CAS: Physics: Scholarly Papers

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    Cosmology intertwined: a review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies
    (Elsevier BV, 2022-06) Abdalla, Elcio; Abellán, Guillermo Franco; Aboubrahim, Amin; Agnello, Adriano; Akarsu, Özgür; Akrami, Yashar; Alestas, George; Aloni, Daniel; Amendola, Luca; Anchordoqui, Luis A.; Anderson, Richard I.; Arendse, Nikki; Asgari, Marika; Ballardini, Mario; Barger, Vernon; Basilakos, Spyros; Batista, Ronaldo C.; Battistelli, Elia S.; Battye, Richard; Benetti, Micol; Benisty, David; Berlin, Asher; de Bernardis, Paolo; Berti, Emanuele; Bidenko, Bohdan; Birrer, Simon; Blakeslee, John P.; Boddy, Kimberly K.; Bom, Clecio R.; Bonilla, Alexander; Borghi, Nicola; Bouchet, François R.; Braglia, Matteo; Buchert, Thomas; Buckley-Geer, Elizabeth; Calabrese, Erminia; Caldwell, Robert R.; Camarena, David; Capozziello, Salvatore; Casertano, Stefano; Chen, Geoff C.-F.; Chluba, Jens; Chen, Angela; Chen, Hsin-Yu; Chudaykin, Anton; Cicoli, Michele; Copi, Craig J.; Courbin, Fred; Cyr-Racine, Francis-Yan; Czerny, Bożena; Dainotti, Maria; D'Amico, Guido; Davis, Anne-Christine; de Cruz Pérez, Javier; de Haro, Jaume; Delabrouille, Jacques; Denton, Peter B.; Dhawan, Suhail; Dienes, Keith R.; Di Valentino, Eleonora; Du, Pu; Eckert, Dominique; Escamilla-Rivera, Celia; Ferté, Agnès; Finelli, Fabio; Fosalba, Pablo; Freedman, Wendy L.; Frusciante, Noemi; Gaztañaga, Enrique; Giarè, William; Giusarma, Elena; Gómez-Valent, Adrià; Handley, Will; Harrison, Ian; Hart, Luke; Hazra, Dhiraj Kumar; Heavens, Alan; Heinesen, Asta; Hildebrandt, Hendrik; Hill, J. Colin; Hogg, Natalie B.; Holz, Daniel E.; Hooper, Deanna C.; Hosseininejad, Nikoo; Huterer, Dragan; Ishak, Mustapha; Ivanov, Mikhail M.; Jaffe, Andrew H.; Jang, In Sung; Jedamzik, Karsten; Jimenez, Raul; Joseph, Melissa; Joudaki, Shahab; Kamionkowski, Marc; Karwal, Tanvi; Kazantzidis, Lavrentios; Keeley, Ryan E.; Klasen, Michael; Komatsu, Eiichiro; Koopmans, Léon V.E.; Kumar, Suresh; Lamagna, Luca; Lazkoz, Ruth; Lee, Chung-Chi; Lesgourgues, Julien; Levi Said, Jackson; Lewis, Tiffany R.; L'Huillier, Benjamin; Lucca, Matteo; Maartens, Roy; Macri, Lucas M.; Marfatia, Danny; Marra, Valerio; Martins, Carlos JAP; Masi, Silvia; Matarrese, Sabino; Mazumdar, Arindam; Melchiorri, Alessandro; Mena, Olga; Mersini-Houghton, Laura; Mertens, James; Milaković, Dinko; Minami, Yuto; Miranda, Vivian; Moreno-Pulido, Cristian; Moresco, Michele; Mota, David F.; Mottola, Emil; Mozzon, Simone; Muir, Jessica; Mukherjee, Ankan; Mukherjee, Suvodip; Naselsky, Pavel; Nath, Pran; Nesseris, Savvas; Niedermann, Florian; Notari, Alessio; Nunes, Rafael C.; Ó Colgáin, Eoin; Owens, Kayla A.; Özülker, Emre; Pace, Francesco; Paliathanasis, Andronikos; Palmese, Antonella; Pan, Supriya; Paoletti, Daniela; Perez Bergliaffa, Santiago E.; Perivolaropoulos, Leandros; Pesce, Dominic W.; Pettorino, Valeria; Philcox, Oliver H.E.; Pogosian, Levon; Poulin, Vivian; Poulot, Gaspard; Raveri, Marco; Reid, Mark J.; Renzi, Fabrizio; Riess, Adam G.; Sabla, Vivian I.; Salucci, Paolo; Salzano, Vincenzo; Saridakis, Emmanuel N.; Sathyaprakash, Bangalore S.; Schmaltz, Martin; Schöneberg, Nils; Scolnic, Dan; Sen, Anjan A.; Sehgal, Neelima; Shafieloo, Arman; Sheikh-Jabbari, M.M.; Silk, Joseph; Silvestri, Alessandra; Skara, Foteini; Sloth, Martin S.; Soares-Santos, Marcelle; Solà Peracaula, Joan; Songsheng, Yu-Yang; Soriano, Jorge F.; Staicova, Denitsa; Starkman, Glenn D.; Szapudi, István; Teixeira, Elsa M.; Thomas, Brooks; Treu, Tommaso; Trott, Emery; van de Bruck, Carsten; Vazquez, J. Alberto; Verde, Licia; Visinelli, Luca; Wang, Deng; Wang, Jian-Min; Wang, Shao-Jiang; Watkins, Richard; Watson, Scott; Webb, John K.; Weiner, Neal; Weltman, Amanda; Witte, Samuel J.; Wojtak, Radosław; Yadav, Anil Kumar; Yang, Weiqiang; Zhao, Gong-Bo; Zumalacárregui, Miguel
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    A step in understanding the S8​ tension
    (American Physical Society) Schmaltz, Martin; Joseph, Melissa; Aloni, Daniel; Weiner, Neal; Sivarajan, Eashwar
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    Dark radiation from neutrino mixing after Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
    (American Physical Society) Schmaltz, Martin; Joseph, Melissa; Aloni, Daniel; Weiner, Neal
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    Progress on stochastic analytic continuation of quantum Monte Carlo data
    (Elsevier BV, 2023-03) Shao, Hui; Sandvik, Anders W.
    We report multipronged progress on the stochastic averaging approach to numerical analytic continuation of imaginary-time correlation functions computed by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. After reviewing the conventional maximum-entropy approach and established stochastic analytic continuation methods, we present several new developments in which the configurational entropy of the sampled spectrum plays a key role. Parametrizing the spectrum as a large number of 𝛿-functions in continuous frequency space, an exact calculation of the entropy lends support to a simple goodness-of-fit criterion for the optimal sampling temperature. We also compare spectra sampled in continuous frequency with those from amplitudes sampled on a fixed frequency grid. Insights into the functional form of the entropy in different cases allow us to demonstrate equivalence in a generalized thermodynamic limit (large number of degrees of freedom) of the average spectrum and the maximum-entropy solution, with different parametrizations corresponding to different forms of the entropy in the prior probability. These results revise prevailing notions of the maximum-entropy method and its relationship to stochastic analytic continuation. In further developments of the sampling approach, we explore various adjustable (optimized) constraints that allow sharp low-temperature spectral features to be resolved, in particular at the lower frequency edge. The constraints, e.g., the location of the edge or the spectral weight of a quasi-particle peak, are optimized using a statistical criterion based on entropy minimization under the condition of optimal fit. We show with several examples that this method can correctly reproduce both narrow and broad quasi-particle peaks. We next introduce a parametrization for more intricate spectral functions with sharp edges, e.g., power-law singularities. We present tests with synthetic data as well as with real simulation data for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, where a divergent edge of the dynamic structure factor is due to deconfined spinon excitations. Our results demonstrate that distortions of sharp edges or quasi-particle peaks, which arise with other analytic continuation methods, propagate and cause artificial spectral features also at higher energies. The constrained sampling methods overcome this problem and allow analytic continuation of spectra with sharp edge features at unprecedented fidelity. We present results for 𝑆 = 1/2 Heisenberg 2-leg and 3-leg ladders to illustrate the ability of the methods to resolve spectral features arising from both elementary and composite excitations. Finally, we also propose how the methods developed here could be used as “pre processors” for analytic continuation by machine learning. Edge singularities and narrow quasi-particle peaks being ubiquitous in quantum many-body systems, we expect the new methods to be broadly useful and take numerical analytic continuation to a new quantitative level in many applications.
