Lewandowsky, S.Cook, J.Schmid, P.Holford, D.Finn, A.Lombardi, D.Al-Rawi, A.Thomson, A.Leask, J.Juanchich, M.Anderson, E.Sah, S.Vraga, E.Gavaruzzi, T.Rapp, D.Amazeen, Michelle A.Sinatra, G.Kendeou, P.Armaos, K.Newman, E.Ecker, U.Tapper, K.Bruns, H.Pennycook, G.Betsch, C.Hahn, U.2022-07-182022-07-18Lewandowsky, S., Cook, J., Schmid, P., Holford, D. L., Finn, A., Leask, J., Thomson, A., Lombardi, D., Al-Rawi, A. K., Amazeen, M. A., Anderson, E. C., Armaos, K. D., Betsch, C., Bruns, H. H. B., Ecker, U. K. H., Gavaruzzi, T., Hahn, U., Herzog, S., Juanchich, M., Kendeou, P., Newman, E. J., Pennycook, G., Rapp, D. N., Sah, S., Sinatra, G. M., Tapper, K., Vraga, E. K (2021). The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook. A practical guide for improving vaccine communication and fighting misinformation. Available at: https://sks.to/c19vaxhttps://hdl.handle.net/2144/44893This handbook is for journalists, doctors, nurses, policy makers, researchers, teachers, students, parents – in short, it’s for everyone who wants to know more: About the COVID-19 vaccines; How to talk to others about them; How to challenge misinformation about the vaccines.The COVID-19 vaccine communication handbook. A practical guide for improving vaccine communication and fighting misinformationArticle730808