Senior Recital by Steven Tamkin, tenor assisted by Myron Press, piano, May 10, 1964
School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Senior Recital by Steven Tamkin, tenor assisted by Myron Press, piano performance on Sunday, May 10, 1964 at 8:30 p.m., at Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Semplicetto! a donna credi? by George Frideric Handel, Fidelity by Franz Joseph, She Never Told Her Love by F. J. Haydn, Sailor's Song by by F. J. Haydn, Am Sonntag Morgen by Johannes Brahms, Minnelied by J. Brahms, Feldeinsamkeit by J. Brahms, O liebliche Wangen by J. Brahms, Recitative and Aria of Prince Vladmir by Alexander Borodin, Mai by Reynaldo Hahn, Paysage by R. Hahn, Stornellatrice by Ottorino Respighi, Reflessi by Francesco Santoliquido, Songs of Travel by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Con amores, la mi madre... by Fernando Obradors, Dos cantares populares by F. Obradors, and Coplas de Curro Dulce by F. Obradors. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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