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    Search for the Majorana nature of neutrinos in the inverted mass ordering region with KamLAND-Zen
    (American Physical Society (APS), 2023-02-03) Abe, S.; Asami, S.; Eizuka, M.; Futagi, S.; Gando, A.; Gando, Y.; Gima, T.; Goto, A.; Hachiya, T.; Hata, K.; Hayashida, S.; Hosokawa, K.; Ichimura, K.; Ieki, S.; Ikeda, H.; Inoue, K.; Ishidoshiro, K.; Kamei, Y.; Kawada, N.; Kishimoto, Y.; Koga, M.; Kurasawa, M.; Maemura, N.; Mitsui, T.; Miyake, H.; Nakahata, T.; Nakamura, K.; Nakamura, R.; Ozaki, H.; Sakai, T.; Sambonsugi, H.; Shimizu, I.; Shirai, J.; Shiraishi, K.; Suzuki, A.; Suzuki, Y.; Takeuchi, A.; Tamae, K.; Ueshima, K.; Watanabe, H.; Yoshida, Y.; Obara, S.; Ichikawa, A.K.; Chernyak, D.; Kozlov, A.; Nakamura, K.Z.; Yoshida, S.; Takemoto, Y.; Umehara, S.; Fushimi, K.; Kotera, K.; Urano, Y.; Berger, B.E.; Fujikawa, B.K.; Learned, J.G.; Maricic, J.; Axani, S.N.; Smolsky, J.; Fu, Z.; Winslow, L.A.; Efremenko, Y.; Karwowski, H.J.; Markoff, D.M.; Tornow, W.; Dell'Oro, S.; O'Donnell, T.; Detwiler, J.A.; Enomoto, S.; Decowski, M.P.; Grant, Christopher; Li, A.; Song, H.; KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
    The KamLAND-Zen experiment has provided stringent constraints on the neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay half-life in ^136Xe using a xenon-loaded liquid scintillator. We report an improved search using an upgraded detector with almost double the amount of xenon and an ultralow radioactivity container, corresponding to an exposure of 970 kg yr of ^136Xe. These new data provide valuable insight into backgrounds, especially from cosmic muon spallation of xenon, and have required the use of novel background rejection techniques. We obtain a lower limit for the 0νββ decay half-life of T_1/2^0ν>2.3×10^26  yr at 90% C.L., corresponding to upper limits on the effective Majorana neutrino mass of 36-156 meV using commonly adopted nuclear matrix element calculations.
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    Scintillation light detection in the 6-m drift-length ProtoDUNE Dual Phase liquid argon TPC
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022) Abud, A. Abed; Abi, B.; Acciarri, R.; Acero, M.A.; Adames, M.R.; Adamov, G.; Adamowski, M.; Adams, David; Adinolfi, M.; Aduszkiewicz, A.; Aguilar, J.; Ahmad, Z.; Ahmed, J.; Aimard, B.; Ali-Mohammadzadeh, B.; Alion, Tyler; Allison, K.; Monsalve, S. Alonso; AlRashed, M.; Alt, C.; Alton, A.; Alvarez, R.; Amedo, P.; Anderson, J.; Andreopoulos, Costas; Andreotti, M.; Andrews, M.P.; Andrianala, F.; Andringa, S.; Anfimov, N.; Ankowski, A.; Antoniassi, M.; Antonova, M.; Antoshkin, A.; Antusch, S.; Aranda-Fernandez, A.; Arellano, L.; Arnold, L.O.; Arroyave, M.A.; Asaadi, J.; Asquith, L.; Aurisano, A.; Aushev, V.; Autiero, D.; Lara, V. Ayala; Ayala-Torres, M.; Azfar, F.; Back, A.R.; Back, H.; Back, J.J.; Backhouse, C.; Bagaturia, I.; Bagby, L.; Balashov, N.; Balasubramanian, S.; Baldi, P.; Baller, Bruce; Bambah, B.; Barao, F.; Barenboim, G.; Alzas, P. Barham; Barker, G.J.; Barkhouse, W.; Barnes, C.; Barr, Giles; Monarca, J. Barranco; Barros, A.; Barros, N.; Barrow, J.L.; Basharina-Freshville, A.; Bashyal, Amit; Basque, V.; Batchelor, C.; Chagas, E. Batista das; Battat, J.B.R; Battisti, F.; Bay, F.; Bazetto, M.C.Q; Alba, J.L.L. Bazo; Beacom, J.F.; Bechetoille, E.; Behera, B.; Beigbeder, C.; Bellantoni, L.; Bellettini, G.; Bellini, V.; Beltramello, O.; Benekos, N.; Montiel, C. Benitez; Neves, F. Bento; Berger, J.; Berkman, S.; Bernardini, P.; Berner, R.M.; Bersani, A.; Bertolucci, S.; Betancourt, M.; Rodríguez, A. Betancur; Bevan, A.; Bezawada, Y.; Bezerra, T.J.; Bhardwaj, A.; Bhatnagar, Vipin; Bhattacharjee, M.; Bhattarai, D.; Bhuller, S.; Bhuyan, Bipul; Biagi, S.; Bian, J.; Biassoni, M.; Biery, K.; Bilki, B.; Bishai, M.; Bitadze, A.; Blake, A.; Blaszczyk, F.D.M.; Blazey, G.C.; Blucher, E.; Boissevain, Jan; Bolognesi, S.; Bolton, Timothy; Bomben, L.; Bonesini, Maurizio; Bongrand, M.; Bonilla-Diaz, C.; Bonini, F.; Booth, A.; Boran, F.; Bordoni, S.; Borkum, A.; Bostan, N.; Bour, P.; Bourgeois, C.; Boyden, D.; Bracinik, J.; Braga, D.; Brailsford, D.; Branca, A.; Brandt, Andrew; Bremer, J.; Breton, D.; Brew, C.; Brice, S.J.; Brizzolari, C.; Bromberg, C.; Brooke, J.; Bross, A.; Brunetti, G.; Brunetti, M.; Buchanan, Norman; Budd, H.; Butorov, I.; Cagnoli, I.; Cai, T.; Caiulo, D.; Calabrese, R.; Calafiura, P.; Calcutt, J.; Calin, M.; Calvez, S.; Calvo, E.; Caminata, A.; Campanelli, M.; Caratelli, D.; Carber, D.; Carceller, J.C.; Carini, G.; Carlus, B.; Carneiro, M.F.; Carniti, P.; Terrazas, I. Caro; Carranza, H.; Carroll, T.; Forero, J.F. Castaño; Castillo, A.; Castromonte, Cesar; Catano-Mur, E.; Cattadori, C.; Cavalier, F.; Cavallaro, G.; Cavanna, F.; Centro, Sandro; Cerati, G.; Cervelli, A.; Villanueva, A. Cervera; Chalifour, M.; Chappell, A.; Chardonnet, E.; Charitonidis, N.; Chatterjee, A.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Neyra, M.S.S Chavarry; Chen, H.; Chen, M.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Z.; Chen-Wishart, Z.; Cheon, Y.; Cherdack, D.; Chi, Cheng-Yi; Childress, Sam; Chirco, R.; Chiriacescu, A.; Chisnall, G.; Cho, K.; Choate, S.; Chokheli, D.; Chong, P.S.; Christensen, A.; Christian, D.; Christodoulou, G.; Chukanov, A.; Chung, M.; Church, E.; Cicero, V.; Clarke, P.; Cline, G.; Coan, T.E.; Cocco, A.G.; Coelho, J.A.B; Colton, N.; Conley, E.; Conley, R.; Conrad, J.M.; Convery, M.; Copello, S.; Cova, P.; Cremaldi, L.; Cremonesi, L.; Crespo-Anadón, J.I.; Crisler, M.; Cristaldo, E.; Crnkovic, J.D.; Cross, R.; Cudd, A.; Cuesta, C.; Cui, Y.; Cussans, D.; Dalager, O.; da Motta, H.; Da Silva Peres, L.; David, C.; David, Q.; Davies, G.S.; Davini, S.; Dawson, J.; De, K.; De, S.; Debbins, P.; De Bonis, I.; Decowski, M.P.; De Gouvêa, A.; De Holanda, P.C.; De Icaza Astiz, I.L.; Deisting, A.; De Jong, P.; Delbart, A.; Delepine, D.; Delgado, M.; Dell'Acqua, A.; Delmonte, N.; De Lurgio, P.; de Mello Neto, J.R.T.; DeMuth, D.M.; Dennis, S.; Densham, C.; Deptuch, G.W.; De Roeck, A.; De Romeri, V.; De Souza, G.; Devi, R.; Dharmapalan, R.; Dias, M.; Diaz, F.; Díaz, J.S.; Domizio, S. Di; Giulio, L. Di; Ding, P.; Noto, L. Di; Dirkx, G.; Distefano, C.; Diurba, R.; Diwan, Milind; Djurcic, Z.; Doering, D.; Dolan, S.; Dolek, F.; Dolinski, M.J.; Domine, L.; Donon, Y.; Douglas, D.; Douillet, D.; Dragone, A.; Drake, Gary; Drielsma, F.; Duarte, L.; Duchesneau, D.; Duffy, K.; Dunne, P.; Dutta, B.; Duyang, H.; Dvornikov, O.; Dwyer, D.A.; Dyshkant, A.S.; Eads, M.; Earle, A.; Edmunds, D.; Eisch, J.; Emberger, L.; Emery, S.; Englezos, P.; Ereditato, A.; Erjavec, T.; Escobar, C.O.; Eurin, G.; Evans, J.J.; Ewart, E.; Ezeribe, A.C.; Fahey, K.; Falcone, A.; Fani, M.; Farnese, C.; Farzan, Y.; Fedoseev, D.; Felix, J.; Feng, Y.; Fernandez-Martinez, E.; Menendez, P. Fernandez; Morales, M. Fernandez; Ferraro, F.; Fields, L.; Filip, P.; Filthaut, F.; Fiorini, M.; Fischer, V.; Fitzpatrick, R.S.; Flanagan, W.; Fleming, B.; Flight, R.; Fogarty, S.; Foreman, W.; Fowler, J.; Fox, W.; Franc, J.; Francis, K.; Franco, D.; Freeman, J.; Freestone, J.; Fried, J.; Friedland, A.; Robayo, F. Fuentes; Fuess, S.; Furic, I.K.; Furman, K.; Furmanski, A.P.; Gabrielli, A.; Gago, A.; Gallagher, H.; Gallas, A.; Gallego-Ros, A.; Gallice, N.; Galymov, V.; Gamberini, E.; Gamble, T.; Ganacim, F.; Gandhi, R.; Gandrajula, R.; Gao, F.; Gao, S.; Garcia-Gamez, D.; García-Peris, M.