Mustapha, Bukar (owner)Abubakar, AhanaUmar, Nahiribn ʿĀshūr, Muhammad al-Ṭāhir2019-12-162019-12-162019-01Kurfi, Mustapha Hashim, Ngom, Fallou, and Castro, Eleni (2019). African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Fulfulde & Kanuri Ajami Materials of Northeastern Nigeria. Boston: Boston University Libraries: entire manuscript is available for download as a single PDF file. Higher-resolution images may be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact Fieldwork Team: Dr. Mustapha Hashim Kurfi (Principal Investigator), Mohammed Bara’u Musa & Hauwa Usman (Local Project Managers), Adamu Mohammed, Abacha Kachalla, Abdrra’uf Abdullahi & Falmaa Madu Ibrahim (General Field Facilitators), and Haladu Mamman (Photographer). Technical Team: Prof. Fallou Ngom (Director African Studies Center), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). These Collections of Fulfulde & Kanuri Ajami materials are copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright. All rights reserved to the author. For use, distribution or reproduction contact Professor Fallou Ngom ( Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Kurfi, Mustapha Hashim, Ngom, Fallou, and Castro, Eleni (2019). African Ajami Library: Digital Preservation of Fulfulde & Kanuri Ajami Materials of Northeastern Nigeria. Boston: Boston University Libraries: For Inquiries: Please contact Professor Fallou Ngom ( / Custodial history: The owner is Bukar Mustapha. Born in the town of Yusufari in Yobe State (formerly Borno State) in northeastern Nigeria. The owner has an advanced Islamic education and serves as an Imām and Islamic cleric in Yusufari. His father, Goni Mustapha, was a renowned Islamic scholar, and Bukar's mentor. The owner does not recall the length of time the book has been with him, but he is certain that it has been with him no less than 15 years.This manuscript is a collection of Ibn ʿĀshur's poems in Arabic with extensive explicatory glosses in Kanuri Ajami. The Arabic text is written in a regular poetic style. This text is one of the famous works on Islamic jurisprudence, especially in the Mālikī School. Considered by most as an intermediate mid-level work on classical Islamic education in Nigeria, the text is a collection of poems addressing rulings on various forms of Islamic rituals. The text includes an introduction to the work, details on the kinds of ritual purifications necessary before engaging in spiritual rituals, ablution, required prayers, fasting, alms giving, and pilgrimage. Similar texts with glosses in Kanuri, Hausa, Fulfulde, and Tamashek exist. The text has no publication date. It is numbered. It is a complete unbound copy and is in good condition.Unbound manuscript. 40 pages.PaperkrThese materials are subject to copyright. All rights reserved to the author. For use, distribution or reproduction contact Professor Fallou Ngom (, NigeriaManuscriptAjami scriptQuranic poetryOneness of AllahArticles of FaithIslamic jurisprudenceibn ʿĀshūrIslamic lawManẓūm ibn ʿĀshur (Ibn ʿĀshur's Poems)Manuscript