Objects.
[2000-018] Barford, Paul; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark. On the Marginal Utility of Deploying Measurement Infrastructure.
[2000-017] Guo, Liang; Crovella, Mark; Matta, Ibrahim. TCP Congestion Control and Heavy Tails.
[2000-016] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Unicast-based Characterization of Network Loss Topologies.
[2000-015] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimating Human Body Pose from a Single Image via the Specialized Mappings Architecture.
[2000-014] Byers, John; Nasser, Gabriel. Utility-Based Decision-Making in Wireless Sensor Networks.
[2000-013] Harfoush, Khaled; Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John. Robust Identification of Shared Losses Using End-to-End Unicast Probes.
[2000-012] Matta, Ibrahim; Guo, Liang. Differentiated Predictive Fair Service for TCP Flows.
[2000-011] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. GreedyDual* Web Caching Algorithm: Exploiting the Two Sources of Temporal Locality in Web Request Streams.
[2000-010] Considine, Jeffrey. Deciding Isomorphisms of Simple Types in Polynomial Time.
[2000-009] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Index trees for efficient deformable shape-based retrieval.
[2000-008] Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. QoS Controllers for the Internet.
[2000-007] Kfoury, Assaf; Pericas-Geertsen, Santiago M. Type Inference For Recursive Definitions.
[2000-006] Considine, Jeffrey. Efficient Hash-Consing of Recursive Types.
[2000-005] Medina, Alberto; Matta, Ibrahim; Byers, John. BRITE: A Flexible Generator of Internet Topologies.
[2000-004] Medina, Alberto; Matta, Ibrahim; Byers, John. On the Origin of Power Laws in Internet Topologies.
[2000-003] Green, Frederic; Homer, Steven; Pollett, Christopher. On the Complexity of Quantum ACC.
[2000-002] Fenner, Stephen; Green, Frederic; Homer, Steven; Pruim, Randall. Determining Acceptance Possibility for a Quantum Computation is Hard for the Polynomial Hierarchy.
[2000-001] Amtoft, Torben; Turbak, Franklyn. Faithful Translations between Polyvariant Flows and Polymorphic Types.
[1999-019] Bestavros, Azer; Byers, John; Crovella, Mark; Barford, Paul; Matta, Ibrahim; Mitzenmacher, Michael. BU/NSF Workshop on Internet Measurement Instrumentation and Characterization.
[1999-018] Yoon, Jaehee; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. SomeCast: A Paradigm for Real-Time Adaptive Reliable Multicast.
[1999-017] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Inferring Body Pose without Tracking Body Parts.
[1999-016] Alon, Jonathan; Sclaroff, Stan. Recursive Estimation of Motion and Planar Structure.
[1999-015] Sigal, Leonid; Sclaroff, Stan. Estimation and Prediction of Evolving Color Distributions for Skin Segmentation Under Varying Illumination.
[1999-014] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Temporal Locality in Web Request Streams: Sources, Characteristics, and Caching Implications.
[1999-013] Guo, Liang; Matta, Ibrahim. Search Space Reduction in QoS Routing.
[1999-012] Yoon, Jaehee; Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Adaptive Reliable Multicast.
[1999-011] Bradley, Adam. Boston University, Computer Science 1998 Proxy Trace.
[1999-010] Ratnam, Karunaharan; Matta, Ibrahim; Rangarajan, Sampath. A Fully Distributed Location Management Scheme for Large PCS.
[1999-009] Jin, Shudong; Bestavros, Azer. Popularity-Aware GreedyDual-Size Web Proxy Caching Algorithms.
[1999-008] Basu, Prithwish; Narayanan, Ashok; Ke, Wang; Little, Tom; Bestavros, Azer. Optimal Scheduling of Secondary Content for Aggregation in Video-on-Demand Systems.
[1999-007] Sethi, Saratendu; Sclaroff, Stan. Combinations of Deformable Shape Prototypes.
[1999-006] Sclaroff, Stan; Alon, Jonathan. Non-Rigid Shape from Image Streams.
