Meter networks: a categorical framework for metrical analysis

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Accepted manuscript
Popoff, Alexandre
Yust, Jason
Accepted manuscript
OA Version
Alexandre Popoff, Jason Yust. "Meter networks: a categorical framework for metrical analysis." Journal of Mathematics and Music, pp. 1 - 22.
This paper develops a framework based on category theory which unifies the simultaneous consideration of timepoints, metrical relations, and meter inclusion founded on the category Rel of sets and binary relations. Metrical relations are defined as binary relations on the set of timepoints, and the subsequent use of the monoid they generate and of the corresponding functor to Rel allows us to define meter networks, i.e. networks of timepoints (or sets of timepoints) related by metrical relations. We compare this to existing theories of metrical conflict, such as those of Harald Krebs and Richard Cohn, and illustrate that these tools help to more effectively combine displacement and grouping dissonance and reflect analytical claims concerning nineteenth-century examples of complex hemiola and twentieth-century polymeter. We show that meter networks can be transformed into each other through meter network morphisms, which allows us to describe both meter displacements and meter inclusions. These networks are applied to various examples from the nineteenth and twentieth century.