Woodwind and Brass Seminar Ensemble Concert, December 13, 1993

School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Woodwind and Brass Seminar Ensemble Concert on Monday, December 13, 1993 at 8:00 p.m., at Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Rondino for Wind Instruments by Ludwig van Beethoven, I. Allegro maestoso from Serenade No. 11 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Petite Symphonie by Charles Gounod, Quartet for Saxophones, Op. 109 by Alexander Glazunov, Ceremonial Fanfare by Aaron Copland, Fanfare for the Common Man by A. Copland, Canzon Septimi Toni No. 2 by Giovanni Gabrieli, Lauda Jerusalem by Gabriel Díaz, Skylines by David Uber, Chorale and Fughetta by Gardner Read, and Stadt Wien Fanfare (arr. Pilifian) by Richard Strauss. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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