Visual navigation with a 2-pixel camera -- possibilities and limitations

arXiv_3625485.pdf(522.26 KB)
First author draft
Baillieul, John
Kang, Feiyang
First author draft
OA Version
J. Baillieul, F. Kang. 2020. "Visual Navigation with a 2-pixel Camera -- Possibilities and Limitations." IFAC papers online. 21st IFAC World Congress. Berlin (Virtually), 2020-07-12 - 2020-07-17.
Borrowing terminology from fluid mechanics, the concepts of {\em Eulerian} and {\em Lagrangian optical flow sensing} are introduced. Eulerian optical flow sensing assumes that each photoreceptor in the camera or eye can instantaneously detect feature image points and their velocities on the retina. If this assumption is satisfied, even a two pixel imaging system can provide a moving agent with information about its movement along a corridor that is sufficiently precise as to be used as a robustly reliable steering signal. Implementing Eulerian optical flow sensing poses significant challenges, however. Lagrangian optical flow, on the other hand, tracks feature image points as they move on the retina. This form of visual sensing is the basis for many standard computer vision implementations, including Lukas-Kanade and Horn-Schunck. Lagrangian optical flow has its own challenges, not least of which is that it is badly confounded by rotational components of motion. Combined steering and sensing strategies for mitigating the effects of rotational motions are considered.
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