[1999-005] La Cascia, Marco; Sclaroff, Stan; Athitsos, Vassilis. Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination: An Approach Based on Registration of Texture-Mapped 3D Models.
[1999-004] Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Measuring Web Performance in the Wide Area.
[1999-003] Crovella, Mark; Frangioso, Robert; Harchol-Balter, Mor. Connection Scheduling in Web Servers.
[1999-002] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Trajectory Guided Tracking and Recognition of Actions.
[1999-001] Aversa, Luis; Bestavros, Azer. Load Balancing a Cluster of Web Servers using Distributed Packet Rewriting.
[1998-023] Barford, Paul; Bestavros, Azer; Bradley, Adam; Crovella, Mark. Changes in Web Client Access Patterns: Characteristics and Caching Implications.
[1998-020] Rosales, Romer. Recognition of Human Action Using Moment-Based Features.
[1998-019] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. 3D Trajectory Recovery for Tracking Multiple Objects and Trajectory Guided Recognition of Actions.
[1998-018] La Cascia, Marco; Sclaroff, Stan. Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination.
[1998-017] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping.
[1998-016] Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. A Performance Evaluation of Hyper Text Transfer Protocols.
[1998-015] Kfoury, Assaf J.; Wells, Joe B. Principality and Decidable Type Inference for Finite-Rank Intersection Types.
[1998-014] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. An Omniscient Scheduling Oracle for Systems with Harmonic Periods.
[1998-013] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Design and Implementation of SRMS in Kurt Linux.
[1998-012] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. The Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling Workbench.
[1998-011] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Multiplexing VBR Traffic Flows with Guaranteed Application-level QoS Using Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling.
[1998-010] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling.
[1998-009] Atlas, Alia; Bestavros, Azer. Slack Stealing Job Admission Control Scheduling.
[1998-008] Fenner, Stephen; Green, Frederic; Homer, Steven; Pruim, Randall. Determining Acceptance Possibility for a Quantum Computation is Hard for PH.
[1998-007] Rosales, Romer; Sclaroff, Stan. Improved Tracking of Multiple Humans with Trajectory Prediction and Occlusion Modeling.
[1998-006] Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Active Voodoo Dolls: A Vision Based Input Device for Non-rigid Control.
[1998-005] Kim, Gitae; Bestavros, Azer. Preserving Bandwidth Through A Lazy Packet Discard Policy in ATM Networks.
[1998-004] La Cascia, Marco; Sethi, Sarathendu; Sclaroff, Stan. Combining Textual and Visual Cues for Content-based Image Retrieval on the World Wide Web.
[1998-003] Bestavros, Azer; Crovella, Mark; Liu, Jun; Martin, David. Distributed Packet Rewriting and its Application to Scalable Server Architectures.
[1998-002] Gacs, Peter. Reliable Cellular Automata with Self-Organization.
[1998-001] Bestavros, Azer; Hartmann, Olivier. Aggregating Congestion Information Over Sequences of TCP Connections.
[1997-022] Martin, David M. A Framework for Local Anonymity in the Internet.
[1997-021] Bestavros, Azer. Proceedings of the 18th Real-Time Systems Symposium WIP Session.
[1997-020] La Cascia, Marco; Isidoro, John; Sclaroff, Stan. Head Tracking via Robust Registration in Texture Map Images.
[1997-019] Liu, Lifeng; Sclaroff, Stan. Color Region Grouping and Shape Recognition with Deformable Models.
[1997-018] Crovella, Mark; Harchol-Balter, Mor; Murta, Cristina. Task Assignment in a Distributed System: Improving Performance by Unbalancing Load.
[1997-017] Harchol-Balter, Mor; Crovella, Mark; Murta, Cristina. To queue or not to queue?: When FCFS is better than PS in a distributed system.
[1997-016] Bestavros, Azer. Discovering Spatial Locality in WWW Access Patterns using Data Mining of Document Clusters in Server Logs.
[1997-015] Bestavros, Azer; Katagai, Naomi; Londono, Jorge. Admission Control and Scheduling for High Performance WWW Servers.
