Journal of African Christian Biography: v. 5, no. 4

Mugambi, Jesse N.K.
Bonk, Jonathan
Getui, Mary
Ayegboyin, Isaac Deji
Ogunewu, Michael A.
Obasanjo, Olusegun
Allen, Gabriel Leonard
Oduro, Thomas
Mwaura, Philomena Njeri
Masenya, Madipoane
OA Version
A publication of the Dictionary of African Christian Biography with U.S. offices located at the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University. This special issue is in honor of and focuses on Project Director Jonathan Bonk. 1. Introduction by Associate Editor Jesse Mugambi; 2. DACB Kenya Report 2019 (Excerpts) By Jonathan J. Bonk; 3. Jonathan Bonk and the DACB: A Treasured Contribution to African Christian History By Deji Ayegboyin and M. A. Ogunewu; 4. His Mission and Its Impact on Africa By Olusegun Obasanjo; 5. Professor Jonathan J. Bonk: The African Dimension By Gabriel Leonard Allen; 6. A Strategic Mentor By Thomas Oduro; 7. A Humble Servant of God By Philomena Njeri Mwaura; 8. Biography as History in Explication of African Christianity A Reflection in Appreciation of Professor Jonathan Bonk By Jesse N. K. Mugambi; 9. Context in African Biblical Studies: Some Reflections By Madipoane Masenya (Ngwan’a Mphahlele); 10. The Faith and Witness of the Uganda Martyrs By Edison Muhindo Kalengyo; 11. From Abba Salama to King Lalibela: Christian Traditions in Ethiopia are among the oldest in the World By Tekletsadik Belachew; 12. A Faithful Legacy: Gratitude and Hope By Michèle M. Sigg.