Karp, Mark2017-07-272017-07-2719759780915118052b1261127x(OCoLC)01705213(OCoLC)ocm01705213https://hdl.handle.net/2144/23131This item was digitized by the Internet Archive.Gulliver, P. H. A land dispute in Arusha, Tanzania. -- Colson, E. Changing anthropology in Africa.--Marcus, H. G. The British and the Ethiopian railway.-- Bennett, N. R. Isike, Ntemi of Unyanyembe. -- Brooks, G. E. Goree and the Cape Verde Rivers. -- Wheeler, D. L. Rebels and rebellions in Angola, 1672-1892. -- Stultz, N. M. The separatist challenge to white domination in South Africa. -- Bustin, E. Government policy toward African cult movements. -- Montgomery, J. D. The Infrastructure of technical assistance. -- Resnick, I. N. Manpower requirements and allocation of educational resources in underdeveloped countries. -- Berg, E. J. A comparative analysis of industrial relations systems in French West Africa and the Gold Coast. -- Karp, M. The "Protestant Ethic" of the Mourids of Senegal.en-USCopyright 1975 Trustees of Boston University. All rights reserved. Reproductions of all or parts of this work, with appropriate citation and credit, may be made for nonprofit educational classroom use. Requests for reprinting or republication for other noncommercial, educational purposes may be addressed to Publications Editor, African Studies Center, 232 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215. Revision or editing of this content, the creation of derivative works, posting on websites containing advertising, and all other commercial uses require the express written consent of Boston University.Brown, William OscarAfricaAfrican historyAfrican dimensions: essays in honor of William O. BrownBook