Biemba, GodfreyWalker, EbunlomoSimon, JonathonCostello, JillBeard, JenniferBrooks, Bram2018-02-132018-02-132009-08 item is archived in the repository for materials published for the USAID supported Orphans and Vulnerable Children Comprehensive Action Research Project (OVC-CARE) at the Boston University Center for Global Health and Development.Addressing the needs of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and mitigating negative outcomes of the growing OVC population worldwide is a high priority for national governments and international stakeholders across the globe who recognize this as an issue with social, economic, and human rights dimensions. Assembling the relevant available data on OVC in one place, and acknowledging the gaps that still exist in our knowledge, will assist policy makers and program implementers to make evidence-based decisions about how best to direct funding and program activities and maximize positive outcomes for children and their caretakers.This Research Situation Analysis on OVC presents a program-focused summary of available information on: • Current policies, programs and interventions designed and implemented to assist them • Gaps in these policies, programs and interventions • OVC research conducted between 2004-2008 • Gaps in the Nigerian OVC evidence base. The Brief analyzes the available data for critical gaps in the national response and our understanding about whether current interventions are fulfilling the needs and improving the lives of vulnerable children. The report then recommends actions required to increase the knowledge base for improving the effectiveness and impact of OVC programs.en-USCopyright 2009 Boston University. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that: 1. The copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage; 2. the report title, author, document number, and release date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of BOSTON UNIVERSITY TRUSTEES. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and / or special permission.NigeriaNigeria research situation analysis on orphans and other vulnerable childrenArticleBoston University Trustees