Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiments
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Welcome to the Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiments repository at OpenBU. We hope that this collection will enable organic chemistry educators to share with other universities valuable experiments performed in the undergraduate teaching laboratory. All lab procedures are available to download and modify, and we encourage the submission of new experiments to the database.
To search the collection:
Under the "Browse This Collection" menu on the right-hand side of your screen, you may view the available experiments by author name, title, and subject. Select the desired experiment to view the files available for download. Select either Download or View
To register for an account for uploading privileges:
Under the "Deposit Materials" menu on the right-hand side of your screen, click "Login" and follow the instructions to create your new profile with "BU account". After approval, use the instructions outlined below to upload a new experiment.
To submit your own experiment:
Under the "Deposit Materials" menu on the right-hand side of your screen, click "Submissions" to start your own submission. Follow the instructions for uploading your materials to the "Organic Chemistry Labs" collection. Be sure to provide the name of the author(s), title, and a brief abstract of your experiment. We ask that you submit your files in word-processing format so that your materials may be modified as others see fit.
Thank you for choosing Organic Chemistry Labs at OpenBU! For more information, contact