Á; Gardiner, S.; Gastler, D.; Gauvreau, J.; Ge, G.; Geffroy, N.; Gelli, B.; Gendotti, A.; Gent, S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam, Z.; Giammaria, P.; Giammaria, T.; Giangiacomi, N.; Gibin, D.; Gil-Botella, I.; Gilligan, S.; Girerd, C.; Giri, A.K.; Gnani, D.; Gogota, O.; Gold, M.; Gollapinni, S.; Gollwitzer, K.; Gomes, R.A.; Bermeo, L.V. Gomez; Fajardo, L.S. Gomez; Gonnella, F.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Gonzalez-Lopez, M.; Goodman, M.C.; Goodwin, O.; Goswami, S.; Gotti, C.; Goudzovski, E.; Grace, C.; Gran, R.; Granados, E.; Granger, P.; Grant, A.; Grant, C.h.ristopher; Gratieri, D.; Green, P.; Greenler, L.; Greer, J.; Grenard, J.; Griffith, W.C.; Groh, M.; Grudzinski, J.; Grzelak, K.; Gu, W.; Guardincerri, E.; Guarino, V.; Guarise, M.; Guenette, R.; Guerard, E.; Guerzoni, M.; Guffanti, D.; Guglielmi, A.; Guo, B.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, V.; Guthikonda, K.K.; Gutierrez, R.; Guzowski, P.; Guzzo, M.M.; Gwon, S.; Ha, C.; Haaf, K.; Habig, A.; Hadavand, H.; Haenni, R.; Hahn, A.; Haiston, J.; Hamacher-Baumann, P.; Hamernik, T.; Hamilton, P.; Han, J.; Harris, D.A.; Hartnell, J.; Hartnett, T.; Harton, J.; Hasegawa, T.; Hasnip, C.; Hatcher, R.; Hatfield, K.W.; Hatzikoutelis, A.; Hayes, C.; Hayrapetyan, K.; Hays, J.; Hazen, E.; He, M.; Heavey, A.; Heeger, K.M.; Heise, J.; Henry, S.; Morquecho, M.A. Hernandez; Herner, K.; Hewes, J.; Hilgenberg, C.; Hill, T.; Hillier, S.J.; Himmel, A.; Hinkle, E.; Hirsch, L.R.; Ho, J.; Hoff, J.; Holin, A.; Hoppe, E.; Horton-Smith, G.A.; Hostert, M.; Hourlier, A.; Howard, B.; Howell, R.; Hoyos, J.; Hristova, I.; Hronek, M.S.; Huang, J.; Hulcher, Z.; Iles, G.; Ilic, N.; Iliescu, A.M.; Illingworth, R.; Ingratta, G.; Ioannisian, A.; Irwin, B.; Isenhower, L.; Itay, R.; Jackson, C.M.; Jain, V.; James, E.; Jang, W.; Jargowsky, B.; Jediny, F.; Jena, D.; Jeong, Y.S.; Jesús-Valls, C.; Ji, X.; Jiang, L.; Jiménez, S.; Jipa, A.; Johnson, R.; Johnson, W.; Johnston, N.; Jones, B.; Jones, S.; Judah, M.; Jung, C.K.; Junk, T.; Jwa, Y.; Kabirnezhad, M.; Kaboth, A.; Kadenko, I.; Kakorin, I.; Kalitkina, A.; Kalra, D.; Kamiya, F.; Kaneshige, N.; Kaplan, D.M.; Karagiorgi, G.; Karaman, G.; Karcher, A.; Karolak, M.; Karyotakis, Y.; Kasai, S.; Kasetti, S.P.; Kashur, L.; Kazaryan, N.; Kearns, E.; Keener, P.; Kelly, K.J.; Kemp, E.; Kemularia, O.; Ketchum, W.; Kettell, S.H.; Khabibullin, M.; Khotjantsev, A.; Khvedelidze, A.; Kim, D.; King, B.; Kirby, B.; Kirby, M.; Klein, J.; Klustova, A.; Kobilarcik, T.; Koehler, K.; Koerner, L.W.; Koh, D.H.; Kohn, S.; Koller, P.P.; Kolupaeva, L.; Korablev, D.; Kordosky, M.; Kosc, T.; Kose, U.; Kostelecký, V.A.; Kothekar, K.; Kralik, R.; Kreczko, L.; Krennrich, F.; Kreslo, I.; Kropp, W.; Kroupova, T.; Kubota, S.; Kudenko, Y.; Kudryavtsev, V.A.; Kulagin, S.; Kumar, J.; Kumar, P.; Kunze, P.; Kurita, N.; Kuruppu, C.; Kus, V.; Kutter, T.; Kvasnicka, J.; Kwak, D.; Lambert, A.; Land, B.; Lane, C.E.; Lang, K.; Langford, T.; Langstaff, M.; Larkin, J.; Lasorak, P.; Last, D.; Laundrie, A.; Laurenti, G.; Lawrence, A.; Lazanu, I.; LaZur, R.; Lazzaroni, M.; Le, T.; Leardini, S.; Learned, J.; LeBrun, P.; LeCompte, T.; Lee, C.; Lee, S.Y.; Miotto, G. Lehmann; Lehnert, R.; de Oliveira, M.A. Leigui; Leitner, M.; Lepin, L.M.; Li, S.W.; Li, Y.; Liao, H.; Lin, C.S.; Lin, Q.; Lin, S.; Lineros, R.A.; Ling, J.; Lister, A.; Littlejohn, B.R.; Liu, J.; Liu, Y.; Lockwitz, S.; Loew, T.; Lokajicek, M.; Lomidze, I.; Long, K.; Lord, T.; LoSecco, J.M.; Louis, W.C.; Lu, X.-G; Luk, K.B.; Lunday, B.; Luo, X.; Luppi, E.; Lux, T.; Luzio, V.P.; Maalmi, J.; MacFarlane, D.; Machado, A.A.; Machado, P.; Macias, C.T.; Macier, J.R.; Maddalena, A.; Madera, A.; Madigan, P.; Magill, S.; Mahn, K.; Maio, A.; Major, A.; Maloney, J.A.; Mandrioli, G.; Mandujano, R.C.; Maneira, J.; Manenti, L.; Manly, S.; Mann, A.; Manolopoulos, K.; Plata, M. Manrique; Manyam, V.N.; Manzanillas, L.; Marchan, M.; Marchionni, A.; Marciano, W.; Marfatia, D.; Mariani, C.; Maricic, J.; Marie, R.; Marinho, F.; Marino, A.D.; Marsden, D.; Marshak, M.; Marshall, C.; Marshall, J.; Marteau, J.; Martín-Albo, J.; Martinez, N.; Caicedo, D.A. Martinez; Miravé, P. Martínez; Martynenko, S.; Mascagna, V.; Mason, K.; Mastbaum, A.; Matichard, F.; Matsuno, S.; Matthews, J.; Mauger, C.; Mauri, N.; Mavrokoridis, K.; Mawby, I.; Mazza, R.; Mazzacane, A.; Mazzucato, E.; McAskill, T.; McCluskey, E.; McConkey, N.; McFarland, K.S.; McGrew, C.; McNab, A.; Mefodiev, A.; Mehta, P.; Melas, P.; Mena, O.; Mendez, H.; Mendez, P.; Méndez, D.P.; Menegolli, A.; Meng, G.; Messier, M.D.; Metcalf, W.; Mettler, T.; Mewes, M.; Meyer, H.; Miao, T.; Michna, G.; Miedema, T.; Mikola, V.; Milincic, R.; Miller, G.; Miller, W.; Mills, J.; Mineev, O.; Minotti, A.; Miranda, O.G.; Miryala, S.; Mishra, C.S.; Mishra, S.R.; Mislivec, A.; Mitchell, M.; Mladenov, D.; Mocioiu, I.; Moffat, K.; Moggi, N.; Mohanta, R.; Mohayai, T.A.; Mokhov, N.; Molina, J.; Bueno, L. Molina; Montagna, E.; Montanari, A.; Montanari, C.; Montanari, D.; Zetina, L.M. Montañno; Moon, S.H.; Mooney, M.; Moor, A.F.; Moreno, D.; Moretti, D.; Morris, C.; Mossey, C.; Mote, M.; Motuk, E.; Moura, C.A.; Mousseau, J.; Mouster, G.; Mu, W.; Mualem, L.; Mueller, J.; Muether, M.; Mufson, S.; Muheim, F.; Muir, A.; Mulhearn, M.; Munford, D.; Muramatsu, H.; Murphy, S.; Musser, J.; Nachtman, J.; Nagu, S.; Nalbandyan, M.; Nandakumar, R.; Naples, D.; Narita, S.; Nath, A.; Navrer-Agasson, A.; Nayak, N.; Nebot-Guinot, M.; Negishi, K.; Nelson, J.K.; Nesbit, J.; Nessi, M.; Newbold, D.; Newcomer, M.; Newton, H.; Nichol, R.; Nicolas-Arnaldos, F.; Nikolica, A.; Niner, E.; Nishimura, K.; Norman, A.; Norrick, A.; Northrop, R.; Novella, P.; Nowak, J.A.; Oberling, M.; Ochoa-Ricoux, J.; Olivier, A.; Olshevskiy, A.; Onel, Y.; Onishchuk, Y.; Ott, J.; Pagani, L.; Palacio, G.; Palamara, O.; Palestini, S.; Paley, J.M.; Pallavicini, M.; Palomares, C.; Vazquez, W. Panduro; Pantic, E.; Paolone, V.; Papadimitriou, V.; Papaleo, R.; Papanestis, A.; Paramesvaran, S.; Parke, S.; Parozzi, E.; Parsa, Z.; Parvu, M.; Pascoli, S.; Pasqualini, L.; Pasternak, J.; Pater, J.; Patrick, C.; Patrizii, L.; Patterson, R.B.; Patton, S.J.; Patzak, T.; Paudel, A.; Paulos, B.; Paulucci, L.; Pavlovic, Z.; Pawloski, G.; Payne, D.; Pec, V.; Peeters, S.J.M; Perez, A. Pena; Pennacchio, E.; Penzo, A.; Peres, O.L.G; Perry, J.; Pershey, D.; Pessina, G.; Petrillo, G.; Petta, C.; Petti, R.; Pia, V.; Piastra, F.; Pickering, L.; Pietropaolo, F.; Pimentel, V.L.; Pinaroli, G.; Plows, K.; Plunkett, R.; Poling, R.; Pompa, F.; Pons, X.; Poonthottathil, N.; Poppi, F.; Pordes, S.; Porter, J.; Potekhin, M.; Potenza, R.; Potukuchi, B.V.KS; Pozimski, J.; Pozzato, M.; Prakash, S.; Prakash, T.; Prest, M.; Prince, S.; Psihas, F.; Pugnere, D.; Qian, X.; Raaf, J.L.; Radeka, V.; Rademacker, J.; Radics, B.; Rafique, A.; Raguzin, E.; Rai, M.; Rajaoalisoa, M.; Rakhno, I.; Rakotonandrasana, A.; Rakotondravohitra, L.; Rameika, R.; Delgado, M.A. Ramirez; Ramson, B.; Rappoldi, A.; Raselli, G.; Ratoff, P.; Raut, S.; Razakamiandra, R.F.; Rea, E.M.; Real, J.S.; Rebel, B.; Rechenmacher, R.; Reggiani-Guzzo, M.; Reichenbacher, J.; Reitzner, S.D.; Sfar, H. Rejeb; Renshaw, A.; Rescia, S.; Resnati, F.; Ribas, M.; Riboldi, S.; Riccio, C.; Riccobene, G.; Rice, L.C.J; Ricol, J.S.; Rigamonti, A.; Rigaut, Y.; Rincón, E.V.; Ritchie-Yates, H.; Rivera, D.; Robert, A.; Rochester, L.; Roda, M.; Rodrigues, P.; Alonso, M.J. Rodriguez; Bonilla, E. Rodriguez; Rondon, J. Rodriguez; Rosauro-Alcaraz, S.; Rosenberg, M.; Rosier, P.; Roskovec, B.; Rossella, M.; Rossi, M.; Rout, J.; Roy, P.; Rubbia, A.; Rubbia, C.; Russell, B.; Ruterbories, D.; Rybnikov, A.; Saa-Hernandez, A.; Saakyan, R.; Sacerdoti, S.; Safford, T.; Sahu, N.; Sakashita, K.; Sala, P.; Samios, N.; Samoylov, O.; Sanchez, M.C.; Sandberg, V.; Sanders, D.A.; Sankey, D.; Santana, S.; Santos-Maldonado, M.; Saoulidou, N.; Sapienza, P.; Sarasty, C.; Sarcevic, I.; Savage, G.; Savinov, V.; Scaramelli, A.; Scarff, A.; Scarpelli, A.; Schefke, T.; Schellman, H.; Schifano, S.; Schlabach, P.; Schmitz, D.; Schneider, A.W.; Scholberg, K.; Schukraft, A.; Segreto, E.; Selyunin, A.; Senise, C.R.; Sensenig, J.; Sergi, A.; Sgalaberna, D.; Shaevitz, M.H.; Shafaq, S.; Shaker, F.; Shamma, M.; Sharankova, R.; Sharma, H.R.; Sharma, R.; Sharma, R.K.; Shaw, T.; Shchablo, K.; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.; Sheshukov, A.; Shin, S.; Shoemaker, I.; Shooltz, D.; Shrock, R.; Siegel, H.; Simard, L.; Sinclair, J.; Sinev, G.; Singh, J.; Singh, J.; Singh, L.; Singh, P.; Singh, V.; Sipos, R.; Sippach, F.W.; Sirri, G.; Sitraka, A.; Siyeon, K.; Skarpaas, K.; Smith, A.; Smith, E.; Smith, P.; Smolik, J.; Smy, M.; Snider, E.; Snopok, P.; Snowden-Ifft, D.; Nunes, M. Soares; Sobel, H.; Soderberg, M.; Sokolov, S.; Salinas, C.J. Solano; Söldner-Rembold, S.; Soleti, S.R.; Solomey, N.; Solovov, V.; Sondheim, W.E.; Sorel, M.; Sotnikov, A.; Soto-Oton, J.; Ugaldi, F.A. Soto; Sousa, A.; Soustruznik, K.; Spagliardi, F.; Spanu, M.; Spitz, J.; Spooner, N.J.C; Spurgeon, K.; Stancari, M.; Stanco, L.; Stanford, C.; Stein, R.; Steiner, H.M.; Lisbôa, A.F. Steklain; Stewart, J.; Stillwell, B.; Stock, J.; Stocker, F.; Stokes, T.; Strait, M.; Strauss, T.; Strigari, L.; Stuart, A.; Suarez, J.G.; Sunción, J.M. Suárez; Sullivan, H.; Summers, D.; Surdo, A.; Susic, V.; Suter, L.; Sutera, C.M.; Svoboda, R.; Szczerbinska, B.; Szelc, A.M.; Tanaka, H.; Tang, S.; Tapia, A.; Oregui, B. Tapia; Tapper, A.; Tariq, S.; Tarpara, E.; Tata, N.; Tatar, E.; Tayloe, R.; Teklu, A.M.; Tennessen, P.; Tenti, M.; Terao, K.; Ternes, C.A.; Terranova, F.; Testera, G.; Thakore, T.; Thea, A.; Thompson, J.L.; Thorn, C.; Timm, S.C.; Tishchenko, V.; Tomassetti, L.; Tonazzo, A.; Torbunov, D.; Torti, M.; Tortola, M.; Tortorici, F.; Tosi, N.; Totani, D.; Toups, M.; Touramanis, C.; Travaglini, R.; Trevor, J.; Trilov, S.; Trzaska, W.H.; Tsai, Y.; Tsai, Y.-T; Tsamalaidze, Z.; Tsang, K.V.; Tsverava, N.; Tufanli, S.; Tull, C.; Tyley, E.; Tzanov, M.; Uboldi, L.; Uchida, M.A.; Urheim, J.; Usher, T.; Uzunyan, S.; Vagins, M.R.; Vahle, P.; Valder, S.; Valdiviesso, G.D.A; Valencia, E.; Valentim, R.; Vallari, Z.; Vallazza, E.; Valle, J.W.F; Vallecorsa, S.; Berg, R. Van; de Water, R.G. Van; Forero, D. Vanegas; Vannerom, D.; Varanini, F.; Oliva, D. Vargas; Varner, G.; Vasel, J.; Vasina, S.; Vasseur, G.; Vaughan, N.; Vaziri, K.; Ventura, S.; Verdugo, A.; Vergani, S.; Vermeulen, M.A.; Verzocchi, M.; Vicenzi, M.; de Souza, H. Vieira; Vignoli, C.; Vilela, C.; Viren, B.; Vrba, T.; Wachala, T.; Waldron, A.V.; Wallbank, M.; Wallis, C.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, L.; Wang, M.H.LS; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Warburton, K.; Warner, D.; Wascko, M.O.; Waters, D.; Watson, A.; Wawrowska, K.; Weatherly, P.; Weber, A.; Weber, M.; Wei, H.; Weinstein, A.; Wenman, D.; Wetstein, M.; White, A.; Whitehead, L.H.; Whittington, D.; Wilking, M.J.; Wilkinson, A.; Wilkinson, C.; Williams, Z.; Wilson, F.; Wilson, R.J.; Wisniewski, W.; Wolcott, J.; Wongjirad, T.; Wood, A.; Wood, K.; Worcester, E.; Worcester, M.; Wresilo, K.; Wret, C.; Wu, W.; Wu, W.; Xiao, Y.; Xie, F.; Yaeggy, B.; Yandel, E.; Yang, G.; Yang, K.; Yang, T.; Yankelevich, A.; Yershov, N.; Yonehara, K.; Yoon, Y.S.; Young, T.; Yu, B.; Yu, H.; Yu, H.; Yu, J.; Yu, Y.; Yuan, W.; Zaki, R.; Zalesak, J.; Zambelli, L.; Zamorano, B.; Zani, A.; Zazueta, L.; Zeller, G.P.; Zennamo, J.; Zeug, K.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, M.; Zhivun, E.; Zhu, G.; Zimmerman, E.D.; Zucchelli, S.; Zuklin, J.; Zutshi, V.; Zwaska, R.; DUNE Collaboration
    DUNE is a dual-site experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies, neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. ProtoDUNE Dual Phase (DP) is a 6  ×  6  ×  6 m 3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LArTPC) that recorded cosmic-muon data at the CERN Neutrino Platform in 2019-2020 as a prototype of the DUNE Far Detector. Charged particles propagating through the LArTPC produce ionization and scintillation light. The scintillation light signal in these detectors can provide the trigger for non-beam events. In addition, it adds precise timing capabilities and improves the calorimetry measurements. In ProtoDUNE-DP, scintillation and electroluminescence light produced by cosmic muons in the LArTPC is collected by photomultiplier tubes placed up to 7 m away from the ionizing track. In this paper, the ProtoDUNE-DP photon detection system performance is evaluated with a particular focus on the different wavelength shifters, such as PEN and TPB, and the use of Xe-doped LAr, considering its future use in giant LArTPCs. The scintillation light production and propagation processes are analyzed and a comparison of simulation to data is performed, improving understanding of the liquid argon properties.
