Mela, PomponiusGriffin, Orwin Bradford2017-04-202017-04-2019171917b147297517870657 Bradford Griffin's Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1917. This thesis is a translation of Pomponius Mela's work "Pomponii Malae De situ orbis libri tres" (now commonly known as De Chorographia) with an added introduction by Orwin Bradford Griffin and a comprehensive analysis, showing development of the thesis. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive.en-USBased on investigation of the BU Libraries' staff, this work is free of known copyright restrictionsMela, PomponiusGeography, ancientPomponii Malae De situ orbis libri tres, a translation with an introduction addedDe situ orbis libri tresDe chorographiaThesis/Dissertation