[1997-014] Taycher, Leonid; La Cascia, Marco; Sclaroff, Stan. Image Digestion and Relevance Feedback in the ImageRover WWW Search Engine.
[1997-013] Matta, Ibrahim; Bestavros, Azer. Evaluation of a Load Profiling Approach to Routing Guaranteed Bandwidth Flows.
[1997-012] Yates, David J.; Almeida, Virgilio; Almeida, Jussara M. On the Interaction Between an Operating System and Web Server.
[1997-011] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Helal, Abdelsalam. Reliability, Availability, Dependability and Performability: A User-centered View.
[1997-010] Nagy, Sue; Bestavros, Azer. Concurrency Admission Control Management in ACCORD.
[1997-009] Bestavros, Azer; Matta, Ibrahim. Load Profiling for Efficient Route Selection in Multi-Class Networks.
[1997-008] Sclaroff, Stan; Isidoro, John. Active Blobs.
[1997-007] Baruah, Sanjoy; Bestavros, Azer. Real-Time Mutable Broadcast Disks.
[1997-006] Barford, Paul; Crovella, Mark. Generating Representative Web Workloads for Network and Server Performance Evaluation.
[1997-005] Sclaroff, Stan; Taycher, Leonid; LaCascia, Marco. ImageRover: A Content-Based Image Browser for the World Wide Web.
[1997-004] Cunha, Carlos R.; Jaccoud, Carlos F.B. Determining WWW User's Next Access and Its Application to Pre-fetching.
[1997-003] LoConte, Loredana; Smith, Temple F. Visible Volume: A Robust Measure for Protein Structure Characterization.
[1997-002] Crovella, Mark; Barford, Paul. The Network Effects of Prefetching.
[1997-001] Bestavros, Azer; Kim, Gitae. Exploiting Redundancy for Timeliness in TCP Boston.
[1996-027] Bestavros, Azer. Proceedings of the 17th Real-Time Systems Symposium WIP Session.
[1996-026] Martin, David M.; Rajagopalan, Sivaramakrishnan; Rubin, Aviel D. Blocking Java Applets at the Firewall.
[1996-025] Almeida, Jussara; Almeida, Virgilio; Yates, David. Measuring the Behavior of a World-Wide Web Server.
[1996-024] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Mirdad, Sulaiman. WebWave: Globally Load Balanced Fully Distributed Caching of Hot Published Documents.
[1996-023] Baruah, Sanjoy; Bestavros, Azer. Pinwheel Scheduling for Fault-tolerant Broadcast Disks in Real-time Database Systems.
[1996-022] Wells, J.B. Typability is Undecidable for F+Eta.
[1996-021] Kfoury, A.J. A Linearization of the Lambda Calculus and Consequences.
[1996-020] Kfoury, A.J.; Stolboushkin, A.P. An Infinite Pebble Game and Applications.
[1996-019] Kfoury, A.J. Beta-Reduction as Unification.
[1996-018] Almeida, Virgilio; Almeida, Jussara; Murta, Cristina. Performance Analysis of a WWW Server.
[1996-017] Bestavros, Azer. Load Profiling in Distributed Real-Time Systems.
[1996-016] Park, Kihong; Kim, Gitae; Crovella, Mark. On the relationship between file sizes, transport protocols, and self-similar network traffic.
[1996-015] Park, Kihong. Ergodicity and mixing rate of one-dimensional cellular automata.
[1996-014] Bestavros, Azer; Kim, Gitae. TCP Boston: A Fragmentation-tolerant TCP Protocol for ATM Networks.
[1996-013] Bestavros, Azer; Lin, Kwei-Jay; Son, Sang. Real-Time Databases: Issues and Applications (RTDB'96 Workshop Report).
[1996-012] Fahmy, Amr; Heddaya, Abdelsalam. Management of Communicable Memory and Lazy Barriers for Bulk Synchronous Parallelism in BSPk.
[1996-011] Almeida, Virgilio; Bestavros, Azer; Crovella, Mark; deOliveira, Adriana. Characterizing Reference Locality in the WWW.
