Price and production policy of the United Shoe Machinery Corporation

Jerzyk, Leo C.
OA Version
It is the purpose of this thesis to present and analyze those aspects of the organization, manufacturing and marketing activities of the United Shoe Machinery Corporation, together with the character and extent of its competition, which have a bearing on its price and production polic.y. Since the activities of the United Shoe Machinery Corporation in a very large part determine the structure: of the shoe machinery industry, it is hoped that this thesis will make some contribution towards an understanding of that industry, especially as an example of the setting for the operation of a fairly advanced form of monopoly. The main objectives of the production policy of the United Shoe Machinery Corporation are the manufacture and distribution of a full line of shoe machinery and accessories, and the production of a large stock of spare parts to replace those which are worn out, broken, or lost in its machines leased out to shoe factories. These objectives, as well as those of its price policy, are aided immeasurably by the maintenance of a large research division, which not only develops new machinery and improvements, but also provides the means whereby the United Shoe Machinery Corporation. can secure extensive patent protection for its existing machinery, much of which is quite antiquated in origin. A large and competent staff of patent attorneys are employed to work in conjunction with the research division and the operating departments of this corporation. Most interesting are the activities of the staff of roadmen employed by this corporation ostensibly to repair shoe machinery in shoe factories, but whose reports, known as OMIR's, are used as the basis for action by higher management against competitive shoe machines and competing shoe machinery companies. [TRUNCATED]
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University
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