PCSK9 inhibitors as a therapy for hypercholesterolemia
OA Version
The recent discovery of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 as a protein that increases LDL-cholesterol has lead researchers to investigate it as a target for cholesterol-lowering medication. New options for cholesterol-lowering therapies are of particular importance for individuals, such as those with familial hypercholesterolemia and statin intolerance, who are unable to achieve recommended values through other means. Currently, two monoclonal antibodies inhibiting PCSK9 are approved for use; these monoclonal antibodies work well in conjunction with other medications for hypercholesterolemia, such as statins or ezetimibe, and are equivalent in efficacy with high dose statins. Investigation of PCSK9 inhibitors through siRNA may provide additional mechanisms for lowering cholesterol in the future.