Desnoyers, PeterHennessey, JasonHolden, BrentKrieger, OrranRudolph, LarryYoung, Adam2015-05-062015-05-062015-03Desnoyers, P.; Hennessey, J.; Holden, B.; Krieger, O.; Rudolph, L.; Young, A., "Using Open Stack for an Open Cloud Exchange(OCX)," Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 2015 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.48,53, 9-13 March 2015 doi: 10.1109/IC2E.2015.40 keywords: {Authentication;Authorization;Cloud computing;Computational modeling;Hardware;Service-oriented architecture;cloud computing;cloud services;openstack}, URL: are developing a new public cloud, the Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC) based on the model of an Open Cloud eXchange (OCX). We discuss in this paper the vision of an OCX and how we intend to realize it using the OpenStack open-source cloud platform in the MOC. A limited form of an OCX can be achieved today by layering new services on top of OpenStack. We have performed an analysis of OpenStack to determine the changes needed in order to fully realize the OCX model. We describe these proposed changes, which although significant and requiring broad community involvement will provide functionality of value to both existing single-provider clouds as well as future multi-provider ones.en-USAuthenticationAuthorizationCloud computingComputational modelingHardwareService-oriented architectureCloud servicesOpenStackUsing OpenStack for an Open Cloud eXchange(OCX)Using Open Stack for an Open Cloud Exchange(OCX)Manuscript10.1109/IC2E.2015.40