Efficacy of various mouthrinses on plaque and gingivitis in orthodontic patients

Al-Hussyeen, Aljohara Ali
OA Version
The purpose of this clinical trial was to compare the efficacy of a phenolic compound containing mouthrinse (Listerine) and a sanguinaria containing mouthrinse (Viadent) on gingival inflammation, gingival bleeding and plaque of teenage orthodontic patients. The study was a four-week, double-blind, placebo controlled panallel investigation involving forty-two subjects. The subjects were between thirteen and eighteen years of age and were under active orthodontic treatment. Following screening procedures, subjects were randomly assigned to three groups. Group (A) received O.3% Sanguinaria Extract mouthwash (Viadent), group (B) received phenolic compound mouthwash (Listerine) and group (C) received placebo mouthwash (colored and flavored water). Subjects rinsed with their assigned mouthwash twice dally after tooth brushing for four weeks. Supragingival plaque, gingival inflammation and bleeding upon probing was scored at day (0) and after four weeks. Results showed significant improvement in all indices within each group (P[less than].0001). ANOVA showed that both Listerine and Viadent showed significantly more improvement than placebo in both supragingival plaque and gingival inflammation. Four week reduction of mean change in plaque index scores were 67.2%, 55.8%, and 29.4% for Listerine, Viadent and placebo respectively. ANOVA for gingival inflammation index showed that the percentage reduction of the mean change were 62% for Listerine, 60% for Viadent verses 23.9% for placebo. Gingival bleeding upon probing scores showed no significant difference in the mean change among the three groups, the percentage reduction scores were 53%, 55%, and 37% for Listerine, Viadent and placebo respectively. This study suggests that the use of either Listerine or Viadent in conjunction with tooth brushing is effective and safe for teenage orthodontic patients.
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Thesis (M.Sc.D.)--Boston University, Henry M. Goldman School of Graduate Dentistry (Pediatric Dentistry)
Includes bibliography (leaves 82-98)
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