[1996-010] Panagos, Euthimios. Client-Based Logging: A New Paradigm For Distributed Transaction Management.
[1996-009] Hicks, David; Haake, Anja; Durand, David; Vitali, Fabio. Proceedings of the ECSCW'95: Workshop on the Role of Version Control in CSCW Applications.
[1996-008] Bestavros, Azer; Chen, Marina; Crovella, Mark; Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Sclaroff, Stan; Cowie, James. Responsive Web Computing: Resource Management, Protocol Techniques, and Applications (A research statement).
[1996-007] Carter, Robert; Crovella, Mark. Dynamic Server Selection using Bandwidth Probing in Wide-Area Networks.
[1996-006] Carter, Robert; Crovella, Mark. Measuring Bottleneck Link Speed in Packet-Switched Networks.
[1996-005] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Sinha, Himanshu. Distributed Parallel Computing in Mermera: Mixing Noncoherent Shared Memories.
[1996-004] Almeida, Virgilio; Oliveira, Adriana. On the Fractal Nature of WWW and Its Application to Cache Modeling.
[1996-003] Bestavros, Azer. Advances in Real-Time Database Systems Research: Special Section on RTDBS of ACM SIGMOD Record 25(1).
[1996-002] Bestavros, Azer; Nagy, Sue. An Admission Control Paradigm for Real-Time Databases.
[1996-001] Bestavros, Azer. AIDA-based Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Broadcast Disks.
[1995-019] Wells, J.B. Title: The Undecidability of Mitchell's Subtyping Relationship.
[1995-018] Gacs, Peter. Deterministic Computations Whose History is Independent of the Order of Updating.
[1995-017] Sclaroff, Stan. Deformable Prototypes for Encoding Shape Categories in Image Databases.
[1995-016] Sclaroff, Stan. World Wide Web Image Search Engines.
[1995-015] Crovella, Mark; Bestavros, Azer. Explaining World Wide Web Traffic Self-Similarity.
[1995-014] Crovella, Mark; Carter, Robert. Dynamic Server Selection in the Internet.
[1995-013] Bestavros, Azer; Liu, Yueh-Lin. Simulation of Hardware Dynamic Scheduling on the DLX Architecture.
[1995-012] Cai, Patrick; Bestavros, Azer. Object-Oriented Animation on the World Wide Web.
[1995-011] Bestavros, Azer; Cunha, Carlos. A Prefetching Protocol Using Client Speculation for the WWW.
[1995-010] Cunha, Carlos; Bestavros, Azer; Crovella, Mark. Characteristics of WWW Client-based Traces.
[1995-009] Gacs, Peter. A New Version of Toom's Proof.
[1995-008] Sclaroff, S.; Pentland, A.P. Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition.
[1995-007] Kfoury, A.J.; Wells, J.B. Addendum to "New Notions of Reduction and Non-Semantic Proofs of Beta Strong Normalization in Typed Lambda Calculi".
[1995-006] Bestavros, Azer. Using Speculation to Reduce Server Load and Service Time on the WWW.
[1995-005] Bestavros, Azer; Braoudakis, Spyridon. Speculative Concurrency Control with Deferred Commitment for Real-Time Databases.
[1995-004] Tiuryn, Jerzy. Equational Axiomatization of Bicoercibility for Polymorphic Types.
[1995-003] Bestavros, Azer. Demand-based Document Dissemination for the World-Wide Web.
[1995-002] Bestavros, Azer; Carter, Robert; Crovella, Mark; Cunha, Carlos; Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Mirdad, Sulaiman. Application-Level Document Caching in the Internet.
[1995-001] Durand, David; Haake, Anja; Hicks, David; Vitali, Fabio. Proceedings of the Workshop on Versioning in Hypertext Systems.
[1994-016] Sclaroff, S.; Pentland, A.P. Physically-Based Combinations of Views: Representing Rigid and Nonrigid Motion.
[1994-015] Sclaroff, S.; Pentland, A.P. Search by Shape Examples: Modeling Nonrigid Deformation.
