Boston University Collegium Musicum, December 16, 1994
School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Boston University Collegium Musicum performance on Friday, December 16, 1994 at 8:00 p.m., at the Boston University Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Je ne puis vivre ainsy by Antoine Busnoys, Voi che ascoltate by Marchetto Cara, Mascherata d'astrologi by Francesco Corteccia, No tienen vado mis males by Juan del Encina, O felic' occhi miei by Jacques Arcadelt, Two recercadas on O felic' occhi miei by Diego Ortiz, Volcanes de Amor by Sebastián Durón, Chacona by Juan Arañés, La Negrina by Mateo Flecha, Dulce ruyseñor by Juan Hidalgo, Descuidado Ruiseñor by Francisco Xavier Nebra, Corazón que suspiras atento by Sebastián Durón, Ay que si, ay que no by Juan Hidalgo, "Ammutite, tacete," from Ormindo by Francesco Cavalieri, "Dagl'abissi del mio core," from Cantate, ariette e duetti, Op. 2 by Barbara Strozzi, "Quel sguardo sdegnosetto," from Scherzi Musicali by Claudio Monteverdi, and "Primo Intermedio," from La Pellegrina by Emilio de'Cavalieri and Cristofano Malvezzi. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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