Studio recital featuring the students of Richard Cassilly and Thomas Baresel, April 14, 1998
School of Music, Boston University
OA Version
This is the concert program of the Studio Recital featuring the students of Richard Cassilly and Thomas Baresel on Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 7:30 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were L'invitation au voyage by Henri Duparc, La vie antérieurè by H. Duparc, Geheimes, D. 719 by Franz Schubert, Die Forelle, D. 550 by F. Schubert, Rastlose Liebe, D. 138 by F. Schubert, Lachen und Weinen, D. 777 by F. Schubert, Il fervido desiderio from "Tre ariette" Vincenzo Bellini, O del mio amato ben by Stefano Donaudy, Mädchenlied by Johannes Brahms, Über allen Gipfeln by F. Schubert, Ich hab' in deinem Auge by Clara Schumann, Le Bestiaire by Francis Poulenc, Liebestreu from "Six Songs," Op. 3 by J. Brahms, Muss es eine Trennung geben by J. Brahms, Frühlingsglaube, D. 686 by F. Schubert, Villanelle, Le spectre de la rose, and L'absence from "Les nuits d'été," Op. 7 by Hector Berlioz, Med en vandlilje from "Sex digte" by Edvard Grieg, After Sunset by Louis Campbell-Tipton, Auch kleine Dinge by Hugo Wolf, Die Post from "Winterreise," D. 911 by F. Schubert, and Who wrote this fiendish Rite of Spring by Henry Cowell. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund.
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