  • Item
    Prospects for beyond the standard model physics searches at the deep underground neutrino experiment: DUNE collaboration
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021) Abi, B.; Acciarri, R.; Acero, M.A.; Adamov, G.; Adams, David; Adinolfi, M.; Ahmad, Z.; Ahmed, J.; Alion, Tyler; Monsalve, S. Alonso; Alt, C.; Anderson, J.; Andreopoulos, Costas; Andrews, M.P.; Andrianala, F.; Andringa, S.; Ankowski, A.; Antonova, M.; Antusch, S.; Aranda-Fernandez, A.; Ariga, A.; Arnold, L.O.; Arroyave, M.A.; Asaadi, J.; Aurisano, A.; Aushev, V.; Autiero, D.; Azfar, F.; Back, H.; Back, J.J.; Backhouse, C.; Baesso, P.; Bagby, L.; Bajou, R.; Balasubramanian, S.; Baldi, P.; Bambah, B.; Barao, F.; Barenboim, G.; Barker, G.J.; Barkhouse, W.; Barnes, C.; Barr, Giles; Monarca, J. Barranco; Barros, N.; Barrow, J.L.; Bashyal, Amit; Basque, V.; Bay, F.; Alba, J.L.L. Bazo; Beacom, J.F.; Bechetoille, E.; Behera, B.; Bellantoni, L.; Bellettini, G.; Bellini, V.; Beltramello, O.; Belver, D.; Benekos, N.; Neves, F. Bento; Berger, J.; Berkman, S.; Bernardini, P.; Berner, R.M.; Berns, H.; Bertolucci, S.; Betancourt, M.; Bezawada, Y.; Bhattacharjee, M.; Bhuyan, Bipul; Biagi, S.; Bian, J.; Biassoni, M.; Biery, K.; Bilki, B.; Bishai, M.; Bitadze, A.; Blake, A.; Siffert, B. Blanco; Blaszczyk, F.D.M; Blazey, G.C.; Blucher, E.; Boissevain, Jan; Bolognesi, S.; Bolton, Timothy; Bonesini, Maurizio; Bongrand, M.; Bonini, F.; Booth, A.; Booth, C.; Bordoni, S.; Borkum, A.; Boschi, T.; Bostan, N.; Bour, P.; Boyd, S.B.; Boyden, D.; Bracinik, J.; Braga, D.; Brailsford, D.; Brandt, Andrew; Bremer, J.; Brew, C.; Brianne, E.; Brice, S.J.; Brizzolari, C.; Bromberg, C.; Brooijmans, Gustaaf; Brooke, J.; Bross, A.; Brunetti, G.; Buchanan, Norman; Budd, H.; Caiulo, D.; Calafiura, P.; Calcutt, J.; Calin, M.; Calvez, S.; Calvo, E.; Camilleri, Leslie; Caminata, A.; Campanelli, M.; Caratelli, D.; Carini, G.; Carlus, B.; Carniti, P.; Terrazas, I. Caro; Carranza, H.; Castillo, A.; Castromonte, Cesar; Cattadori, C.; Cavalier, F.; Cavanna, F.; Centro, Sandro; Cerati, G.; Cervelli, A.; Villanueva, A. Cervera; Chalifour, M.; Chang, C.; Chardonnet, E.; Chatterjee, A.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chaves, J.; Chen, H.; Chen, M.; Chen, Y.; Cherdack, D.; Chi, Cheng-Yi; Childress, Sam; Chiriacescu, A.; Cho, K.; Choubey, S.; Christensen, A.; Christian, D.; Christodoulou, G.; Church, E.; Clarke, P.; Coan, T.E.; Cocco, A.G.; Coelho, J.A.B; Conley, E.; Conrad, J.M.; Convery, M.; Corwin, Luke; Cotte, P.; Cremaldi, L.; Cremonesi, L.; Crespo-Anadón, J.I.; Cristaldo, E.; Cross, R.; Cuesta, C.; Cui, Y.; Cussans, D.; Dabrowski, M.; da Motta, H.; Peres, L. Da Silva; David, C.; David, Q.; Davies, G.S.; Davini, S.; Dawson, J.; De, K.; De Almeida, R.M.; Debbins, P.; De Bonis, I.; Decowski, M.P.; De Gouvêa, A.; De Holanda, P.C.; De Icaza Astiz, I.L.; Deisting, A.; De Jong, P.; Delbart, A.; Delepine, D.; Delgado, M.; Dell'Acqua, A.; De Lurgio, P.; de Mello Neto, J.R.T.; DeMuth, D.M.; Dennis, S.; Densham, C.; Deptuch, G.W.; De Roeck, A.; De Romeri, V.; De Vries, J.J.; Dharmapalan, R.; Dias, M.; Diaz, F.; Díaz, J.S.; Di Domizio, S.; Di Giulio, L.; Ding, P.; Di Noto, L.; Distefano, C.; Diurba, R.; Diwan, Milind; Djurcic, Z.; Dokania, N.; Dolinski, M.J.; Domine, L.; Douglas, D.; Drielsma, F.; Duchesneau, D.; Duffy, K.; Dunne, P.; Durkin, T.; Duyang, H.; Dvornikov, O.; Dwyer, D.A.; Dyshkant, A.S.; Eads, M.; Edmunds, D.; Eisch, J.; Emery, S.; Ereditato, A.; Escobar, C.O.; Sanchez, L. Escudero; Evans, J.J.; Ewart, E.; Ezeribe, A.C.; Fahey, K.; Falcone, A.; Farnese, C.; Farzan, Y.; Felix, J.; Fernandez-Martinez, E.; Fernandez Menendez, P.; Ferraro, F.; Fields, L.; Filkins, A.; Filthaut, F.; Fitzpatrick, R.S.; Flanagan, W.; Fleming, B.; Flight, R.; Fowler, J.; Fox, W.; Franc, J.; Francis, K.; Franco, D.; Freeman, J.; Freestone, J.; Fried, J.; Friedland, A.; Fuess, S.; Furic, I.; Furmanski, A.P.; Gago, A.; Gallagher, H.; Gallego-Ros, A.; Gallice, N.; Galymov, V.; Gamberini, E.; Gamble, T.; Gandhi, R.; Gandrajula, R.; Gao, S.; Garcia-Gamez, D.; García-Peris, M.Á; Gardiner, S.; Gastler, D.; Ge, G.; Gelli, B.; Gendotti, A.; Gent, S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam, Z.; Gibin, D.; Gil-Botella, I.; Girerd, C.; Giri, A.K.; Gnani, D.; Gogota, O.; Gold, M.; Gollapinni, S.; Gollwitzer, K.; Gomes, R.A.; Bermeo, L.V. Gomez; Fajardo, L.S. Gomez; Gonnella, F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas, J.A.; Goodman, M.C.; Goodwin, O.; Goswami, S.; Gotti, C.; Goudzovski, E.; Grace, C.; Graham, M.; Gramellini, E.; Gran, R.; Granados, E.; Grant, A.; Grant, Christopher; Gratieri, D.; Green, P.; Green, S.; Greenler, L.; Greenwood, M.; Greer, J.; Griffith, W.C.; Groh, M.; Grudzinski, J.; Grzelak, K.; Gu, W.; Guarino, V.; Guenette, R.; Guglielmi, A.; Guo, B.; Guthikonda, K.K.; Gutierrez, R.; Guzowski, P.; Guzzo, M.M.; Gwon, S.; Habig, A.; Hackenburg, A.; Hadavand, H.; Haenni, R.; Hahn, A.; Haigh, J.; Haiston, J.; Hamernik, T.; Hamilton, P.; Han, J.; Harder, K.; Harris, D.A.; Hartnell, J.; Hasegawa, T.; Hatcher, R.; Hazen, E.; Heavey, A.; Heeger, K.M.; Heise, J.; Hennessy, K.; Henry, S.; Morquecho, M.A. Hernandez; Herner, K.; Hertel, L.; Hesam, A.S.; Hewes, J.; Higuera, A.; Hill, T.; Hillier, S.J.; Himmel, A.; Hoff, J.; Hohl, C.; Holin, A.; Hoppe, E.; Horton-Smith, G.A.; Hostert, M.; Hourlier, A.; Howard, B.; Howell, R.; Huang, J.; Huang, J.; Hugon, J.; Iles, G.; Ilic, N.; Iliescu, A.M.; Illingworth, R.; Ioannisian, A.; Itay, R.; Izmaylov, A.; James, E.; Jargowsky, B.; Jediny, F.; Jesùs-Valls, C.; Ji, X.; Jiang, L.; Jiménez, S.; Jipa, A.; Joglekar, A.; Johnson, C.; Johnson, R.; Jones, B.; Jones, S.; Jung, C.K.; Junk, T.; Jwa, Y.; Kabirnezhad, M.; Kaboth, A.; Kadenko, I.; Kamiya, F.; Karagiorgi, G.; Karcher, A.; Karolak, M.; Karyotakis, Y.; Kasai, S.; Kasetti, S.P.; Kashur, L.; Kazaryan, N.; Kearns, Edward; Keener, P.; Kelly, K.J.; Kemp, E.; Ketchum, W.; Kettell, S.H.; Khabibullin, M.; Khotjantsev, A.; Khvedelidze, A.; Kim, D.; King, B.; Kirby, B.; Kirby, M.; Klein, J.; Koehler, K.; Koerner, L.W.; Kohn, S.; Koller, P.P.; Kordosky, M.; Kosc, T.; Kose, U.; Kostelecký, V.A.; Kothekar, K.; Krennrich, F.; Kreslo, I.; Kudenko, Y.; Kudryavtsev, V.A.; Kulagin, S.; Kumar, J.; Kumar, R.; Kuruppu, C.; Kus, V.; Kutter, T.; Lambert, A.; Lande, K.; Lane, C.E.; Lang, K.; Langford, T.; Lasorak, P.; Last, D.; Lastoria, C.; Laundrie, A.; Lawrence, A.; Lazanu, I.; LaZur, R.; Le, T.; Learned, J.; LeBrun, P.; Miotto, G. Lehmann; Lehnert, R.; de