Szabo, Benjamin2015-02-262015-02-262014-12-01 active research study reviewed the relationship between portraiture and self-image in eighth grade students. The question that guided the research asked: How might student self-image of eighth graders at American Fork Junior High change when comparing portraits made as the subject, verses self-portraits made as the artist? Twelve students were asked to complete a selfportrait in graphite and respond to a series of interview questions designed to interpret whether the drawing and/or art medium influenced self-image. Next, the researcher completed a thirtyminute, video recorded head drawing of each student in blue colored pencil. The participants took part in another interview that explored the effects of portraiture on self-perception and the data from both drawings were compared. The main objective was to determine how style, quality, and art media in portraiture could influence student self-esteem. The findings were evaluated and showed that students were more worried about sitting as the subject for a drawing, but were generally happier with the results of the portrait for multiple reasons. The blue colored pencil, more often than not, was more appealing than the graphite; the style of the life drawings created an interesting aesthetic and students felt the drawing from life represented them in a positive and uplifting way. With the results of the study curricular adjustments can be made to portraiture units and relationships between teachers and students can be nurtured. Key Terms: Self-image, portraiture, head drawing, self-portrait, art media, aesthetic, trait specific esteem, state specific esteemen-USCC0 1.0 Universal mediaA Study of Self-Image Through PortraitureOther