Bokulich, Alisa2020-04-302020-04-302019-08-05Alisa Bokulich. "Calibration, Coherence, and Consilience in Radiometric Measures of Geologic Time." Philosophy of Science, 2012 the Geological Time Scale, which sets the temporal framework for studying the timing and tempo of all major geological, biological, and climatic events in Earth's history, had one-quarter of its boundaries moved in a wide-spread revision of radiometric dates. The philosophy of metrology helps us understand this episode, and it, in turn, elucidates the notions of calibration, coherence, and consilience. I argue that coherence testing is a distinct activity preceding calibration and consilience, and highlight the value of discordant evidence and tradeoffs scientists face in calibration. The iterative nature of calibration, moreover, raises the problem of legacy data.en-USScience studiesPhilosophyHistory and philosophy of specific fieldsCalibration, coherence, and consilience in radiometric measures of geologic timeArticle10.1086/708690525629