Unikernels: the next stage of Linux’s dominance
Accepted manuscript
Raza, Ali
Sohal, Parul
Cadden, James
Appavoo, Jonathan
Drepper, Ulrich
Jones, Richard
Krieger, Orran
Mancuso, Renato
Woodman, Larry
Accepted manuscript
OA Version
Ali Raza, Parul Sohal, James Cadden, Jonathan Appavoo, Ulrich Drepper, Richard Jones, Orran Krieger, Renato Mancuso, Larry Woodman. 2019. "Unikernels: The Next Stage of Linux’s Dominance." HotOS '19 Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems. HotOS XVII : The 17th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems. University of Bertinoro, Italy, 2019-05-12 - 2019-05-15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3317550.3321445
Unikernels have demonstrated enormous advantages over Linux in many important domains, causing some to propose that the days of Linux's dominance may be coming to an end. On the contrary, we believe that unikernels' advantages represent the next natural evolution for Linux, as it can adopt the best ideas from the unikernel approach and, along with its battle-tested codebase and large open source community, continue to dominate. In this paper, we posit that an upstreamable unikernel target is achievable from the Linux kernel, and, through an early Linux unikernel prototype, demonstrate that some simple changes can bring dramatic performance advantages.
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