The Influence of a Hospitable Healthcare Environment on Patient Emotions and Behavioral Responses
Accepted manuscript
Suess, Courtney
Mody, Makarand
OA Version
C Suess, M Mody. "The Influence of a Hospitable Healthcare Environment on Patient Emotions and Behavioral Responses." 2017 Annual I-CHRIE Summer Conference & Marketplace. Baltimore, 2017-07-26 - 2017-07-28
A structural model is proposed and empirically examined that investigates the influence of a medical center’s environment on patient responses. A stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) model, often used to frame hospitality service research, is adapted as the basis of the theory that elements included in a healthcare Servicescape will affect emotional responses of patients, which in turn influence their overall satisfaction with experience and likelihood to return, recommend to others, and willingness to pay higher out of pocket expenses behavioral intentions. Analyzed elements of the Servicescape include physical design, layout, atmospherics, and service delivery.