Multileveled rhythmic structure of ragtime
Accepted manuscript
Yust, Jason
Kirlin, Phillip B.
Accepted manuscript
OA Version
J. Yust, P. Kirlin. 2021. "Multileveled rhythmic structure of ragtime." HCII International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Online (Washington DC), 2021-07-24 - 2021-07-29.
Syncopation in ragtime music has been defined in multiple ways. In this study we propose a method using the Hadamard transform. We extract four-measure phrases from a corpus of ragtime pieces by Scott Joplin, James Scott, and Joseph Lamb, and convert them to 32-element binary onset vectors. The Hadamard transform converts this to another 32-element vector that can be interpreted as representing syncopation at various metrical levels. This method is closely related to a similar application of the discrete Fourier transform. Using the Hadamard representation, we show that syncopation is strongest at the quarter-note level, and that tresillo-like rhythms are especially characteristic of the genre. We identify a number of significant differences based on the position of a phrase in a sixteen-measure strain, the position of the strain in the rag, and the composer. The Hadamard representation also facilitates discovery of relationship between different levels of rhythmic organization.