Cheikh Ibrahima Solly Manuscripts Collection

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    Images of Cheikh Ibrahima Solly and the community of Guiringo (Ziguinchor)
    (2018-10-04) Ngom, Ibrahima
    Images of manuscript owner Cheikh Ibrahima Solly and the community of Guiringo, Ziguinchor, Senegal, for the manuscript digitization work done in December 2018.
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    Yaa Rabbi Kanaŋ Tuŋ n-Faŋ Bulu: My God, Don't Leave us by Ourselves (a poem by Sitokoto Dabo)
    Dabo, Sitokoto
    The manuscript is a copy of a devotional Mandinka Ajami poem authored by Arfang Sitokoto Dabo, also known as Ababacar Dabo, the most famous Mandinka Ajami poet of Senegambia.
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    Ramuloo: Divination
    The manuscript is a recent copy of a 19th-century divination manual written in Mandinka Ajami. Divination is popular in Muslim Africa. It is known in Senegambian Mandinka communities as Ramuloo (from Arabic: Khatt al-Raml). Muslim religious leaders regularly offer divination services to people (Muslims and non-Muslims alike) who want to learn about various aspects of their future or find solutions to their anticipated social challenges. Several versions of this document were found in other collections.