School of Music, Boston University2018-11-142018-11-141992-12-02 is the concert program of the An Evening of Song Performed by the Students of Phyllis Hoffman performance on Wednesday, December 2, 1992 at 8:30 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Sei mia gioia by George Frideric Handel, The Grass by Vincent Persichetti, Si trai ceppi by G. F. Handel, Sonntag by Johannes Brahms, Ergiti amor by Alessandro Scarlatti, Absalom by Ned Rorem, Adieu by Gabriel Fauré, Warm as the Autumn Light by Douglas Moore, Ein Aeölsharfe by J. Brahms, Die Männer sind mechant! by Franz Schubert, "O Columbine" from "I Pagliacci" by Ruggiero Leoncavallo, The World's Highway by Charles Ives, L'Invitation au Voyage by Henri Duparc, O mio babbino caro by Giacomo Puccini, Wie Melodien zieht es mir by J. Brahms, Nebbie by Ottorino Respighi, Malinconia by Vincenzo Bellini, Per pietá by V. Bellini, Sourire by Olivier Messiaen, Chévere by Xavier Montsalvatge, Erinnerung by Gustav Mahler, and Ablösung im Sommer by G. Mahler. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.en-USCopyright 1992 Boston University. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that: 1. The copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage; 2. the report title, author, document number, and release date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of BOSTON UNIVERSITY TRUSTEES. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and / or special permission.Vocal musicStudent recitalBaroque musicRomantic music20th century musicHandel, Georg FridericPersichetti, VincentBrahms, JohannesScarlatti, AlessandroRorem, NedFauré, GabrielMoore, DouglasSchubert, FranzLeoncavallo, RuggieroIves, CharlesDuparc, HenriPuccini, GiacomoRespighi, OttorinoBellini, VincenzoMessiaen, OlivierMontsalvatge, XavierMahler, GustavAn evening of song, performed by the students of Phyllis Hoffman, December 2, 1992Concert programBoston University Trustees