War chiefs and Peace chiefs: The Irigwe
OA Version
TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE: The following is my translation into English of Jean-Claude Muller's excellent analytic
summary of the traditional belief system underlying Irigwe political and religious choices.
The original, called "Chefs de guerre et chefs de paix," is "Chapitre I"* in his monograph,
Jeux de miroirs. Structures politiques du haut plateau nigérian (The Play of Mirrors: Political
Structures of the Nigerian High Plateau), which presents and contrasts the sociopolitical
ideologies of six Jos Plateau ethnic groups, one being the Irigwe. The theoretical relevance of
this chapter's concise summary of Irigwe worldview is of course greatly enhanced by the
multicultural regional perspective the entire monograph provides. [TRUNCATED]
African Studies Center Working Paper No. 266 by Jean-Claude Muller, translated and with a Preface and Postscript by
Walter H. Sangree.
Copyright © 2011, by the author(s).