Oliveira, M.A. Leigui; Leitner, M.; Leyton, M.; Li, L.; Li, S.; Li, S.W.; Li, T.; Li, Y.; Liao, H.; Lin, C.S.; Lin, S.; Lister, A.; Littlejohn, B.R.; Liu, J.; Lockwitz, S.; Loew, T.; Lokajicek, M.; Lomidze, I.; Long, K.; Loo, K.; Lorca, D.; Lord, T.; LoSecco, J.M.; Louis, W.C.; Luk, K.B.; Luo, X.; Lurkin, N.; Lux, T.; Luzio, V.P.; MacFarland, D.; Machado, A.A.; Machado, P.; Macias, C.T.; Macier, J.R.; Maddalena, A.; Madigan, P.; Magill, S.; Mahn, K.; Maio, A.; Maloney, J.A.; Mandrioli, G.; Maneira, J.; Manenti, L.; Manly, S.; Mann, A.; Manolopoulos, K.; Plata, M. Manrique; Marchionni, A.; Marciano, W.; Marfatia, D.; Mariani, C.; Maricic, J.; Marinho, F.; Marino, A.D.; Marshak, M.; Marshall, C.; Marshall, J.; Marteau, J.; Martin-Albo, J.; Martinez, N.; Caicedo, D.A. Martinez; Martynenko, S.; Mason, K.; Mastbaum, A.; Masud, M.; Matsuno, S.; Matthews, J.; Mauger, C.; Mauri, N.; Mavrokoridis, K.; Mazza, R.; Mazzacane, A.; Mazzucato, E.; McCluskey, E.; McConkey, N.; McFarland, K.S.; McGrew, C.; McNab, A.; Mefodiev, A.; Mehta, P.; Melas, P.; Mellinato, M.; Mena, O.; Menary, S.; Mendez, H.; Menegolli, A.; Meng, G.; Messier, M.D.; Metcalf, W.; Mewes, M.; Meyer, H.; Miao, T.; Michna, G.; Miedema, T.; Migenda, J.; Milincic, R.; Miller, W.; Mills, J.; Milne, C.; Mineev, O.; Miranda, O.G.; Miryala, S.; Mishra, C.S.; Mishra, S.R.; Mislivec, A.; Mladenov, D.; Mocioiu, I.; Moffat, K.; Moggi, N.; Mohanta, R.; Mohayai, T.A.; Mokhov, N.; Molina, J.; Bueno, L. Molina; Montanari, A.; Montanari, C.; Montanari, D.; Zetina, L.M. Montano; Moon, J.; Mooney, M.; Moor, A.; Moreno, D.; Morgan, B.; Morris, C.; Mossey, C.; Motuk, E.; Moura, C.A.; Mousseau, J.; Mu, W.; Mualem, L.; Mueller, J.; Muether, M.; Mufson, S.; Muheim, F.; Muir, A.; Mulhearn, M.; Muramatsu, H.; Murphy, S.; Musser, J.; Nachtman, J.; Nagu, S.; Nalbandyan, M.; Nandakumar, R.; Naples, D.; Narita, S.; Navas-Nicolás, D.; Nayak, N.; Nebot-Guinot, M.; Necib, L.; Negishi, K.; Nelson, J.K.; Nesbit, J.; Nessi, M.; Newbold, D.; Newcomer, M.; Newhart, D.; Nichol, R.; Niner, E.; Nishimura, K.; Norman, A.; Norrick, A.; Northrop, R.; Novella, P.; Nowak, J.A.; Oberling, M.; Del Campo, A. Olivares; Olivier, A.; Onel, Y.; Onishchuk, Y.; Ott, J.; Pagani, L.; Pakvasa, S.; Palamara, O.; Palestini, S.; Paley, J.M.; Pallavicini, M.; Palomares, C.; Pantic, E.; Paolone, V.; Papadimitriou, V.; Papaleo, R.; Papanestis, A.; Paramesvaran, S.; Park, J.C.; Parke, S.; Parsa, Z.; Parvu, M.; Pascoli, S.; Pasqualini, L.; Pasternak, J.; Pater, J.; Patrick, C.; Patrizii, L.; Patterson, R.B.; Patton, S.J.; Patzak, T.; Paudel, A.; Paulos, B.; Paulucci, L.; Pavlovic, Z.; Pawloski, G.; Payne, D.; Pec, V.; Peeters, S.J.M; Penichot, Y.; Pennacchio, E.; Penzo, A.; Peres, O.L.G; Perry, J.; Pershey, D.; Pessina, G.; Petrillo, G.; Petta, C.; Petti, R.; Piastra, F.; Pickering, L.; Pietropaolo, F.; Pillow, J.; Pinzino, J.; Plunkett, R.; Poling, R.; Pons, X.; Poonthottathil, N.; Pordes, S.; Potekhin, M.; Potenza, R.; Potukuchi, B.V.KS; Pozimski, J.; Pozzato, M.; Prakash, S.; Prakash, T.; Prince, S.; Prior, G.; Pugnere, D.; Qi, K.; Qian, X.; Raaf, J.L.; Raboanary, R.; Radeka, V.; Rademacker, J.; Radics, B.; Rafique, A.; Raguzin, E.; Rai, M.; Rajaoalisoa, M.; Rakhno, I.; Rakotondramanana, H.T.; Rakotondravohitra, L.; Ramachers, Y.A.; Rameika, R.; Delgado, M.A. Ramirez; Ramson, B.; Rappoldi, A.; Raselli, G.; Ratoff, P.; Ravat, S.; Razafinime, H.; Real, J.S.; Rebel, B.; Redondo, D.; Reggiani-Guzzo, M.; Rehak, T.; Reichenbacher, J.; Reitzner, S.D.; Renshaw, A.; Rescia, S.; Resnati, F.; Reynolds, A.; Riccobene, G.; Rice, L.C.J; Rielage, K.; Rigaut, Y.; Rivera, D.; Rochester, L.; Roda, M.; Rodrigues, P.; Alonso, M.J. Rodriguez; Rondon, J. Rodriguez; Roeth, A.J.; Rogers, H.; Rosauro-Alcaraz, S.; Rossella, M.; Rout, J.; Roy, S.; Rubbia, A.; Rubbia, C.; Russell, B.; Russell, J.; Ruterbories, D.; Saakyan, R.; Sacerdoti, S.; Safford, T.; Sahu, N.; Sala, P.; Samios, N.; Sanchez, M.C.; Sanders, D.A.; Sankey, D.; Santana, S.; Santos-Maldonado, M.; Saoulidou, N.; Sapienza, P.; Sarasty, C.; Sarcevic, I.; Savage, G.; Savinov, V.; Scaramelli, A.; Scarff, A.; Scarpelli, A.; Schaffer, T.; Schellman, H.; Schlabach, P.; Schmitz, D.; Scholberg, K.; Schukraft, A.; Segreto, E.; Sensenig, J.; Seong, I.; Sergi, A.; Sergiampietri, F.; Sgalaberna, D.; Shaevitz, M.H.; Shafaq, S.; Shamma, M.; Sharma, H.R.; Sharma, R.; Shaw, T.; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C.; Shin, S.; Shooltz, D.; Shrock, R.; Simard, L.; Simos, N.; Sinclair, J.; Sinev, G.; Singh, J.; Singh, J.; Singh, V.; Sipos, R.; Sippach, F.W.; Sirri, G.; Sitraka, A.; Siyeon, K.; Smargianaki, D.; Smith, A.; Smith, A.; Smith, E.; Smith, P.; Smolik, J.; Smy, M.; Snopok, P.; Nunes, M. Soares; Sobel, H.; Soderberg, M.; Salinas, C.J. Solano; Söldner-Rembold, S.; Solomey, N.; Solovov, V.; Sondheim, W.E.; Sorel, M.; Soto-Oton, J.; Sousa, A.; Soustruznik, K.; Spagliardi, F.; Spanu, M.; Spitz, J.; Spooner, N.J.C; Spurgeon, K.; Staley, R.; Stancari, M.; Stanco, L.; Steiner, H.M.; Stewart, J.; Stillwell, B.; Stock, J.; Stocker, F.; Stocks, D.; Stokes, T.; Strait, M.; Strauss, T.; Striganov, S.; Stuart, A.; Summers, D.; Surdo, A.; Susic, V.; Suter, L.; Sutera, C.M.; Svoboda, R.; Szczerbinska, B.; Szelc, A.M.; Talaga, R.; Tanaka, H.A.; Oregui, B. Tapia; Tapper, A.; Tariq, S.; Tatar, E.; Tayloe, R.; Teklu, A.M.; Tenti, M.; Terao, K.; Ternes, C.A.; Terranova, F.; Testera, G.; Thea, A.; Thompson, J.L.; Thorn, C.; Timm, S.C.; Todd, J.; Tonazzo, A.; Torti, M.; Tortola, M.; Tortorici, F.; Totani, D.; Toups, M.; Touramanis, C.; Trevor, J.; Trzaska, W.H.; Tsai, Y.-T; Tsamalaidze, Z.; Tsang, K.V.; Tsverava, N.; Tufanli, S.; Tull, C.; Tyley, E.; Tzanov, M.; Uchida, M.A.; Urheim, J.; Usher, T.; Vagins, M.R.; Vahle, P.; Valdiviesso, G.A.; Valencia, E.; Vallari, Z.; Valle, J.W.F; Vallecorsa, S.; Berg, R. Van; de Water, R.G. Van; Forero, D. Vanegas; Varanini, F.; Vargas, D.; Varner, G.; Vasel, J.; Vasseur, G.; Vaziri, K.; Ventura, S.; Verdugo, A.; Vergani, S.; Vermeulen, M.A.; Verzocchi, M.; de Souza, H. Vieira; Vignoli, C.; Vilela, C.; Viren, B.; Vrba, T.; Wachala, T.; Waldron, A.V.; Wallbank, M.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Warburton, K.; Warner, D.; Wascko, M.; Waters, D.; Watson, A.; Weatherly, P.; Weber, A.; Weber, M.; Wei, H.; Weinstein, A.; Wenman, D.; Wetstein, M.; While, M.R.; White, A.; Whitehead, L.H.; Whittington, D.; Wilking, M.J.; Wilkinson, C.; Williams, Z.; Wilson, F.; Wilson, R.J.; Wolcott, J.; Wongjirad, T.; Wood, K.; Wood, L.; Worcester, E.; Worcester, M.; Wret, C.; Wu, W.; Wu, W.; Xiao, Y.; Yang, G.; Yang, T.; Yershov, N.; Yonehara, K.; Young, T.; Yu, B.; Yu, J.; Zaki, R.; Zalesak, J.; Zambelli, L.; Zamorano, B.; Zani, A.; Zazueta, L.; Zeller, G.P.; Zennamo, J.; Zeug, K.; Zhang, C.; Zhao, M.; Zhao, Y.; Zhivun, E.; Zhu, G.; Zimmerman, E.D.; Zito, M.; Zucchelli, S.; Zuklin, J.; Zutshi, V.; Zwaska, R.
