Yust, Jason2021-03-192021-03-19Jason Yust. "Dimensions of Atonality: A Response and Extension of von Hippel and Huron (2020)." Empirical Musicology Review, Volume 15, Issue 1-2, pp. 119 - 119. https://doi.org/10.18061/emr.v15i1-2.78321559-5749https://hdl.handle.net/2144/42287This commentary addresses von Hippel and Huron's (2020) work on "tonal and anti-tonal" structures in twelve-tone music and offers a possible extension making use of discrete Fourier transforms.p. 119en-US1904 Performing Arts and Creative WritingCommentaryFourier transformsCognitive structuresTwelve-tone rowsDimensions of atonality: a response and extension of von Hippel and Huron (2020)Article10.18061/emr.v15i1-2.7832589846