Inverse scattering for reflection intensity phase microscopy

1912.07709.pdf(3.94 MB)
Accepted manuscript
Matlock, Alex
Sentenac, Anne
Chaumet, Patrick C.
Yi, Ji
Tian, Lei
OA Version
Accepted manuscript
Alex Matlock, Anne Sentenac, Patrick C Chaumet, Ji Yi, Lei Tian. 2020. "Inverse scattering for reflection intensity phase microscopy." Biomedical Optics Express, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 911 - 926.
Reflection phase imaging provides label-free, high-resolution characterization of biological samples, typically using interferometric-based techniques. Here, we investigate reflection phase microscopy from intensity-only measurements under diverse illumination. We evaluate the forward and inverse scattering model based on the first Born approximation for imaging scattering objects above a glass slide. Under this design, the measured field combines linear forward-scattering and height-dependent nonlinear back-scattering from the object that complicates object phase recovery. Using only the forward-scattering, we derive a linear inverse scattering model and evaluate this model's validity range in simulation and experiment using a standard reflection microscope modified with a programmable light source. Our method provides enhanced contrast of thin, weakly scattering samples that complement transmission techniques. This model provides a promising development for creating simplified intensity-based reflection quantitative phase imaging systems easily adoptable for biological research.
Copyright 2020 Optical Society of America. The final author draft of this article is being made available in OpenBU under Boston University's open access policy.