Boston Hospitality Review: Winter 2019

OA Version
TABLE OF CONTENTS: "Training: The Necessity of Error Management Training in the Hospitality Industry" by Priyanko Guchait; "Trends: Green Hotels: An Overview" by Minu Agarwal and Prashant Das; "Tourism: Panacea or peril? The implications of Neolocalism as a more intrusive form of tourism" by Makarand Mody and Kyle Koslowsky; "Restaurants: How Can Single-Unit Restaurants Strive for Powerful Online Presence?" by Leora Lanz and Jenna Berry; "Retention: Why Hoteliers Stay and Go: Future Oriented Thinking" by Sean McGinley; "Service Recovery: Failure is Not Fatal: Actionable Insights on Service Failure and Recovery for the Hospitality Industry" by Lisa C. Wan and Elisa Chan; "Research: A Detailed Study of the Expected and Actual Use of Hotel Amenities" by Chekitan S. Dev and Prateek Kumar.
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