Differential roles of inflammatory cells in induced osteogenesis

Lazzara, Richard J.
OA Version
Forty-four male CD Sp rague Dawley rats with body weights ranging from 270-500 grams were used in this several day study. The animals were divided into four groups. All rats were injected with .25 cc sterile turpentine against the periosteum overlying the calvaria. Ten rats were pretreated with 25 units of Cobra Venom Factor(CVF) with blood samples taken prior to CVF injection and a: 3-1/2, 5, and 7 day intervals for C'3 determinations. Nine rats were pretreated with 10mg/5 gm. body weight of Carrageenan which was repeated at 3-1/2 days. Twelve rats were pretreated with an 800 Rad dose of radiation and blood samples were taken on day 0, 2, and 7. Thirteen rats served as controls, receiving only the turpentine injections. Calvarial new bone formation in response to the turpentine granulomata was measured using projection microscopy and was corrected to account for differences in body weights. Differences between the four groups were measured using the Scheffe test. Results obtained showed no significant difference between the control and CVF group, but the Carrageenan and radiation groups showed significantly less bone formation. Possible reasons are discussed.
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Thesis (M.Sc.D)--Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry, Dept. of Periodontology, 1976.
Includes bibliography
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