Not in it alone: a program to decrease loneliness in community-dwelling older adults
OA Version
Loneliness is a pressing issue effecting affecting many older adults that has far reaching implications for health and wellness (Collins et al., 2020). A literature review by this author was conducted to determine if there are interventions that are effective for decreasing loneliness in retired older adults. This literature review provided mixed results. Some studies showed improvements in quality of life but not change in loneliness. Others showed efficacy at addressing social isolation but not in degree of loneliness. The most effective interventions used cognitive behavior therapy, involved groups, had an established theoretical foundation and included multiple components (Smallfield & Molitor, 2018; Gardiner et al., 2018). This paper will address the underlying factors that contribute to loneliness and the current research on effective interventions to address loneliness. It will go on to offer a new evidence-and-theory-based intervention to address loneliness for retired older adults within the community setting.
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