Al-istishfa fi madḥi al-Mustapha S.A.W. (Seeking intercession in praises for Al-Mustapha – The Exalted One – P.B.U.H.)

Iniyās, Ibrāhīm
OA Version
Kurfi, Mustapha Hashim, Ngom, Fallou, and Castro, Eleni (2019). African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Yoruba Anjemi Materials of Southwestern Nigeria. Boston: Boston University Libraries:
This manuscript is a small book, in poetry form, praising Prophet Muhammad. It is called Al-istishfa fi madḥi al-Mustapha S.A.W., and shortened Al-istishfa’ — Meaning Seeking for Intercession or In Search for Intercession. It is a book of poetry full of praises for the noble Prophet, and mentions the unrivaled attributes of Prophet Muhammad, describes his roles, especially as the endorsed intercessor on the Judgement Day. The Yoruba Anjemi version of the Al-istishfa’ was translated from its original Arabic version written by Shaykh al-Islām al-Ḥājj Ibrāhīm Ñiass (also known as brāhīm Iniyās, and Shaykh al-Islām al-Ḥājj Ibrāhīm ibn al-Ḥājj ʿAbd Allāh at-Tijānī al-Kawlakhī (Ñiass)) – a major leader of the Tijānī Sufi order of Islam in West Africa. Al-istishfa’ manuscript was published in a small bound book, using the Mashriqi writing style.
The entire manuscript is available for download as a single PDF file. Higher-resolution images may be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact Fieldwork Team: Dr. Mustapha Hashim Kurfi (Principal Investigator), Malam Umar Hajji Mustapha (Local Project Manager) and Abdullahi Mohammed (General Field Facilitator). Technical Team: Prof. Fallou Ngom (Director African Studies Center), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). This collection of Yoruba Anjemi materials are copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright. All rights reserved to the author. For use, distribution or reproduction contact Professor Fallou Ngom ( Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Kurfi, Mustapha Hashim, Ngom, Fallou, and Castro, Eleni (2019). African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Yoruba Anjemi Materials of Southwestern Nigeria. Boston: Boston University Libraries: For Inquiries: Please contact Professor Fallou Ngom (
Provenance and Condition: This manuscript is owned by the Markaz Ihyahil Islam Abayawo, Ilorin – Nigeria, an institution which propagates, teaches, and popularizes Yoruba Anjemi knowledge. This Al-istishfa’ Yoruba Anjemi manuscript has 17 pages, and is numbered using Arabic numerals. This manuscript is in good condition and has the name of the translator, al-Ḥājj Ibrahim bn al-Ḥājj Abubakar Yusuf al-Rufa’i) with the date of publishing (12 Rabi’ al-Awwal, 1431 A.H.).
These materials are subject to copyright. All rights reserved to the author. For use, distribution or reproduction contact Professor Fallou Ngom (