Edwards, Jonathan2005-08-172005-08-172008-03-141903Edwards, Jonathan, and George Park Fisher. An Unpublished Essay of Edwards on the Trinity, with Remarks on Edwards and His Theology. New York,: C. Scribner's sons, 1903.https://hdl.handle.net/2144/48Remarks on Edwards and his theology.--An unpublished essay of Edwards on the Trinity.--Appendix: I. The dismissal of Edwards from the church in Northampton. II. The account given by Edwards of his method of study, III. Augustine on the Trinity as imaged forth in the human mind. IV. President T. D. Woolsey on the personal traits and the influence of Edwards.43451 bytestext/htmlen-USTrinity -- Early works to 1800New England theologyAn Unpublished Essay on the TrinityBook