    The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will be a powerful tool for a variety of physics topics. The high-intensity proton beams provide a large neutrino flux, sampled by a near detector system consisting of a combination of capable precision detectors, and by the massive far detector system located deep underground. This configuration sets up DUNE as a machine for discovery, as it enables opportunities not only to perform precision neutrino measurements that may uncover deviations from the present three-flavor mixing paradigm, but also to discover new particles and unveil new interactions and symmetries beyond those predicted in the Standard Model (SM). Of the many potential beyond the Standard Model (BSM) topics DUNE will probe, this paper presents a selection of studies quantifying DUNE's sensitivities to sterile neutrino mixing, heavy neutral leptons, non-standard interactions, CPT symmetry violation, Lorentz invariance violation, neutrino trident production, dark matter from both beam induced and cosmogenic sources, baryon number violation, and other new physics topics that complement those at high-energy colliders and significantly extend the present reach.
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    Multi-fluid simulation of solar chromospheric turbulence and heating due to the Thermal Farley-Buneman Instability
    (American Astronomical Society, 2023-06-01) Evans, Samuel; Oppenheim, Meers; Dimant, Yakov; Martinez- Sykora, Juan
    Models fail to reproduce observations of the coldest parts of the Sun’s atmosphere, where interactions between multiple ionized and neutral species prevent an accurate MHD representation. This paper argues that a meter-scale electrostatic plasma instability develops in these regions and causes heating. We refer to this instability as the Thermal Farley–Buneman Instability (TFBI). Using parameters from a 2.5D radiative MHD Bifrost simulation, we show that the TFBI develops in many of the colder regions in the chromosphere. This paper also presents the first multifluid simulation of the TFBI and validates this new result by demonstrating close agreement with theory during the linear regime. The simulation eventually develops turbulence, and we characterize the resulting wave-driven heating, plasma transport, and turbulent motions. These results all contend that the effects of the TFBI contribute to the discrepancies between solar observations and radiative MHD models.
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    Unified fluid-model theory of EXB instabilities in low-ionized collisional plasmas with arbitrarily magnetized multi-species ions
    (2022-11-22) Dimant, Yakov; Oppenheim, Meers; Evans, Samuel; Martinez-Sykora, Juan
    This paper develops a unified linear theory of local cross-field plasma instabilities, such as the Farley-Buneman, electron thermal, and ion thermal instabilities, in collisional plasmas with fully or partially unmagnetized multi-species ions. Collisional lasma instabilities in low-ionized, highly dissipative, weakly magnetized plasmas play an important role in the lower Earth's ionosphere and may be of importance in other planet ionospheres, star atmospheres, cometary tails, molecular clouds, accretion disks, etc. In the solar chromosphere, macroscopic effects of collisional plasma instabilities may contribute into significant heating -- an effect originally suggested from spectroscopic observations and relevant modeling. Based on a simplified 5-moment multi-fluid model, the theoretical analysis produces the general linear dispersion relation for the combined Thermal-Farley-Buneman Instability (TFBI). Important limiting cases are analyzed in detail. The analysis demonstrates acceptable applicability of this model for the rocesses under study. Fluid-model simulations usually require much less computer resources than do more accurate kinetic simulations, so that the apparent success of this approach to the linear theory of collisional plasma instabilities makes it possible to investigate the TFBI (along with its possible macroscopic effects) using global fluid codes originally developed for large-scale modeling of the solar and planetary atmospheres.
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    Counterdiabatic optimized local driving
    (American Physical Society (APS), 2023-01-30) Čepaitė, Ieva; Polkovnikov, Anatoli; Daley, Andrew J.; Duncan, Callum W.
    Adiabatic protocols are employed across a variety of quantum technologies, from implementing state preparation and individual operations that are building blocks of larger devices, to higher-level protocols in quantum annealing and adiabatic quantum computation. The problem of speeding up these processes has garnered a large amount of interest, resulting in a menagerie of approaches, most notably quantum optimal control and shortcuts to adiabaticity. The two approaches are complementary: optimal control manipulates control fields to steer the dynamics in the minimum allowed time, while shortcuts to adiabaticity aims to retain the adiabatic condition upon speed-up. We outline a new method that combines the two methodologies and takes advantage of the strengths of each. The new technique improves upon approximate local counterdiabatic driving with the addition of time-dependent control fields. We refer to this new method as counterdiabatic optimized local driving (COLD) and we show that it can result in a substantial improvement when applied to annealing protocols, state preparation schemes, entanglement generation, and population transfer on a lattice. We also demonstrate a new approach to the optimization of control fields that does not require access to the wave function or the computation of system dynamics. COLD can be enhanced with existing advanced optimal control methods and we explore this using the chopped randomized basis method and gradient ascent pulse engineering.
