Administration of federated United Methodist Churches
OA Version
The thesis surveys the extent of distinctively United Methodist resources
currently available related to the quality administration of federated churches and other
ecumenical shared ministries within The United Methodist Church. The author
concludes that the resources available are inadequate for proper networking among
federated churches and other ecumenical shared ministries within the United Methodist
connection and do not satisfactorily support the ministries of those churches. The thesis
documents church legislative actions the author has taken to better provide resources
within the denomination for these churches. The author suggests particular new
resources for federated churches, including a guidebook to bylaws and articles of
confederation, a financial factbook for federated churches, a clergy identity kit,
denominational education materials, and a clergy transition manual. The author
suggests which general agencies of The United Methodist Church should be involved in
the process of development of these resources. Finally, the author describes ways in
which federated churches offer insight into the application of the five transformational
directions commended to the church by the 2000 General Conference: 1) center on
Christian formation, 2) call forth covenant leadership, 3) empower the connection for
ministry, 4) strengthen our global connection and ecumenical relationships, and 5)
encourage doctrinal and theological discourse.
This work is being made available in OpenBU by permission of its author, and is available for research purposes only. All rights are reserved to the author.