Spatial analysis of learning and developmental disorders in upper Cape Cod, Massachusetts using generalized additive models
Hoffman, Kate
Webster, Thomas F.
Weinberg, Janice M.
Aschengrau, Ann
Janulewicz, Patricia A.
White, Roberta F.
Vieira, Verónica M.
OA Version
Hoffman, Kate, Thomas F Webster, Janice M Weinberg, Ann Aschengrau, Patricia A Janulewicz, Roberta F White, Verónica M Vieira. "Spatial analysis of learning and developmental disorders in upper Cape Cod, Massachusetts using generalized additive models" International Journal of Health Geographics 9:7. (2010)
The spatial variability of three indicators of learning and developmental disability (LDD) was assessed for Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Maternal reports of receiving special education services, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and educational attainment were available for a birth cohort from 1969-1983. Using generalized additive models and residential history, maps of the odds of LDD were produced that also controlled for known risk factors. While results were not statistically significant, they suggest that children living in certain parts of Cape Cod were more likely to have a LDD. The spatial variation may be due to variation in the physical and social environment.
Copyright 2010 Hoffman et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.