Attachment style moderates the effects of oxytocin on social behaviors and cognitions during social rejection: applying an RDoC framework to social anxiety

CPS_OT_RDOC_2.14.14.pdf(175.34 KB)
Accepted manuscript
Fang, Angela
Hoge, Elizabeth A.
Heinrichs, Markus
Hofmann, Stefan G.
OA Version
Angela Fang, Elizabeth A Hoge, Markus Heinrichs, Stefan G Hofmann. 2014. "Attachment Style Moderates the Effects of Oxytocin on Social Behaviors and Cognitions During Social Rejection: Applying an RDoC Framework to Social Anxiety.." Clin Psychol Sci, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp. 740 - 747.
Whereas the DSM categorizes individuals with similar self-reported symptoms, the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) offers a new approach for classifying mental disorders based on dimensions of observable behaviors and neurobiological measures. The objective of this proof-of-concept study is to adopt this approach by distinguishing individuals based on disorder-related personality traits during an experimental manipulation that targeted a disorder-related biological mechanism. Specifically, we examined whether attachment style moderated the effect of oxytocin administration on social behaviors and cognitions during a social exclusion test in individuals with social anxiety disorder. When receiving oxytocin compared to placebo, only individuals with low attachment avoidance displayed more social affiliation and cooperation, and only those with high attachment avoidance showed faster detection of disgust and neutral faces. Thus, attachment style moderated oxytocin's effects among individuals who shared the same DSM diagnosis. We conclude that neurobiological tests can inform new classification strategies by adopting an RDoC framework.