The effect of estrogen on allogenic bone matrix grafts in female rats

Williams, Gerald S.
Hershenfield, Kenneth L.
OA Version
This experiment was devised to study the effect that estrogen levels have on allogeneic bone matrix grafts in female rats. Mid-fibular defects were created in three groups of female albino rats. 1. Ovarectomized with stilbestrol supplement. 2. Ovarectomized with no supplementation. 3. Normal, ovaries intact. Decalcification bone matrix was implanted into the defects. The grafted defects were radiographed at regular intervals. Weight changes were noted, and ash determinations were made at the completion of the study (16 weeks). Radiographically, the estrogen levels utilized in this study had no discernible effect on the allogeneic bone grafts. Animals with intact ovaries showed a slightly higher inorganic content of the graft site as calculated by ash determinations. It was also noted that although the animals with intact ovaries had lower body weights than the ovarectomized rats, the dry weight of the femurs of these animals weighed more than those of the ovarectomized groups.
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Thesis (M.Sc.D.)--Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry, 1974. Periodontics.
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