Knowledge management as a catalyst for business process digitalisation

Goncalves, Marcus
Published version
OA Version
Marcus Goncalves. 2021. "Knowledge Management as a Catalyst for Business Process Digitalisation." ARICON Private Limited, U.K. Applied Research International Conference on Business & Management, IT and Education (ARICE) 2021. Oxford, United Kingdom, 2021-02-25 - 2021-02-26.
Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are increasingly characterised by a pervasive role of business digitalisation redefining organisations' management of customer experience efficiencies. Digital transformation challenges enterprises' adaptability, development, technology integration, and resilience in evolving their business models. It redefines value creation strategies. This paper argues that enterprises should rethink the creation and delivery of value to their customers, not based on technologies but knowledge management strategies instead. As technologies transform business processes, KM is a catalyst in the evolving nature, knowledge assets, and transformation preparedness of enterprises' value drivers. Integrating Osterwalder and Pigneur's Business Model Canvas, Parmar et al.'s five patterns for value creation, and Goncalves' cloud enterprise transcoding proxy, few cases are briefly discussed. Digital transformation drivers and the role of KM for strategic relevance are underlined through digitalised knowledge processes and customer-centric global marketing strategies to access and manage resources, core competencies, and dynamic capabilities.
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