Master of puppets: analyzing and attacking a botnet for fun and profit
First author draft
Saito, Genki
Stringhini, Gianluca
First author draft
OA Version
Genki Saito, Gianluca Stringhini. 2015. "Master of Puppets: Analyzing And Attacking A Botnet For Fun And Profit.." CoRR, Volume abs/1511.06090
A botnet is a network of compromised machines (bots),
under the control of an attacker. Many of these machines
are infected without their owners’ knowledge, and botnets
are the driving force behind several misuses and criminal
activities on the Internet (for example spam emails). Depending
on its topology, a botnet can have zero or more
command and control (C&C) servers, which are centralized
machines controlled by the cybercriminal that issue
commands and receive reports back from the co-opted
In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of
the command and control infrastructure of one of the
world’s largest proprietary spamming botnets between
2007 and 2012: Cutwail/Pushdo. We identify the key
functionalities needed by a spamming botnet to operate
effectively. We then develop a number of attacks against
the command and control logic of Cutwail that target
those functionalities, and make the spamming operations
of the botnet less effective. This analysis was made possible
by having access to the source code of the C&C software,
as well as setting up our own Cutwail C&C server,
and by implementing a clone of the Cutwail bot. With the
help of this tool, we were able to enumerate the number
of bots currently registered with the C&C server, impersonate
an existing bot to report false information to the
C&C server, and manipulate spamming statistics of an arbitrary
bot stored in the C&C database. Furthermore, we
were able to make the control server inaccessible by conducting
a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Our
results may be used by law enforcement and practitioners
to develop better techniques to mitigate and cripple other
botnets, since many of findings are generic and are due to
the workflow of C&C communication in general.