[1994-014] Kfoury, A.J.; Wells, J.B. New Notions of Reduction and Non-Semantic Proofs of Beta-Strong Normalization in Typed Lambda-Calculi.
[1994-013] Oliart, Alberto. An Algorithm for Inferring Quasi-Static Types.
[1994-012] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Fahmy, Amr. OS Support for Portable Bulk Synchronous Parallel Programs.
[1994-011] Braoudakis, Spyridon. Concurrency Control Protocols for Real-Time Databases. (forthcoming)
[1994-010] Carter, Robert; Park, Kihong. On the effectiveness of genetic search in combinatorial optimization.
[1994-009] Park, Kihong. A lower-bound result on the power of a genetic algorithm.
[1994-008] Bestavros, Azer. An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure: Towards Physically-Correct Specifications of Embedded Real-Time Systems.
[1994-007] Bestavros, Azer; Braoudakis, Spyridon. Timeliness via Speculation for Real-Time Databases.
[1994-006] Kfoury, A.J.; Wells, J.B. Adding Polymorphic Abstraction to ML (Detailed Abstract).
[1994-005] Shaban, Marwan. Structure Sharing and Parallelization in a GB Parser.
[1994-004] Shaban, Marwan. A Hybrid GLR Algorithm for Parsing with Epsilon Grammars.
[1994-003] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Park, Kihong. Mapping parallel iterative algorithms onto workstation networks.
[1994-002] Chen, Zhixiang; Homer, Steven. On Learning Counting Functions With Queries.
[1994-001] Homer, Steve; Peinado, Marcus. On the Performance of Polynomial-time CLIQUE Algorithms on Very Large Graphs.
[1993-020] Bestavros, Azer; Makarechian, Mohammad. AIDA-based Distributed File System.
[1993-019] Jahama, Said. Type Reconstruction in the Presence of Polymorphic Recursion and Recursive Types.
[1993-018] Jahama, Said; Kfoury, A.J. A General Theory of Semi-Unification.
[1993-017] Wells, Joe. A Direct Algorithm for Type Inference in the Rank 2 Fragment of the Second-Order Lambda-Calculus.
[1993-016] Kfoury, A.J.; Wymann-Boeni, M. An Algebraic Characterization of First-Order Definability.
[1993-015] Carter, Robert; Park, Kihong. How good are genetic algorithms at finding large cliques: an experimental.
[1993-014] Bestavros, Azer; Wang, Biao. Multi-version Speculative Concurrency Control with Delayed Commit.
[1993-013] Shaban, Marwan. A Minimal GB Parser.
[1993-012] Bestavros, Azer. Building Responsive Systems from Physically-correct Specifications.
[1993-011] Wells, J.B. Typability and Type Checking in the Second-Order Lambda-Calculus Are Equivalent and Undecidable.
[1993-010] Chen, Zhixiang; Homer, Steve. Learning Unions of Rectangles with Queries.
[1993-009] Kfoury, A.J.; Wymann-Boeni, M. A Characterization of First-Order Definable Subsets on Classes of Finite Total Orders.
[1993-008] Kfoury, A.J.; Wymann-Boeni, M. Fixed Point vs. First-Order Logic on Finite Ordered Structures with Unary Relations.
[1993-007] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Park, Kihong; Sinha, Himanshu. Using Warp to Control Network Contention in Mermera.
[1993-006] Heddaya, Abdelsalam; Sinha, Himanshu. An Implementation of Mermera: A Shared Memory System that Mixes Coherence with Non-coherence.
[1993-005] Sinha, Himanshu. Mermera: Non-coherent Distributed Shared Memory for Parallel Computing.
[1993-004] Snyder, Wayne. Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Unification.
[1993-003] Shaban, Marwan. Quadsim Student Manual.
[1993-002] Bestavros, Azer. Speculative Concurrency Control for Real-Time Databases.
[1993-001] Bestavros, Azer; Braoudakis, Spyridon; Panagos, Euthimios. Performance Evaluation of Two-Shadow Speculative Concurrency Control.