Evening of Song Recital, February 4, 1997

School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Evening of Song Recital on Tuesday, February 4, 1997 at 6:00 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were The Sally Gardens by Benjamin Britten, Mandoline, from "Cinq mélodies de Venise," Op. 58 by Gabriel Fauré, Les Roses d'Ispahan, Op. 39 No. 4 by G. Fauré, Seligkeit by Franz Schubert, Auf dem Wasser zi Singen, Op. 72 by F. Schubert, Die Männer and Méchant by F. Schubert, Vieni Vieni by Antonio Vivaldi, Verdi Prati, from "Alcina" by George Frideric Handel, As When the Dove, from "Acis and Galatea" by G. F. Handel, Ombra Mai Fu, from "Xerxes" by G. F. Handel, Stille Amare, from "Tolomeo" by G. F. Handel, Bel Piacere, from "Agrippina" by G. F. Handel, Die Bekehrte by Hugo Wolf, Die Spröde by H. Wolf, Agnes by H. Wolf, "Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht," "Gieng heut' Morgen über's Feld," and "Die zwei blauen Augen" from "Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen" by Gustav Mahler, Romance by Claude Debussy, An die Musik, Op. 88 No. 4 by F. Schubert, Verborgenheit by H. Wolf, Recit. Oh, worse than death indeed! and Aria. Angels, ever bright from "Theodora" by G. F. Handel, Chandon d'avril by Georges Bizet, Amorisi miei giorni by Stefano Donaudy, Sérénade Florentine by Henri Duparc, Le Manoir de Rosemond by H. Duparc, Phidylé by H. Duparc, and I Hate Music! (A Cycle of 5 Kid Songs for Piano) by Leonard Bernstein. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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