Efficient non-degenerate two-photon excitation for fluorescence microscopy

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Published version
Sadegh, Sanaz
Yang, Mu-Han
Ferri, Christopher G. L.
Thunemann, Martin
Saisan, Payam A.
Wei, Zhe
Rodriguez, Erik A.
Adams, Stephen R.
Kiliç, Kivilcim
Boas, David A.
Published version
OA Version
S. Sadegh, M.H. Yang, C.G.L. Ferri, M. Thunemann, P.A. Saisan, Z. Wei, E.A. Rodriguez, S.R. Adams, K. Kilic, D.A. Boas, S. Sakadzic, A. Devor, Y. Fainman. 2019. "Efficient non-degenerate two-photon excitation for fluorescence microscopy." Opt Express, Volume 27, Issue 20, pp. 28022 - 28035. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.028022
Non-degenerate two-photon excitation (ND-TPE) has been explored in two-photon excitation microscopy. However, a systematic study of the efficiency of ND-TPE to guide the selection of fluorophore excitation wavelengths is missing. We measured the relative non-degenerate two-photon absorption cross-section (ND-TPACS) of several commonly used fluorophores (two fluorescent proteins and three small-molecule dyes) and generated 2-dimensional ND-TPACS spectra. We observed that the shape of a ND-TPACS spectrum follows that of the corresponding degenerate two-photon absorption cross-section (D-TPACS) spectrum, but is higher in magnitude. We found that the observed enhancements are higher than theoretical predictions.
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