Guaraná, Bruno2022-01-142022-01-142020-12-08B. Guaraná. 2020. "“A Few Years from Now” in Western Pernambuco." Film Quarterly, Volume 74, Issue 2, pp. 77 - 80. this essay, Bruno Guaraná argues that Bacurau presents a cinematic intervention that is twofold: first, into global genre cinema, as it disrupts generic conventions of both the Western and the horror film and relocates the narrative to the margins; and second, into Brazilian cinema—in particular, regarding its depictions of the sertão, or hinterland. Guaraná calls attention to the role played by the film’s narrative and musical soundscape in engineering this audiovisual reeducation.p. 77 - 80en-USCopyright © 2020 by The Regents of the University of California.“A Few Years from Now” in Western PernambucoArticle10.1525/fq.2020.74.2.77637745