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    Quantum chaos through eigenstate deformations
    (2020-12-15) Polkovnikov, Anatoli
    In the past decades, it was recognized that quantum chaos, which is essential for the emergence of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, manifests itself in the effective description of the eigenstates of chaotic Hamiltonians through random matrix ensembles and the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. Standard measures of chaos in quantum many-body systems are level statistics and the spectral form factor. In this work, we show that the norm of the adiabatic gauge potential, the generator of adiabatic deformations between eigenstates, serves as a much more sensitive measure of quantum chaos. We are able to detect transitions from integrable to chaotic behavior at perturbation strengths orders of magnitude smaller than those required for standard measures. Using this alternative probe in two generic classes of spin chains, we show that the chaotic threshold decreases exponentially with system size and that one can immediately detect integrability-breaking (chaotic) perturbations by analyzing infinitesimal perturbations even at the integrable point. In some cases, small integrability breaking is shown to lead to anomalously slow relaxation of the system, exponentially long in system size.
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    Observing dynamical quantum phase transitions through quasilocal string operators
    (American Physical Society (APS), 2021) Bandyopadhyay, Souvik; Polkovnikov, Anatoli; Dutta, Amit
    We analyze signatures of the dynamical quantum phase transitions in physical observables. In particular, we show that both the expectation value and various out of time order correlation functions of the finite length product or string operators develop cusp singularities following quench protocols, which become sharper and sharper as the string length increases. We illustrated our ideas analyzing both integrable and nonintegrable one-dimensional Ising models showing that these transitions are robust both to the details of the model and to the choice of the initial state.
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    Shortcuts to dynamic polarization
    (American Physical Society (APS), 2021-02-08) Villazon, Tamiro; Claeys, Pieter W.; Polkovnikov, Anatoli; Chandran, Anushya
    Dynamic polarization protocols aim to hyperpolarize a spin bath by transferring spin polarization from a well-controlled qubit such as a quantum dot or a color defect. Building on techniques from shortcuts to adiabaticity, we design fast and efficient dynamic polarization protocols in central spin models that apply to dipolarly interacting systems. The protocols maximize the transfer of polarization via bright states at a nearby integrable point, exploit the integrability-breaking terms to reduce the statistical weight on dark states that do not transfer polarization, and realize experimentally accessible local counterdiabatic driving through Floquet engineering. A master equation treatment suggests that the protocol duration scales linearly with the number of bath spins with a prefactor that can be orders of magnitude smaller than that of unassisted protocols. This work opens pathways to cool spin baths and extend qubit coherence times for applications in quantum information processing and metrology.
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    Mitchell Feigenbaum: his life and legacy
    (AIP Publishing, 2022-11) Campbell, David K.
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    Prediction of people’s emotional response towards multi-modal news
    (2022-11-01) Gao, Ge; Paik, Sejin; Reardon, Carley; Zhao, Yanling; Guo, Lei; Ishwar, P.; Betke, Margrit; Wijaya, D.
    We aim to develop methods for understanding how multimedia news exposure can affect people’s emotional responses, and we especially focus on news content related to gun violence, a very important yet polarizing issue in the U.S. We created the dataset NEmo+ by significantly extending the U.S. gun violence news-to-emotions dataset, BU-NEmo, from 320 to 1,297 news headline and lead image pairings and collecting 38,910 annotations in a large crowdsourcing experiment. In curating the NEmo+ dataset, we developed methods to identify news items that will trigger similar versus divergent emotional responses. For news items that trigger similar emotional responses, we compiled them into the NEmo+-Consensus dataset. We benchmark models on this dataset that predict a person’s dominant emotional response toward the target news item (single-label prediction). On the full NEmo+ dataset, containing news items that would lead to both differing and similar emotional responses, we also benchmark models for the novel task of predicting the distribution of evoked emotional responses in humans when presented with multi-modal news content. Our single-label and multi-label prediction models outperform baselines by large margins across several metrics.
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    Dynamical symmetry breaking through AI: the dimer self-trapping transition
    (World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd, 2022-03-20) Tsironis, G.P.; Barmparis, G.D.; Campbell, David K.
    The nonlinear dimer obtained through the nonlinear Schrödinger equation has been a workhorse for the discovery the role nonlinearity plays in strongly interacting systems. While the analysis of the stationary states demonstrates the onset of a symmetry broken state for some degree of nonlinearity, the full dynamics maps the system into an effective [Formula: see text] model. In this later context, the self-trapping transition is an initial condition-dependent transfer of a classical particle over a barrier set by the nonlinear term. This transition that has been investigated analytically and mathematically is expressed through the hyperbolic limit of Jacobian elliptic functions. The aim of this work is to recapture this transition through the use of methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, we used a physics motivated machine learning model that is shown to be able to capture the original dynamic self-trapping transition and its dependence on initial conditions. Exploitation of this result in the case of the nondegenerate nonlinear dimer gives additional information on the more general dynamics and helps delineate linear from nonlinear localization. This work shows how AI methods may be embedded in physics and provide useful tools for discovery.
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    Counterdiabatic driving in the classical β-Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chain
    (American Physical Society (APS), 2022-07) Gjonbalaj, Nik O.; Campbell, David K.; Polkovnikov, Anatoli
    Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STAs) have been used to make rapid changes to a system while eliminating or minimizing excitations in the system's state. In quantum systems, these shortcuts allow us to minimize inefficiencies and heating in experiments and quantum computing protocols, but the theory of STAs can also be generalized to classical systems. We focus on one such STA, approximate counterdiabatic (ACD) driving, and numerically compare its performance in two classical systems: a quartic anharmonic oscillator and the β Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou lattice. In particular, we modify an existing variational technique to optimize the approximate driving and then develop classical figures of merit to quantify the performance of the driving. We find that relatively simple forms for the ACD driving can dramatically suppress excitations regardless of system size. ACD driving in classical nonlinear oscillators could have many applications, from minimizing heating in bosonic gases to finding optimal local dressing protocols in interacting field theories.
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    Combined searches for the production of supersymmetric top quark partners in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
    (2021) CMS Collaboration
    A combination of searches for top squark pair production using proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the CERN LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb^ - 1 collected by the CMS experiment, is presented. Signatures with at least 2 jets and large missing transverse momentum are categorized into events with 0, 1, or 2 leptons. New results for regions of parameter space where the kinematical properties of top squark pair production and top quark pair production are very similar are presented. Depending on the model, the combined result excludes a top squark mass up to 1325 GeV for a massless neutralino, and a neutralino mass up to 700 GeV for a top squark mass of 1150 GeV . Top squarks with masses from 145 to 295 GeV , for neutralino masses from 0 to 100 GeV , with a mass difference between the top squark and the neutralino in a window of 30 GeV around the mass of the top quark, are excluded for the first time with CMS data. The results of theses searches are also interpreted in an alternative signal model of dark matter production via a spin-0 mediator in association with a top quark pair. Upper limits are set on the cross section for mediator particle masses of up to 420 GeV .
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    Search for chargino-neutralino production in events with Higgs and W bosons using 137 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021-10) The CMS collaboration
    A search for electroweak production of supersymmetric (SUSY) particles in final states with one lepton, a Higgs boson decaying to a pair of bottom quarks, and large missing transverse momentum is presented. The search uses data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected using the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb^−1. The observed yields are consistent with backgrounds expected from the standard model. The results are interpreted in the context of a simplified SUSY model of chargino-neutralino production, with the chargino decaying to a W boson and the lightest SUSY particle (LSP) and the neutralino decaying to a Higgs boson and the LSP. Charginos and neutralinos with masses up to 820 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level when the LSP mass is small, and LSPs with mass up to 350 GeV are excluded when the masses of the chargino and neutralino are approximately 700 GeV.
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    A step in understanding the Hubble tension
    (American Physical Society, 2022-06-16) Aloni, Daniel; Berlin, Asher; Joseph, Melissa; Schmaltz, Martin; Weiner, Neal
    As cosmological data have improved, tensions have arisen. One such tension is the difference between the locally measured Hubble constant H 0 and the value inferred from the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Interacting radiation has been suggested as a solution, but studies show that conventional models are precluded by high- ℓ CMB polarization data. It seems at least plausible that a solution may be provided by related models that distinguish between high- and low- ℓ multipoles. When interactions of strongly-coupled radiation are mediated by a force carrier that becomes nonrelativistic, the dark radiation undergoes a “step” in which its relative energy density increases as the mediator deposits its entropy into the lighter species. If this transition occurs while CMB-observable modes are inside the horizon, high- and low- ℓ peaks are impacted differently, corresponding to modes that enter the horizon before or after the step. These dynamics are naturally packaged into the simplest supersymmetric theory, the Wess-Zumino model, with the mass of the scalar mediator near the eV scale. We investigate the cosmological signatures of such Wess-Zumino dark radiation (WZDR) and find that it provides an improved fit to the CMB alone, favoring larger values of H 0 . If supernovae measurements from the SH0ES Collaboration are also included in the analysis, the inferred value of H 0 is yet larger, but the preference for dark radiation and the location of the transition is left nearly unchanged. Utilizing a standardized set of measures, we compare to other models and find that WZDR is among the most successful at addressing the H 0 tension and is the best of those with a Lagrangian formulation.