A method for selecting an efficient diagnostic protocol for classification of perceptive and cognitive impairments in neurological patients
Accepted manuscript
Rana, Kunjan D.
Caldwell, Benvy
Vaina, Lucia M.
Accepted manuscript
OA Version
Kunjan D Rana, Benvy Caldwell, Lucia M Vaina. 2011. "A method for selecting an efficient diagnostic protocol for classification of perceptive and cognitive impairments in neurological patients." 2011 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC), pp. 1129 - 1132 (4).
An important and unresolved problem in the assessment of perceptual and cognitive deficits in
neurological patients is how to choose from the many existing behavioral tests, a subset that is
sufficient for an appropriate diagnosis. This problem has to be dealt with in clinical trials, as well
as in rehabilitation settings and often even at bedside in acute care hospitals. The need for
efficient, cost effective and accurate diagnostic-evaluations, in the context of clinician time
constraints and concerns for patients’ fatigue in long testing sessions, make it imperative to select
a set of tests that will provide the best classification of the patient’s deficits. However, the small
sample size of the patient population complicates the selection methodology and the potential
accuracy of the classifier. We propose a method that allows for ordering tests based on having
progressive increases in classification using cross-validation to assess the classification power of
the chosen test set. This method applies forward linear regression to find an ordering of the tests
with leave-one-out cross-validation to quantify, without biasing to the training set, the
classification power of the chosen tests.
"Published in final edited form as: Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011 ; 2011: 1129–1132. doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090264."